摘要: 基于37个形态学、解剖学、孢粉学和细胞学性状及解剖学性状之外的28个形态学、孢粉学和细胞学性状,分别对石蒜属进行分支系统学分析,试图建立石蒜属种间的系统发育关系。利用PAUP*软件分别构建了最大简约树(MP),所得树的拓扑结构是一致的。同时,基于解剖学9个性状,对石蒜、换锦花、忽地笑、江苏石蒜、长筒石蒜、乳白石蒜、夏水仙、红兰石蒜、安徽石蒜、短蕊石蒜、中国石蒜11个种进行系统发育树构建,其结果也是支持上述系统发育树的。系统发育树结构结果表明,石蒜属16种明显聚为两大类:石蒜、玫瑰石蒜、稻草石蒜和江苏石蒜;广西石蒜、红兰石蒜、换锦花、香石蒜、夏水仙、长筒石蒜、安徽石蒜、中国石蒜、忽地笑、乳白石蒜、短蕊石蒜和陕西石蒜。除换锦花、红兰石蒜及江苏石蒜系统发育位置不同之外,大类群的划分与RAPD指纹图谱基本一致。类群一均属于石蒜亚属(Lycoris亚属)。类群二又可以聚为两小类:广西石蒜、红兰石蒜、换锦花、香石蒜、夏水仙归为一类;长筒石蒜、安徽石蒜、中国石蒜、忽地笑、乳白石蒜、短蕊石蒜和陕西石蒜归为一类。前一子类群除广西石蒜外,都属于整齐花亚属(Symman thus亚属)。后一子类群除长筒石蒜与安徽石蒜外,均属于石蒜亚属(Lycoris亚属)。因此,花冠整齐与否是一个重要的分类特征,但作为石蒜属植物亚属的划分依据,没有得到本研究支持。而在本文中,雄蕊与花被片的位置关系可以作为大分类群划分依据,能否依此来对石蒜属植物亚属进行划分,仍需探讨。另外研究表明叶微形态特征在研究种间亲缘关系时,具有一定的作用。而在种间亲缘关系鉴定时,出叶期不应成为重要的依据。同时研究还表明中国石蒜与忽地笑具有非常近的亲缘关系,与形态学研究一致。
关键词: 石蒜属, 分支分析, 系统发育, PAUP*软件
Abstract: Cladistic analysis of the morphological, anatomical, pollen morphological and cytological relationship of 16 species of Lycoris(Amaryllidaceae) was carried out with attempt to have a better understanding of the phylogeny of Lycoris.Thirty-seven morphological, anatomical, pollen morphological and cytological characters were selected and used in the maximum parsimony(MP) tree construction executed with PAUP* program.Twenty-eight morphological, pollen morphological and cytological characters were also selected to construct MP trees.The topologies of the trees obtained were largely in congruence.In the same way, MP trees were constructed using 9 morphological characters to study the relationship of 11 species of Lycoris(Amaryllidaceae).They were L. radiata, L.×houdyshelii, L.×haywardi, L. sprengeri, L. squamigera, L. longituba, L. anhuiensis, L. chinensis, L. aurea, L.×abiflora.The result was the same as before.It was indicated that the 16 species of the genus Lycoris were divided into two groups, and four species of the genus which belonged to Lycoris subgenus including L. radiata, L.×rosea, L.×straminea and L.×houdyshelii were clustered together respectively.The others were clustered together respectively.They were L.guangxiensis, L.×haywardi, L. sprengeri, L. incarnata, L. squamigera, L. longituba, L. anhuiensis, L. chinensis, L. aurea, L.×abiflora, L.caldwellii and L.shaanxiensis.The classification was basically consistent with the fingerprints of Lycoris on RAPD except L. sprengeri, L. incarnata and L.×houdyshelii.The latter group was also divided into two subgroups.L.guangxiensis, L.×haywardi, L. sprengeri, L. incarnata and L. squamigera were clustered together respectively, whose flowers were actinomorphic except L.guangxiensis.The others including L. longituba, L. anhuiensis, L. chinensis, L. aurea, L.×abiflora, L.caldwellii and L.shaanxiensis were clustered together respectively, whose flowers were zygomorphic except L. longituba and L. anhuiensis.Therefore, whether corolla was in order or not was an important classification character, but that which was considered as the character for subgenus classification was not supported in this paper.However, the position relation of the stamen and perianth slice can be used as the character for large group division, whether which could be as the basic feature for subgenus division still needed to be studied.The result also showed that leaf micro-morphological characteristics were useful for considering the inter-species relationship on Lycoris, and the period of leaves growing was not importance of considering that.The closest relationship was between L. chinensis and L. aurea, which were consistent with morphological study.
Key words: Lycoris, cladistic analysis, phylogeny, PAUP* program
豆科植物系统学研究新进展New Advances in Legume Systematics
网址: 石蒜属植物分支系统学分析 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview646800.html
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