首页 > 分享 > 增温对毛乌素沙地黑沙蒿和赖草凋落叶混合分解的调控具有时间依赖性


摘要: 气候变暖通过改变植物凋落物产量、质量以及分解者组成和活动来影响分解过程,从而调控生态系统的物质循环。在干旱、半干旱区,气候变暖对混合凋落物分解的影响仍不清楚。本研究利用开顶式增温箱和分解袋法,分析毛乌素沙地黑沙蒿和赖草混合凋落物在450 d分解过程中质量损失和养分的动态变化。结果表明: 凋落叶对增温的响应存在种间差异,增温促进了赖草凋落叶的质量损失和N、P释放,抑制了黑沙蒿凋落叶的质量损失、P释放,但促进了N释放。黑沙蒿和赖草凋落叶混合会抑制分解,增温加强了混合分解的拮抗效应,使混合凋落叶总质量损失减少9%,N和P释放量分别减少4.9%和12.6%。增温处理下混合凋落物质量损失和P释放的拮抗效应随时间逐渐加强,分解150 d时N释放从协同变为拮抗效应。黑沙蒿和赖草凋落叶混合分解产生的非加性效应受温度和时间共同调控,未来的混合凋落物分解研究应该考虑温度和时间的交互作用。

关键词: 增温, 混合, 凋落物, 非加性效应

Abstract: Warming drives material cycling in terrestrial ecosystems by affecting litter decomposition, as it can alter litter yield, quality and decomposer composition and activity. The effect of warming on the decomposition of mixed litter in arid and semi-arid zones remains unknown. We investigated the mass loss and nutrient release dynamics during 450 days of decomposition of Artemisia ordosica, Leymus secalinus, and their mixture in Mu Us Desert by open-top chambers and litter bags. The results showed interspecific differences in the responses to warming, in that warming promoted mass loss and N and P release from L. secalinus and inhibited mass loss and P but promoting N release from A. ordosica. Mixing of A. ordosica and L. secalinus litter inhibited decomposition. Warming enhanced the antagonistic effects of mixed decomposition. The total mass loss of mixed litter was decreased by 9%, and the release of N and P was decreased by 4.9% and 12.6%, respectively. The antagonistic effects of mixed litter mass loss and P release under the warming treatment gradually strengthened with time, with N release changing from a synergistic to an antagonistic effect at 150 d. The non-additive effects produced by the mixed decomposition of A. ordosica and L. secalinus litter were jointly regulated by temperature and time. Future research on mixed litter decomposition should consider the interaction between temperature and time.

Key words: warming, mixing, litter, non-additive effect


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网址: 增温对毛乌素沙地黑沙蒿和赖草凋落叶混合分解的调控具有时间依赖性 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview655847.html

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