Australia: Golden Wattle(金合欢)
Acacia pycnantha, commonly known as the golden wattle, is a tree of the family Mimosaceae native to southeastern Australia.
Canada: maple leaf(枫叶)
The characteristic leaf of the maple tree, and is the most widely recognized national symbol of Canada.
England: Tudor Rose(都铎玫瑰)
The Tudor rose is the traditional floral heraldic emblem of England and takes its name and origins from the Tudor dynasty.
France: iris(鸢尾花)
The iris has been associated with France as Louis VII adopted it as a symbol in the 12th Century.
Germany: cornflower(矢车菊)
The blue cornflower was one of the national symbols of Germany. The flower thus became identified with Prussia, not least because it was the same color as the Prussian military uniform.
India: lotus(莲花)
Nelumbo nucifera, also known as Indian lotus, sacred lotus, bean of India, or simply lotus, is the national flower of India.
Ireland: shamrock(三叶草)
A shamrock is a young sprig of clover, used as a symbol of Ireland. Saint Patrick, Ireland's patron saint, is said to have used it as a metaphor for the Christian Trinity.
Italy: Lily(百何)
White Lily shows the love for values, beliefs and customs of the Italians.
Korea: Rose of Sharon(木槿花)
Rose of Sharon is the national flower of South Korea. "The Land of Wisemen is spread for 1,000 li where mugungwha flowers bloom plentifully"(君子之国,地方千里,多木槿之华)
Poland: red poppy(虞美人)
Corn Poppy or Red Poppy, a flower with vivid red four petals, most commonly with a black spot at their base, is the national flower of Poland.
Russia: chamomile(洋甘菊)
Chamomile (or camomile), a member of the daisy family Aromatic, Fruity, Floral fragrance, is the national flower of Russia.
Spain: carnation(康乃馨)
Carnation is the national flower of Spain. For the most part, carnations express love, fascination, and distinction, though there are many variations dependent on colour.
Turkey: tulip(郁金香)
Tulip or in Botany Tulipa, derived from the Turkish word tulbend or turban, which the flower resembles, is the national flower of Turkey.
United States: rose(玫瑰)
Roses for the longest time have enjoyed the honor of being the most popular flowers in the world. The rose was designated the official flower and floral emblem of the United States of America in 1986.
世界上最美的花 世界十大名花
世界十大名花 世界上最有吸引力的花*
网址: 春暖花开,你可知这14种世界名花? https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview664988.html
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