花芳,女,研究员。主要从事肿瘤分子药理研究。主持或作为分课题负责人承担包括国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金、协和青年基金等科研项目。作为主要骨干参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、“十一五”国家重大新药创制项目、973项目以及协和创新工程等重大课题研究。累计发表论文60余篇, 其中SCI论文46篇(总IF=327.8)。以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表论文23篇,其中SCI收录论文14篇,这些成果先后发表在Gastroenterology, Nature Communications,Autophagy,Oncogene,Journal of Cell Science, Cancer Letters等国际专业期刊,总影响因子76.8。参编专著10部,其中包括英文论著2部。申请国家发明专利10余项,获授权2项。获2016年度第二十届“中国药理学会-施维雅青年药理学工作者奖”、2016年度教育部自然科学奖二等奖(排名第二)、2016年度中华医学科技奖三等奖(排名第二)、2016年度北京市科学技术奖三等奖(排名第二),以及多个院所级科研奖励。
· 2000.9-2005.7,中国医学科学院 &北京协和医学院,基础医学研究所,生物化学与分子生物学,理学博士,导师:袁建刚教授。
· 1995.9-2000.7, 复旦大学上海医学院(原上海医科大学),临床医学专业,医学学士。
· 2017.12-2019.3,美国密歇根大学医学院,外科及免疫系,访问,邹伟平实验室
· 2018.11-今,中国医学科学院药物研究所,药理室,研究员,胡卓伟课题组
· 2014.9-2018.11,中国医学科学院药物研究所,药理室,副研究员,胡卓伟课题组
· 2005.8-2014.9,中国医学科学院药物研究所,药理室,助理研究员,胡卓伟课题组
1. 肿瘤代谢、肿瘤微环境在肿瘤发生、发展中的作用和机制;
2. 蛋白翻译后修饰在连接肿瘤代谢和肿瘤生物学特性维持中的作用和机制
3. 肿瘤治疗新靶点发现和确认,以及在此基础上抗肿瘤药物开发。
1. Yu JJ, Zhou DD, Cui B, Zhang C, Tan FW, Chang S, Li K, Lv XX, Zhang XW, Shang S, Xiang YJ, Chen F, Yu JM, Liu SS, Wang F, Hu ZW*, Hua F*. Disruption of the EGFR-SQSTM1 interaction by a stapled peptide suppresses lung cancer via activating autophagy and inhibiting EGFR signaling. Cancer Lett. 474:23-35, 2020. (IF: 6.508)
2. Hua F, Shang S, Yang YW, Zhang HZ, Xu TL, Yu JJ, Zhou DD, Cui B, Li K, Lv XX, Zhang XW, Liu SS, Yu JM, Wang F, Zhang C, Huang B, Hu ZW*. TRIB3 Interacts with Beta-catenin and TCF4 to Increase Stem Cell Features of Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells and Tumorigenesis. Gastroenterology. 156(3):708-721, 2019. (IF: 20.77)
3. Hua F, Li K, Shang S, Wang F, Hu Z. Immune Signaling and Autophagy Regulation. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1206:551-593, 2019. (IF: 2.126)
4. Li K, Zhang TT, Wang F, Cui B, Zhao CX, Yu JJ, Lv XX, Zhang XW, Yang ZN, Huang B, Li X, Hua F*, Hu ZW*. Metformin suppresses melanoma progression by inhibiting KAT5-mediated SMAD3 acetylation, transcriptional activity and TRIB3 expression. Oncogene. 37(22):2967-2981, 2018 (Corresponding author) (IF: 6.854)
5. Hua F, Shang S, Hu ZW*. Seeking new anti-cancer agents from autophagy-regulating natural products. J Asian Nat Prod Res. 19:305-313, 2017. (IF: 1.091)
6. Shang S, Hua F, Hu ZW*. The regulation of β-catenin activity and function in cancer: therapeutic opportunities. Oncotarget. 8:33972-33989, 2017 (Contributed equally) (IF: 5.168)
7. Hua F, Yu JJ, Hu ZW*. Diabetes and cancer, common threads and missing links. Cancer Lett, 374:54-61, 2016. (6.375)
8. Hua F, Li K, Yu JJ, Lv XX, Yan J, Zhang XW, Sun W, Lin H, Shang S, Wang F, Cui B, Mu R, Huang B, Jiang JD, Hu ZW*. TRB3 links insulin/IGF to tumour promotion by interacting with p62 and impeding autophagic/proteasomal degradation functions. Nature Commun., 6:7951, 2015. (11.329)
9. Hua F, Li K, Yu JJ, Hu ZW*. The TRIB3-SQSTM1 interaction mediates metabolic stress-promoted tumorigenesis and progression via suppressing autophagic and proteasomal degradation. Autophagy, 11:1929-1931, 2015. (9.108)
10. Hua F, Hu ZW*. TRIB3-P62 interaction, diabetes and autophagy. Oncotarget. 6:34061-34062, 2015. (5.008)
11. Hua F, Shi MJ, Zhu XL, Li M, Wang HX, Yu XM, Li Y, Zhu CJ*. Transport and uptake of clausenamide enantiomers in CYP3A4-transfected Caco-2 cells: An insight into the efflux-metabolism alliance. Biochem Pharmacol. 98:224-230, 2015. (IF: 5.091)
12. Yan J, Hua F, Liu HZ, Yang HZ, Hu ZW*. Simultaneous TLR2 inhibition and TLR9 activation synergistically suppress tumor metastasis in mice. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 33:503-512, 2012. (Contributed equally) (2.354)
13. Hua F, Mu R, Liu JW, Xue JF, Wang ZY, Lin H, Yang HZ, Chen XG, Hu ZW*. TRB3 interacts with SMAD3 promoting tumor cell migration and invasion. J Cell Sci, 124:3235-3246, 2011. (IF: 6.111)
14. Hua F, Zhou JL, Liu JW, Zhu CJ, Cui B, Lin H, Liu YY, Jin W, Yang HZ, Hu ZW*. Glycogen synthase kinase-3b negatively regulates TGF-β1 and Angiotensin II-mediated cellular activity through interaction with Smad3. Eur J Pharmacol, 644:17-23, 2010. (IF: 2.737)
15. Yu JM, Sun W, Wang ZH, Liang X, Hua F, Li K, Lv XX, Zhang XW, Liu YY, Yu JJ, Liu SS, Shang S, Wang F, Yang ZN, Zhao CX, Hou XY, Li PP, Huang B, Cui B*, Hu ZW*. TRIB3 Supports Breast Cancer Stemness by Suppressing FOXO1 Degradation and Enhancing SOX2 Transcription. Nat Commun 10:5720, 2019. (IF: 11.878)
16. Liu SS, Lv XX, Liu C, Qi J, Li YX, Wei XP, Li K, Hua F, Cui B, Zhang XW, Yu JJ, Yu JM, Wang F, Shang S, Zhao CX, Hou XY, Yao ZG, Li PP, Li X, Huang B, Hu ZW. Targeting Degradation of the Transcription Factor C/EBPβ Reduces Lung Fibrosis by Restoring Activity of the Ubiquitin-Editing Enzyme A20 in Macrophages. Immunity 51:522-534, 2019. (IF: 21.52)
17. Zhang XW, Zhou JC, Peng D, Hua F, Li K, Yu JJ, Lv XX, Cui B, Liu SS, Yu JM, Wang F, Jin CC, Yang ZN, Zhao CX, Hou XY, Huang B, Hu ZW*. Disrupting the TRIB3-SQSTM1 interaction reduces liver fibrosis by restoring autophagy and suppressing exosome-mediated HSC activation. Autophagy. 2019 9:1-15. (IF: 11.059)
18. Liu P, Bao HY, Jin CC, Zhou JC, Hua F, Li K, Lv XX, Cui B, Hu ZW, Zhang XW*. Targeting Extracellular Heat Shock Protein 70 Ameliorates Doxorubicin-Induced Heart Failure Through Resolution of Toll-Like Receptor 2-Mediated Myocardial Inflammation. J Am Heart Assoc. 8:e012338, 2019. (IF: 4.66)
19. Li K, Zhang TT, Hua F, Hu ZW*. Metformin reduces TRIB3 expression and restores autophagy flux: an alternative antitumor action. Autophagy. 2018;14(7):1278-1279. (IF: 11.1)
20. Jin W, Cui B, Li PP, Hua F, Lv XX, Zhou JC, Hu ZW, Zhang XW*, 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 protects obese rats from metabolic syndrome via promoting regulatory T cell-mediated resolution of inflammation. Acta Pharm Sin B. 8:178-187, 2018. (IF: 5.808)
21. Cui B, Cao XT, Zou WP, Wan YH, Wang N, Wang YH, Li PP, Hua F, Liu YY, Zhang XW, Li K, Lv XX, Huang B*, Hu ZW*. Regulation of immune-related diseases by multiple factors: a meeting report of 2017 International Workshop of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Initiative for Innovative Medicine on Tumor Immunology. Acta Pharm Sin B. 7(4):532-540, 2017. (IF: 6.014)
22. Cui B, Eyers PA, Dobens LL, Tan NS, Mace PD, Link WA, Kiss-Toth E , Keeshan K, Nakamura T, Pear WS, Feseha Y, Johnston J, Carracedo A, Scheideler M, llyas Z, Bauer RC, Erusalimsky JD, Grzesik D, Salamanca-Viloria J , Lv XX, Jin YS, Li K, Velasco G, Shang S, Lizcano JM, Zhang XW, Zhou JC, Yu JJ, Hua F, Wang F, Liu SS, Yu JM, Hu ZW#. Highlights of the 2nd International Symposium on Tribbles and Diseases: Tribbles tremble in therapeutics for immunity, metabolism, fundamental cell biology and cancer. Acta Pharm Sin B. 9(2):443-454, 2017. (IF: 6.014)
23. Li K, Wang F, Cao WB, Lv XX, Hua F, Cui B, Yu JJ, Zhang XW, Shang S, Liu SS, Yu JM, Han MZ, Huang B, Zhang TT, Li X, Jiang JD, Hu ZW*. TRIB3 Promotes APL Progression through Stabilization of the Oncoprotein PML-RARα and Inhibition of p53-Mediated Senescence. Cancer Cell. 31:697-710, 2017. (IF: 22.844)
24. Xie J, Yun JP, Yang YN, Hua F, Zhang XW, Lin H, Lv XX, Li K, Zhang PC, Hu ZW*. A novel ECG analog 4-(S)-(2,4,6-trimethylthiobenzyl)-epigallocatechin gallate selectively induces apoptosis of B16-F10 melanoma via activation of autophagy and ROS. Sci Rep. 7:42194, 2017. (4.122)
25. Zhang XW, Mi S, Li Z, Zhou JC, Xie J, Hua F, Li K, Cui B, Lv XX, Yu JJ, Hu ZW*. Antagonism of Interleukin-17A ameliorates experimental hepatic fibrosis by restoring the IL-10/STAT3-suppressed autophagy in hepatocytes. Oncotarget. 8:9922-9934, 2017.
26. Klionsky DJ, …, Hua F,… Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd Edition). Autophagy, 12:1-222, 2016. (8.593)
27. Yu JM, Sun W, Hua F, Xie J, Lin H, Zhou DD, Hu ZW*. BCL6 induces EMT by promoting the ZEB1-mediated transcription repression of E-cadherin in breast cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 365:190-200, 2015. (5.992)
28. Zhu CJ*, Hua F, Zhu XL, Li M, Wang HX, Yu XM, Li Y. Stereoselective Regulation of P-gp Activity by Clausenamide Enantiomers in Caco-2, KB/KBv and Brain Microvessel Endothelial Cells. PLos One, 10:e**, 2015. (3.057)
29. Li K, Lv XX, Hua F, Lin H, Sun W, Cao WB, Fu XM, Xie J, Yu JJ, Li Z, Liu H, Han MZ, Hu ZW*. Targeting acute myeloid leukemia with a proapoptotic peptide conjugated to a toll-like receptor 2-mediated cell-penetrating peptide. Intl J Cancer, 134:692-702, 2014. (5.531)
30. Lin H, Liu XB, JJ Yu, Hua F, Hu ZW*. Antioxidant N-acetylcysteine attenuates hepatocarcinogenesis by inhibiting ROS/ER stress in TLR2 deficient mouse. PLoS One, 8:e74130, 2013 (3.534)
31. Wang ZY, Lin H, Hua F and Hu ZW*. Repairing DNA damage by XRCC6/KU70 reverses TLR4-deficiency-worsened HCC development via restoring senescence and autophagic flux. Autophagy, 9:925-7, 2013 (IF: 11.423)
32. Wang ZY, Yan J, Lin H, Hua F, Wang XX, Liu H, Lv XX, Yu JJ, Mi S, Wang JP, Hu ZW*. TLR4 activity protects against hepatocellular tumorigenesis and progression via regulating the expression of DNA repair protein Ku70. Hepatology, 57:1869-81, 2013 (IF: 11.19)
33. Liu H, Mi S, Li Z, Hua F, Hu ZW*. Interleukin 17A inhibits autophagy through activation of PIK3CA to interrupt the GSK3B-mediated degradation of BCL2 in lung epithelial cells. Autophagy, 9:730-42, 2013. (IF: 11.423)
34. Lin H, Yan J, Wang ZY, Hua F, Yu JJ, Sun W, Li K, Liu H, Yang HZ, Lv Q, Xue JF, Hu ZW*. Loss of immunity-supported senescence enhances susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinogenesis and progression in toll-like receptor 2-deficient mouse model. Hepatology, 57:171-182, 2013. (IF: 11.19)
35. Zhu CJ*, Wang LJ, Hua F, Yu XM, Zhang JT. Stereoselective excretion and first-pass metabolism of clausenamide enantiomers. Eur J Pharm Sci. 49(4):761-6, 2013. (IF: 3.005)
36. Lin H, Hua F, Hu ZW*. Autophagic flux, supported by Toll-like receptor 2 activity, defends against the carcinogenesis and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma. Autophagy, 8:1859-61, 2012. (IF: 12.042)
37. Lv Q, Wang W, Xue JF, Hua F, Mu R, Lin H, Yan J, Lv XX, Chen XG, Hu ZW*. DEDD interacts with class III PI-3-kinase to activate autophagy and attenuate epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human breast cancer. Cancer Res, 72: 3238-50, 2012. (IF: 8.65)
38. Lv Q, Hua F, Hu ZW*. DEDD, a novel tumor repressor reverses epithelial-mesenchymal transition by activating selective autophagy. Autophagy, 8:12-14, 2012. (IF: 12.042)
39. Sun W, Xie J, Lin H, Mi S, Li Z, Hua F, Hu ZW*. A combined strategy improves the solubility of aggregation-prone single-chain variable fragment antibodies. Protein Expr Purif, 83:21-29, 2012. (IF: 1.429)
40. Zhu CJ, Wang QQ, Zhou JL, Liu HZ, Hua F, Yang HZ, Hu ZW*. The mineralocorticoid receptor-p38MAPK-NFκB or ERK-Sp1 signal pathways mediate aldosterone-stimulated inflammatory and profibrotic responses in rat vascular smooth muscle cells. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 33:873-878, 2012. (IF: 2.354)
41. Yang HZ, Wang JP, Mi S, Liu HZ, Cui B, Yan HM, Yan J, Li Z, Liu H, Hua F., Lu W, Hu ZW*. TLR4 activity is required in the resolution of pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis after acute and chronic lung injury. Am J Pathol, 180: 275-292, 2012. (IF: 4.522)
42. Xue JF, Hua F, Lv Q, Lin H, Wang ZY, Yan J, Liu JW, Lv XX, Yang HZ, Hu ZW*. DEDD negatively regulates transforming growth factor-beta1 signaling by interacting with Smad3. FEBS Lett, 584: 3028-3034, 2010. (IF: 3.538)
43. Xin BM, Wang XX, Jin W, Yan HM, Cui B, Zhang XW, Hua F, Yang HZ, Hu ZW*. Activation of Toll-like receptor 9 attenuates unilateral ureteral obstruction-induced renal fibrosis. Acta pharmacol Sin, 31: 1583-1592, 2010. (IF: 1.909)
44. Yang HZ, Cui B, Liu HZ, Mi S, Yan J, Yan HM, Hua F, Lin H, Cai WF, Xie WJ, Lv XX, Wang XX, Xin BM, Zhan QM, and Hu ZW*. Blocking TLR2 activity attenuates pulmonary metastases of tumor. PloS One, 4: e6520, 2009. (IF: 4.351)
45. Yang HZ, Cui B, Liu HZ, Chen ZR, Yan HM, Hua F, Hu ZW*. Targeting TLR2 attenuates pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis by reversion of suppressive immune microenvironment. J Immunol, 182:692-702, 2009. (IF: 5.646)
46. Liu YY, Cai WF, Yang HZ, Cui B, Chen ZR, Liu HZ, Yan J, Jin W, Yan HM, Xin BM, Yuan B, Hua F, Hu ZW*. Bacillus Calmette-Guérin and TLR4 agonist prevent cardiovascular hypertrophy and fibrosis by regulating immune microenvironment. J Immunol. 180:7349-7357, 2008. (IF: 6)
47. Liu HZ, Yang HZ, Mi S, Cui B, Hua F, Hu ZW*. Toll like receptor 2 mediates bleomycin-induced acute lung injury, inflammation and fibrosis in mice. Yao Xue Xue Bao. 45:976-86, 2010.
48. 周丹丹, 余娇娇, 胡卓伟, 花芳*。TRIM25增强EGFR稳定性及信号促进肺癌发展。药学学报, 2019, 54(6): 1026-1035。
49. 杨雨薇, 尚爽, 胡卓伟, 花芳*。 赖氨酸乙酰化的研究进展及应用。 药学学报, 2019, 54(5): 778-787。
50. 周丹丹, 余娇娇, 花芳, 胡卓伟*。巨噬细胞迁移抑制因子, 连接炎症和肿瘤的关键蛋白。药学学报,2018, 53 (11): 1761-1769
51. 花芳, 胡卓伟*。形态学检测在自噬研究中的应用。药学学报, 2016, 51: 39-44.
52. 花芳,余娇娇,李珂,胡卓伟*。自噬影响衰老及老年病的研究进展。药学学报,2014, 49:764−773。
53. 花芳,薛箭飞,吕晓希,胡卓伟*。DEDD抑制Smad3活性、促进肿瘤细胞凋亡和生长停滞。药学学报,2013, 48:680−685。
54. 花芳,余娇娇,孙巍,胡卓伟*。TGF-b/Smad3信号参与介导TRB3的促肿瘤作用。中国药理学通报,2013,29:323-327。
55. 米粟, 李辙, 刘虹, 胡卓伟, 花芳* 阻断IL-17A 活化p50NF-κB 抑制小鼠肺损伤引起的肺纤维化。药学学报 2012, 47 (6): 739−744
56. 慕容,刘进稳,花芳* 稳定沉默TRB3细胞模型及TRB3启动子报告基因的建立。中国药科大学学报 2012, 43(2): 182-186
57. 刘进稳,慕容,花芳* TRB3在肾纤维化中的表达及其与上皮-间叶转化的关系。中国药理学通报 2012, 28(3): 407-411
58. 解静,张晓伟,花芳,胡卓伟*。自噬活性物质筛选系统研究进展。药学学报, 2016, 51(1): 52-58.
59. 余娇娇, 花芳, 胡卓伟*。糖尿病促进肿瘤发生发展的研究进展。药学学报,2016, 51: 1017 −1024。
60. 孙巍,林珩,花芳,胡卓伟*。优化宿主菌在重组系统中构建大容量天然噬菌体抗体库。药学学报,2013, 48 (1): 66−70。
61. 李珂,花芳,吕晓希,余娇娇,胡卓伟*。Toll样受体2特异性配基细胞筛选模型的构建及TLR2配基多肽的鉴定。药学学报,2013, 48 (5): 694−699。
62. 孙巍,林珩,花芳,胡卓伟*。治疗性抗体:炎性疾病的新选择。药学学报,2012, 47:1306-1316。
63. 付小明,花芳,胡卓伟*。细胞衰老与衰老相关性疾病。生理科学进展,2012, 43(5): 376-380。
1. Fang Hua, Ke Li, Shuang Shang, Feng Wang, Zhuowei Hu. “Immune Signaling and Autophagy Regulation” Chapter 26, Autophagy: Biology and Disease. Springer, Science Press Beijing, pp 551-593, 2019.
2. 花芳,李珂,胡卓伟:免疫信号与自噬调控。秦正红编著:自噬——生物学与疾病×基础卷,第二版。北京,科学出版社,pp 176-197,中国,2015
3. 花芳,胡卓伟,代谢相关疾病的分子机理及治疗学进展,应用分子药理学(第二版),王晓良,中国协和医科大学出版社,pp 351-382,中国,2015
4. Qi Lv,Fang Hua,Zhuo-Wei Hu,Use of the Tumor Repressor DEDD as a Prognostic Marker of Cancer Metastasis,Cancer Cell Signaling Methods and Protocols Second Edition, Martha Robles-Flores, Humana Press, pp 197-222, UK, 2014
5. 胡卓伟,花芳,吕晓希,流式细胞技术在分子免疫药理学研究中的应用,药理学研究的新技术与新方法,陈晓光;朱海波, 中国协和医科大学出版社, pp 210-240, 中国,2014/3
6. 胡卓伟,花芳,林珩,王子艳,基因组学、蛋白质组学在器官纤维化中的应用,现代药理实验方法, 张均田;杜冠华,中国协和医科大学出版社, pp 1942-1964, 中国, 2012/7
7. 花芳,胡卓伟,评价器官纤维化的形态学方法,现代药理实验方法, 张均田;杜冠华, 中国协和医科大学出版社, pp 2045-2058, 中国, 2012/7
8. 胡卓伟,花芳,陈志蓉,肝纤维化实验方法和技术,现代药理实验方法, 张均田;杜冠华, 中国协和医科大学出版社, pp 1992-2000, 中国, 2012/7
9. 花芳,林珩,王子艳,胡卓伟,基因组学、蛋白质组学在器官纤维化中的应用,现代药理实验方法, 张均田,杜冠华,中国协和医科大学出版社, pp 1942-1961, 中国, 2012/7
10. 花芳,袁建刚,第2章 基因组结构,基因组2——生命科学名著,袁建刚,科学出版社,中国,2006/6 (译著)
1. 胡卓伟,花芳,尚爽。一种基于阻断PD-1/PD-L1的抗肿瘤药物组合物及其应用。4.7
2. 胡卓伟,花芳,尚爽。靶向抑制Wnt/b-Catenin信号活性的多肽及其用途。5.9.
3. 胡卓伟,花芳,余娇娇,崔冰,周丹丹。一种多肽在制备治疗和预防肿瘤的药物中的应用。20**
4. 胡卓伟,花芳,李珂,杨潇骁,余娇娇,尚爽,李博。一类订书肽化合物及其药物组合物的用途。CN20**
5. 胡卓伟,李珂,花芳,吕晓希,余娇娇。与TRB3蛋白特异性结合的多肽,其筛选方法、鉴定和用途。7.9;PCT/CN2014/092516
6. 胡卓伟,花芳,李珂,一种多肽及其在制备治疗和预防肿瘤的药物中的应用。7.5
7. 胡卓伟,林珩,刘晓波,李珂,花芳。一种多肽或其衍生物在预防和/或治疗高血压性心肌肥厚中的应用。0.7
8. 胡卓伟,刘玉英,蔡文锋,陈志蓉,王青青,辛冰牧,闫慧敏,林珩,金文,花芳,苑宾。卡介苗预防和逆转心血管组织肥厚和纤维化。ZL 2006 1 **.X
9. 胡卓伟,王晓星,吕晓希,花芳,杨红振。Toll样受体5激动剂stFla抗肺纤维化的用途, 7.6
10. 胡卓伟,杨红振,王佳平,刘含智,花芳。Toll样受体4激动剂CRX-675抗肺纤维化的用途,ZL 2010 1 **.1。
11. 花芳,彭鲲鹏, 彭小忠, 袁建刚,强伯勤。人亲环素A蛋白对神经细胞分化的影响及应用,08,
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