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食用向日葵新品种SK6382 选育报告



食用向日葵SK6382为甘肃省酒泉市安达种业有限责任公司以AD904R为父本,96A2为母本,选育而成的三系配套向日葵新品种。2012 — 2013年甘肃省多点区域试验中,SK6382折合平均产量3 867.0 kg/hm2,较对照LD5009增产2.71%。生育期105~109 d,株高155~171 cm,茎粗2.85 cm,平均叶片数29.8片,花盘直径平均 20.4 cm,结实率79.4%,百粒重14.89 g,出仁率50.1%。适宜在甘肃省沿黄灌区、陇东河谷灌区、河西灌区等有效积温 2 500 ℃以上,或河东海拔1 800 m以下山塬、旱地年降水量在450 mm以上或有补灌条件的区域种植。

[Key word]


SK6382 was a new edible sunflower variety bred by AD904R as male parent, 96A2 as female parent using three line in Jiuquan Anda Seed Co . Ltd . of Gansu province . In 2012 — 2013, the average yield was 3 867 kg/hm2 and 2.71% higher than of the check LD5009 in Gansu province more regional trial. In 2013, the average yield of 3 987 kg/hm2 and 5.5% higher than of the check LD5009 in the production test, ranking the third varieties. The results showed that Growth period was 105 ~ 109 days, height was 155 ~ 171 cm, the stem diameter was 2.85 cm, the average number of leaves was 29.8, disk diameter was 20.4 cm, seed rate was 79.4%, 100 seed weight was 14.89 g, kernel rate was 50.1%. It is suitable to plant in the region of the effective accumulated temperature above 2 500 ℃ of along the Yellow River irrigation area in Gansu province, River Valley irrigated area in Longdong, and Hexi irrigated area, or below 1 800 m above sea level, annual precipitation is more than 450 mm of the mountain plateau and dry land, or other Supplementary irrigation area .





网址: 食用向日葵新品种SK6382 选育报告 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview683881.html

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