文章导航 > 中国生态农业学报(中英文) > 2002 > 10(2) : 53-55.
陈洁敏, 赵九洲, 王义庆, 王爱华, 陈东环. 基质与施肥对麝香百合仔球繁殖及开花的影响[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2002, 10(2): 53-55.
引用本文: 陈洁敏, 赵九洲, 王义庆, 王爱华, 陈东环. 基质与施肥对麝香百合仔球繁殖及开花的影响[J]. 中国生态农业学报(中英文), 2002, 10(2): 53-55.
CHEN Jie-Min, ZHAO Jiu-Zhou, WANG Yi-Qing, WANG Ai-Hua, CHEN Dong-Huan. Effect of media and fertilization on bulblets regeneration and flowering of Lilium longiflorum[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2002, 10(2): 53-55.
Citation: CHEN Jie-Min, ZHAO Jiu-Zhou, WANG Yi-Qing, WANG Ai-Hua, CHEN Dong-Huan. Effect of media and fertilization on bulblets regeneration and flowering of Lilium longiflorum[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2002, 10(2): 53-55.
山东莱阳农学院农学系 莱阳 265200
2.莱阳市满眼春花城 莱阳 265200
计量 文章访问数: 1318 HTML全文浏览量: 53 PDF下载量: 1009 出版历程 收稿日期: 2000-11-17 修回日期: 2001-01-27 刊出日期: 2002-06-25Department of Agronomy, Laiyang Agricultural College, Laiyang 265200
2.Laiyang Manyanchun Flowers City,Laiyang 265200
摘要: 以正交设计研究4种代用基质[即锯末混河沙(s/s)、花生壳混沙(PH/s)、锯末混炉渣(s/c)和KD-1型高吸水性树脂混沙性潮土(SY/S)]处理施肥比例和施肥浓度对麝香百合仔球繁殖与开花的影响结果表明,仔球繁殖综合评价指数最大的处理组合为基质SY/S(0.5:99.5),施N肥0.0071mol/L,N:P:K=10:5:5,株行距8cm×15cm;其次为基质S/S(体积比为1:1),施N 肥0.0143mol/L,N:P:K=5:10:10,株行距8cm×15cm;综合评价指数最小的组合是S/C基质,施N 肥0.0143mol/L,N:P:K=5:10:10,株行距8cm×15cm。不同处理对现蕾和开花期的影响差异显著,S/S基质施N肥0.0107mol/L、N:P:K=18:9:15、株行距30cm×40cm 的处理组合使现蕾和第1朵小花的开放时间提前,叶面积系数较大,叶绿素含量也较高;s/s基质施N 肥0.0107mol/L、N:P:K=18:9:15、株行距30cm×40cm 的处理组合和SY/S基质施N 肥0.0107mol/L、N:P:K=18:9:15、株行距30cm×40cm 2个处理的花枝鲜物质量和花朵直径较大,切花达标率较高,与其他处理间的差异达显著水平。
关键词: 麝香百合 / 基质 / 施肥 / 仔球繁殖Abstract: Orthogonal-design was used in this experiment,in which the effects of four different types media and fertilization,N/P/K-ratio and the planting space on Lilium longiflorum were studied in combination treatment.The media used in the study are as follows:sawdust blended sand(S/S=1:1),blended peanut hull with sand(PH/S=1:1),sawdust blended cinder(S/C=1:1)and an admixture of KD-1 hydrophilic gel and sandy tidal soil(SY/S=0.5:99.5).Results showed that the highest gray-relational-grade, for propagating of bulblets, was obtained by the combination treatment which was SY/S medium combined with N 0.0071 mol/L and N:P:K=10:5:5 at a planting space of 8cm×15cm.The one of S/S combined with N 0.0143 mol/L and N:P:K=5:10:10 at a planting space of 8cm×15cm was the one next to the highest The treatment of s/c with N 0.0143 mol/L and N:P:K=5:10:10 at a planting space of 8cm×15cm obtained the minimum gray-relational grade.The different treatments had significant effects respectively on the period of bud-initiate and the flowering stage.The bud‘initiate and the date of first opening-flower were accelerated by the treatment of s/s medium with N 0.0107 mol/L and N:P:K=18:9:15 at a planting space of 30cm×40cm.on which the leaf area index and the higher chlorophyll content were obtained.The largest bud quantity and heavier fresh-flower-branch as well as bigger opening-flower-diameter were obtained on both the treatments of S/S-medium with N 0.0107 mol/L and N:P:K=18:9:15 at a planting space of 30cm ×40cm and of SY/S with N 0.0107mol/L and N:P:K=18:9:15 at a planting space of 30cm × 40cm ,on which the larger percentage of standard cut-flower was observed either.The difference among combination treatments reached a significant level respectively.
计量 文章访问数: 1318 HTML全文浏览量: 53 PDF下载量: 1009 出版历程 收稿日期: 2000-11-17 修回日期: 2001-01-27 刊出日期: 2002-06-25相关知识
麝香百合养殖方法 麝香百合怎么养殖
网址: 基质与施肥对麝香百合仔球繁殖及开花的影响 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview723824.html
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