摘要: 鲜食花生营养丰富、味道鲜美,具有良好的市场前景,但其贮藏稳定性差、货架期短,因此,采后保鲜是鲜食花生产业发展的重要环节。综述了鲜食花生的营养价值和贮藏特性,概述了鲜食花生采后保鲜的研究现状,并分析了鲜食花生采后保鲜存在的问题及发展方向,以期为鲜食花生的贮藏保鲜研究提供一定的参考。
关键词: 鲜食花生 / 贮藏特性 / 保鲜Abstract: Fresh-eating peanut is rich in nutrition, delicious in taste and has a good market prospect. However, the poor storage stability makes its shelf life short, and the postharvest preservation is an important factor affecting the development of fresh-eating peanut industry. In this paper, in order to provide some reference for the study of storage and preservation of fresh peanut, the nutrition and storage characteristics of it were analyzed, the research status of its postharvest preservation was summarized, and the existing problems and development direction of its postharvest preservation were analyzed as well.
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