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Visual Basic 6.0在花卉分类检索中的应用及开发实例.pdf

安徽农业科学,Journal of Anhui A伊. 5ci.2014 ,42(2) :571 -574 责任编辑姜丽责任校对卢摇 Visual Basic 6. 。在花卉分类检索中的应用及开发实例 陈周元,陈学林赵国杰,彭民责 (西北师范大学生命科学学院,甘肃兰州 73∞70) 摘要 植物分类学信息可在一定程度上构成一个数据库系统。在收集兰州市常见家庭花卉植物资料基础上,利用 Microsoft Office Ac- cess 2007 建立花卉信息数据库,以 Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 为主导设计软件,开发出兰州市常见家庭花卉简易检索系统(Computer Soft- W配for Search Interior F10wer of Lanzhou ,C55IFL) 。用户可登陆检索系统界面,通过选择检索类型及内容,获得满足用户需要的目标植 物的生物学特性、观赏特性及栽培要点等信息。该检索系统的创建是计算机技术应用于植物分类学和植物资源学领域的有益尝试。 关键词 家庭花卉;VB;数据库;植物检索 中图分类号 5126 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517 -6611(2014)02-∞571 -04 Development and Ap回ication of Computer Software for Search of Interior Flower Based on VB CHEN Zhou-yuan et al (College of Life 5ciences , Northwest Normal University , Lanzhou , Gansu 73∞70) Abstract Plant classification information can regarded as a database system on a certain degree. The relevant information about interior flow- ers of Lanzhou w由 collected by 出e au曲。r to develop a flower retrieval system database and a computer software named C551FL ( Computer 50ftware for Sea陀h Interior F10wer of Lanzhou). C551FL is built by Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Office Access 2∞!7. Users can login the system and input the selection to search , and then the system will display the plants which satisfy the conditions use白set before. In the meantime , it will also show biological characteristics , ornamental features , planting factor百 and other information of the selected plants if users need. The development of the system is an instructive practice of combining database technology and knowledge of botany field. Key words Interior flower; VB; Database; Plant search 检索是指输入内容必须与数据表中相应宇段中某一数据内 随着社会和经济的发展,室内逐渐成为城市人群的主要 容完全相同才认为是符合查询条件,而模糊检索是指输入内 活动空间之一,种植室内花卉也逐渐成为时尚。但人们对部


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园艺植物分类学 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024

网址: Visual Basic 6.0在花卉分类检索中的应用及开发实例.pdf https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview78444.html

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