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An ancient, interdependent relationship that contributes to food systems and ecosystem stability across the globe could be changing.


Many flowering plants can self-pollinate, or transfer pollen between their own blossoms for seed generation and propagation, but most of these plants have relied on pollinators such as butterflies and bees to reproduce.



pollinate /ˈpɒləneɪt/ v. to put pollen into a flower or plant so that it produces seeds 授粉;传粉

e.g. flowers pollinated by bees/the wind
      由蜜蜂 / 风传粉的花卉
派生词:pollination n. 授粉  


reproduce /ˌriːprəˈdjuːs/ v. if people, plants, animals, etc. reproduce or reproduce themselves , they produce young  繁殖

e.g. Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land.

派生词:reproduction n. 繁殖

Now — amid declines reported in many pollinator populations — a new study on the evolution of one flower species’ mating system has revealed a remarkable shift that could exacerbate the challenges faced by the plants’ insect partners.


The flowers’ reproductive evolution may be linked to environmental changes such as habitat destruction and rapid ongoing decreases in pollinator biodiversity, according to Samson Acoca-Pidolle, who led the study published December 19 in the journal New Phytologist.

该研究由Samson Acoca-Pidolle领导,并于12月19日发表在《新植物学家》杂志上。

Comparing seeds of wild field pansies collected decades ago in France with the plants’ modern descendants, Acoca-Pidolle and his colleagues discovered that today’s flowers are smaller and produce less nectar as a result of increased self-pollination, which has direct impacts on pollinator behavior. The pansies of the past self-fertilized less and attracted far more pollinators than those of the present, according to the study.


“It seems that it’s only traits that are involved in plant-pollinator interaction that are evolving,” said Acoca-Pidolle, a doctoral researcher at the University of Montpellier. The changes could constrain the plants’ ability to adapt to future environmental changes and have implications for “all of floral biodiversity” — potentially diminishing flowering plants’ genetic, species and ecosystem variation.



trait /treɪt/ n. A trait is a particular characteristic, quality, or tendency that someone or something has. 特征;特点;特性

e.g. These personality traits get passed on from generation to generation.  这些性格特征代代相传。

“This may increase the pollinator decline and cause a vicious feedback cycle,” study coauthor Pierre-Olivier Cheptou told CNN. If plants produce less nectar, there will be less food available to pollinators, which will in turn accelerate the rate at which the animals’ numbers dwindle, he explained.

该研究的合著者、法国国家科学研究中心进化生态学家、蒙彼利埃大学教授Pierre-Olivier Cheptou在接受CNN采访时说道:“这可能会加剧授粉者的减少,造成恶性反馈循环。”他解释说,如果植物分泌的花蜜减少,授粉者可获得的食物也会减少,这反过来又会加快动物数量减少的速度。

“The major message is that we are currently seeing the evolutionary breakdown of plant pollinators in the wild,” said Cheptou, an evolutionary ecologist at the French National Centre for Scientific Research and professor at the University of Montpellier.

Pierre-Olivier Cheptou表示:“我们目前看到的主要信息是,野外植物授粉者正在走向进化崩溃。”

Other recent studies have found that declining pollinator populations, an offshoot of harmful human activities, threaten the future of food crops and the survival of the many species that depend on them.



offshoot /ˈɒfʃuːt/ n. If one thing is an offshoot of another, it has developed from that other thing. 分支;衍生物

e.g. Psychology began as a purely academic offshoot of natural philosophy...   心理学最初是自然哲学一个纯粹的学术分支。

The growing body of research bolsters the case for urgent conservation measures — like developing and protecting flower-rich habitats that act as floral and nesting resources — to help stymie global pollinator declines, according to Acoca-Pidolle.


“Our impact is not only killing some individual plants … we are putting them on an evolutionary path that could be bad for them,” Acoca-Pidolle told CNN. “And even after we disappear, for a long time, we will have a footprint on this evolutionary trajectory of many species, of the biodiversity of the planet.”


编 辑 :  ETTBL



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