为研究苗期喷施烯效唑对弱光胁迫下花生幼苗的影响,以花育22号为试验材料,采用人工气候箱模拟弱光环境进行花生盆栽试验,叶片喷洒烯效唑后,考察植株性状、根系形态状况,并测定叶片SPAD值、光合速率、蒸腾速率、与衰老有关的酶活性,观察叶绿体超微结构变化。结果表明,喷施烯效唑后,花生主茎高和侧枝长分别降低29.3%~32%和33.3%,各器官干重均有不同程度地减少,比叶重增加,根系增粗,直径0.5 mm以上根系的比例提高,但根系总长度和表面积处理间差异不显著;显著增加了叶片SPAD值和光合速率,对蒸腾速率影响不大,POD活性提高27.3%~74%,而对其他保护酶和MDA含量影响不大;显著增加了叶片细胞内叶绿体数、基粒片层数和叶绿体基粒数,这是弱光下提高花生幼苗光合能力的生理基础。本研究为麦套花生生产上合理使用烯效唑提供了科学依据。
In order to study the effect of uniconazole on peanut seedlings under weak light, a pot experiment was carried out in artificial climate box under weak light plant traits, root morphological characteristics, SPAD value of leaf, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, enzymes related to aging, and ultrastracture of chloroplast were determined after spraying uniconazole on the leaves.. The results showed that uniconazole decreased the height of main stem by 29.3% to 32.0% and the length of first branch by 33.3%, declined the dry weights of all organs and increased specific leaf weight. The percentage of roots with diameter greater than 0.5 mm were widened by uniconazole, while the total root length and surface area showed no significance changes among the three treatments. Uniconazole significantly promoted the SPAD values and photosynthetic rate of leaves, but exerted little effects on the transpiration rate. The activity of POD was increased by 27.3-74.0% after the use of uniconazole, whereas other enzymes related to aging (SOD, CAT) and MDA showed no significant changes. Spraying uniconazole was an effective way to increase the number of chloroplasts, grana, granum lamellae of peanut leaf, which was the physiological basis for improving photosynthetic capacity of peanut seedling under weak light. The research provides scientific basis for the use of uniconazole on the peanut relay-cropped with wheat.
花生 / 弱光 / 唏效唑 / 形态特征 / 酶活性 / 超微结构{{custom_keyword}} /
peanut / weak light / uniconazole / morphological characteristics / enzyme activity / chloroplast ultrastructure{{custom_keyword}} /
孙学武, 吴正锋, 李林, 孙秀山, 王才斌, 罗盛, 郑永美, 于天一, 沈浦.弱光下烯效唑对花生幼苗生理特性的影响[J]. 核农学报, 2016, 30(6): 1204-1210 https://doi.org/10.11869/j.issn.100-8551.2016.06.1204
SUN Xuewu, WU Zhengfeng, LI Lin, SUN Xiushan, WANG Caibin, LUO Sheng, ZHENG Yongmei, YU Tianyi, SHEN Pu.Effect of Uniconazole on Physiological Characteristics of Peanut Seedlings Under Weak Light[J]. Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, 2016, 30(6): 1204-1210 https://doi.org/10.11869/j.issn.100-8551.2016.06.1204
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