以不同发育阶段嘉宝果果实为试材,研究其感官特征和营养成分动态变化规律,旨在为适期采收提供参考依据。结果表明,花后30 d果皮颜色青绿,单果质量4.88 g,果实直径2.18 cm。随后果皮颜色由青变红再变紫,最后成紫黑色,质量及大小渐增,完全成熟时单果质量为8.20 g,果实直径为2.76 cm。果实各发育阶段中还原糖是果实中最主要的营养成分。还原糖、蔗糖和可溶性固形物三者含量动态变化趋势相似,即花后30~52 d(青果—完熟),含量呈上升趋势,完熟时最高,至过熟期显著下降(P<0.05)。还原糖含量从26.58%增至56.47%,再降至53.05%,蔗糖含量从1.51%增至4.55%,再降至1.91%,可溶性固形物含量从8.80%增至17.10%,再降至15.83%。淀粉、蛋白质和粗纤维含量动态变化趋势相似,与还原糖趋势相反,即整体呈先下降再上升趋势,完熟时含量最低,过熟时显著回升(P<0.05)。花后30~52 d淀粉含量从18.92%降至13.48%,蛋白质从7.24%降至5.63%,粗纤维从5.62%降至2.60%。总氨基酸含量花后30~45 d从5.35%降至3.62%,随后回升。总多酚、总黄酮呈“降—升—降”的变化趋势,花后30 d含量最高,分别为107.63、48.03 mg·g-1,花后39 d含量最低,分别为28.75、21.05 mg·g-1。
关键词: 嘉宝果, 营养成分, 感官特征, 动态变化
Jabuticaba fruits at different development stages were used to study the sensory characteristics and dynamic changes of nutritional components, to provide reference for timely harvest. Results showed that on the 30th day after anthesis, the peel color was green, the single fruit weight was 4.88 g, and the fruit diameter was 2.18 cm. With the growth of the fruit, the peel color changed from green to red, then purple, and finally to purple black. The weight and size of the fruit increased gradually. The single fruit weight was 8.20 g and the fruit diameter was 2.76 cm at full ripe stage. Reducing sugar was the most important nutritional component in the whole development stage of jabuticaba. The dynamic trends of reducing sugar, sucrose and soluble solids content were similar, that was, the contents of the three nutritional substances increased on 30-52 days after anthesis, reached the highest at full ripe stage, and decreased significantly at over ripe stage (P<0.05). The content of reducing sugar increased from 26.58% to 56.47% and then decreased to 53.05%, sucrose increased from 1.51% to 4.55% and then decreased to 1.91%, soluble solid increased from 8.80% to 17.10% and then decreased to 15.83%. The dynamic change trend of starch, protein and crude fiber content was similar, which was contrary to the trend of reducing sugar, that was, their contents decreased first and then increased, exhibited the lowest values at full ripe stage, and increased significantly at over ripe stage (P<0.05). Starch content decreased from 18.92% to 13.48%, protein from 7.24% to 5.63%, crude fiber from 5.62% to 2.60% on 30-52 days after anthesis. The total amino acid content decreased from 5.35% to 3.62% in 30-45 days after anthesis, and then increased. The contents of total polyphenols and flavonoids showed the dynamic change of “down-up-down”, were the highest on 30 days after anthesis, which were 107.63 mg·g-1 and 48.03 mg·g-1, respectively, and the lowest on 39 days after anthesis, which were 28.75 mg·g-1 and 21.05 mg·g-1, respectively.
Key words: jabuticaba, nutritional components, sensory change, dynamic change
网址: 嘉宝果果实发育过程中营养成分的动态变化 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview817302.html
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