摘要: 为推动我国嘉宝果的深度开发研究及促进嘉宝果产业的健康发展,综述了嘉宝果果干、果酒、果汁、果醋、甜品、天然抗氧化剂等产品的国内外加工现状及研究进展,针对性地分析了我国大陆地区嘉宝果加工产业存在的问题,并展望了未来嘉宝果深加工的发展方向。
关键词: 嘉宝果 / 加工 / 研究进展Abstract: In order to promote the further development and research of Jiabao fruit and promote the healthy development of Jiabao fruit industry, the processing status and research progress in the products of dried fruit, wine, juice, vinegar, dessert and natural antioxidants of Jiabao at home and abroad were reviewed, and the existing problems in Jiabao fruit processing industry in mainland area of China were analyzed, also the development direction of deep processing of Jiabao fruit in the future was prospected.
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