2. 我本想去旅行,然后把见闻写下来。I wanted to travel and then write about it.《牛津词典》
3. 带一个小记事本,记录下你的见闻。Keep a small notepad and record what you see.来自互联网
4. 我们对世界的看法来自于我们的见闻。We all enter the world depending on what we can see.来自互联网
5. 我把我的一切见闻都写了下来。I wrote it all down, everything I saw an heard.来自互联网
6. 朋友们向我描述了过去几天里的点滴见闻。Friends paint me vignettes of the past few days.来自互联网
7. 如果你打动了人们,人们就会对他们的见闻进行思考。If you move people, they will think about what they have seen.来自互联网
8. 我们希望我们也能从你们的殷勤接待中找到欢乐,增广文化上的见闻。And we hope that we can also find pleasure and become more culturally knowledgeable from your hospitality.来自互联网
9. 还应该通过阅读杂志增长见闻,逐渐形成自己的观点和倾向。Read magazines to be informed and to frame opinions and trends with context.来自互联网
10. 想起这两日的见闻,记忆就淌洋在旋律中,空灵的带些凄凉。Think of the two-day knowledge, memory to drip Ocean in melodies, ethereal with some desolate.来自互联网
11. 我们和父母去过很多国家,所到之处的见闻深深地打动了我们。We traveled with our parents to foreign lands and were deeply moved by what we saw.来自互联网
12. 能够看到真实的世界,把我们对见闻的诠释告知他人,我们才能茁壮成长。Being able to see the world as it is, and tell others about our interpretation in terms of what we see, this is what we thrive on.来自互联网
13. 在这个节选片段中,萨布伦叙述了他在土库曼斯坦马雷市度过的第一晚的见闻。In this extract, Thubron describes his first evening in the city of Mari, in Turkmenistan.来自互联网
14. 而他们在阿克拉和布拉柴维尔的见闻和经历也将随他们传到温哥华和萨格勒布。What they learn in Accra and Brazzaville will travel with them to Vancouver and Zagreb.来自互联网
15. 卡尔向他申请过版权许可,他同意授权是因为他觉得数字化图书能够大幅提高人们的见闻。Mr. Kahle at the Internet Archive asked his permission, he said, and he gave it because he thinks digitizing books has the potential to improve knowledge.来自互联网
16. 肯塔基州和乔治亚州的居民也向当地电视台报告了他们的这一见闻(看见极光)。People in Kentucky and Georgia reported their sightings to local television stations.来自互联网
17. 三只老蓝鸦落在窗沿上分享着它们白天的见闻。明亮的月光照着它们,显得分外朦胧。Three old bluejays had alighted there (looking rather misty in the bright moonlight) to talk together and share their news of the day.来自互联网
18. 你们要尽其可能爬到最高的、最凌越一切的地方,然后,折回头来告诉我你们的见闻。Now do your best to reach the topmost and most forbidding part of it and then turn back to tell me about your findings.来自互联网
19. 通过将个人与各个地方,各个时间的人用互联网连接起来,它大大扩宽了特定时空中个人的见闻。The Internet broadens individuals' knowledge of the particulars of time and place by keeping them connected to more places at more times.来自互联网
20. 如果你的旅途见闻写得好,那些来自认识的人以及陌生人的评价便是这些旅途见闻能带给你的最好的回报。If your travel stories are written well, the appreciation from known and unknown persons alike are the greatest rewards for what those travel stories could bring.来自互联网
21. 有个伴一起旅行,就有人可以分享我的经历,我们可以讨论当天的事件及见闻,如此一来会让这些经历更有趣。When I travel with a companion, I have someone with whom to share what I experience. We can talk over the day's events and discoveries, and this will make them more interesting.来自互联网
22. 有个伴一起旅行,就有人可以分享我的经历,我们可以讨论当天的事件及见闻,如此一来会让这些经历更有趣。When I travel with a companion, I have someone with whom to share what I experience. We can talk over the day's events and discoveries, and this will make them more interesting.来自互联网
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