首页 > 分享 > 基于国内外期刊论文分析全球猕猴桃研究与应用进展



依据科瑞唯安公司Web of Science 核心合集和中国知网平台(CNKI)期刊数据库,重点对2003 -2022年期间的SCI 和CNKI 核心期刊收录的猕猴桃(Actinidia)研究论文5 320篇,采用文献计量分析方法,从论文发表年限、发表国家或地区分布、学科领域等方面进行统计分析,并对各学科领域的研究进展进行归纳总结。结果显示,20年内SCI 和CNKI核心期刊文献数量总体呈增长趋势,SCI 论文收录量最多的国家是中国,其次是新西兰、意大利等;CNKI核心期刊收录论文数量最多的机构是西北农林科技大学,其次是中国科学院武汉植物园和江西农业大学。猕猴桃研究涉及植物科学、园艺学、植物病理学和昆虫学、果品贮藏与加工学、分子生物学、生物化学、药物学、生物信息学等131个学科,很多论文来自跨学科研究。近5年发展最快的学科是分子生物学、植物病理学以及果品贮藏与加工学。本文通过对期刊论文的分析,旨在为我国科研人员了解全球猕猴桃研究动态、确立未来研究方向、开展学术交流提供信息和借鉴。

关键词: 猕猴桃  /  期刊论文  /  研究进展  


Based on the Web of Science core collection and the CNKI journal database of the China Knowledge Network platform, this study focused on 5 320 kiwifruit (Actinidia) research papers included in SCI and CNKI core journals from 2003 to 2022. Bibliometric analysis was used to examine the publications by year, geographic region, and subject area. Results revealed a consistent upward trend in the quantity of publications in both SCI and CNKI core journals over the past two decades. China emerged as the most prolific contributor to SCI articles, followed by New Zealand and Italy. The institutions contributing the highest number of papers included Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Wuhan Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Jiangxi Agricultural University. Kiwifruit research involved 131 disciplines, as such plant science, horticulture, plant pathology and entomology, fruit storage and processing, molecular biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and bioinformatics, as well as interdisciplinary research papers. The fastest-growing disciplines over the past 5 years include molecular biology, plant pathology, and fruit storage. This bibliometric analysis serves as a resource for researchers to understand global kiwifruit research dynamics, establish research directions, and conduct academic exchange.

图  1   1957-2022年国内外猕猴桃研究论文数量的变化

Figure  1.   Number of domestic and international research papers on kiwifruit from 1957-2022

图  2   2003–2022年SCI 和CNKI核心期刊论文分阶段比较

Figure  2.   Phased comparison of SCI and CNKI core journal papers from 2003 to 2022

图  3   猕猴桃研究领域主要国家SCI论文发表趋势

Figure  3.   Trends in SCI publications in main countries in the field of kiwifruit research

图  4   2003-2023年3月发表论文的学科领域分布

Figure  4.   Distribution of published papers by subject area from 2003 to March 2023

表  1   猕猴桃研究领域重点国家SCI论文数量排名(1957-2023年)

Table  1   Ranking of number of SCI papers from main countries in the field of kiwifruit research (1957-2023)

No. of SCI papers 中国1 089新西兰991意大利378韩国212日本198美国156西班牙135伊朗86土耳其76希腊76法国63

表  2   CNKI核心期刊论文数量排名前20的第一作者单位发表数量(1993-2022年)

Table  2   Number of articles from the top 20 institutes based on CNKI core journal article numbers of first authors (1993-2022)

First author’s unit年份 Year总计
Total1993-20022003-20122013-2022 西北农林科技大学48130213391中国科学院武汉植物园173648104江西农业大学22177100吉首大学16541787贵阳学院056166贵州大学275665四川农业大学1105364中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所14113763陕西师范大学3114256沈阳农业大学0342054湖北省农业科学院21171250安徽农业大学1522946浙江大学1228545广西壮族自治区、中国科学院广西植物研究所12151341仲恺农业工程学院029736福建省农业科学院果树研究所1901433四川大学062935湖南农业大学1151632西南林业大学002525四川省农业科学院122023

表  3   2003年以来猕猴桃各研究领域SCI和CNKI核心期刊文章数量

Table  3   Number of SCI and CNKI core journal articles in each field since 2003

Research field涉及方向
Database年份 Year2018-2023.032013-20172008-20122003-2007 分子生物学基因组SCI24400CNKI4100基因挖掘SCI17241217CNKI4716135分子标记SCI21659CNKI2125129其他SCI3221CNKI0440总计292995731植物保护学细菌病害SCI9865264CNKI282172真菌病害SCI42191910CNKI421735其他病害SCI28652CNKI12222防治方法SCI932276CNKI442873虫害及其他SCI3815107CNKI161335抗性种质挖掘CNKI11365总计4522119551食品科学与技术果品加工工艺SCI102593014CNKI113845951果品加工产品SCI18972CNKI61494460其他SCI12966CNKI4002总计310210146135药物学和植物化学果实SCI24811415682CNKI61465128根SCI2516172CNKI21274417其他部位SCI38172511CNKI12101513检测方法SCI11651总计416236313154植物科学种质评价SCI58241917CNKI55223222新品种SCI3251CNKI41212432其他SCI3877CNKI1010149总计 1708710188

表  4   2003年以来各阶段园艺领域猕猴桃SCI和CNKI核心期刊论文数量

Table  4   Number of SCI and CNKI core journal papers in horticulture at various stages since 2003

Database年份 Year2018-2023.032013-20172008-20122003-2007 土肥水SCI40171312CNKI64362510树体管理SCI42171313CNKI37271713繁殖SCI2041115CNKI24363323果园生态SCI13630CNKI256101采摘机器人SCI23100CNKI121240其他SCI59324825CNKI74553513总计 433249212125

表  5   2003年以来各阶段采后贮藏领域SCI论文和CNKI核心期刊论文数量

Table  5   SCI and CNKI core journal papers in the field of postharvest storage during different periods since 2003

Database年份 Year2018-2023.032013-20172008-20122003-2007 无损检测SCI5919115CNKI2012101药剂保鲜SCI5926138CNKI41472718果实采后变化SCI3918183CNKI278118低温贮藏SCI20833CNKI241152气调 + 物理贮藏SCI13754CNKI161433采收运输包装SCI2210116CNKI22452其他SCI8794CNKI10741总计 38019813568 [1] 黄宏文, 钟彩虹, 姜正旺, 李新伟, 姚小洪, 等. 猕猴桃属: 分类 资源 驯化 栽培[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2012: 3-330. [2] 钟彩虹,黄文俊,李大卫,张琼,李黎. 世界猕猴桃产业发展及鲜果贸易动态分析[J]. 中国果树,2021(7):101−108. doi: 10.16626/j.cnki.issn1000-8047.2021.07.025

Zhong CH,Huang WJ,Li DW,Zhang Q,Li L. Dynamic analysis of global kiwifruit industry development and fresh fruit trade[J]. China Fruits,2021 (7):101−108. doi: 10.16626/j.cnki.issn1000-8047.2021.07.025


Huang SX,Ding J,Deng DJ,Tang W,Sun HH,et al. Draft genome of the kiwifruit Actinidia chinensis[J]. Nat Commun,2013,4 (1):2640. doi: 10.1038/ncomms3640


Wu HL,Ma T,Kang MH,Ai FD,Zhang JL,et al. A high-quality Actinidia chinensis (kiwifruit) genome[J]. Hortic Res,2019,6 (1):117. doi: 10.1038/s41438-019-0202-y


Yue JY,Chen QY,Wang YZ,Zhang L,Ye C,et al. Telomere-to-telomere and gap-free reference genome assembly of the kiwifruit Actinidia chinensis[J]. Hortic Res,2023,10 (2):uhac264. doi: 10.1093/hr/uhac264


Tang W,Sun XP,Yue JY,Tang XF,Jiao C,et al. Chromosome-scale genome assembly of kiwifruit Actinidia eriantha with single-molecule sequencing and chromatin interaction mapping[J]. GigaScience,2019,8 (4):giz027.


Yue JY,Liu JC,Tang W,Wu YQ,Tang XF,et al. Kiwifruit Genome Database (KGD):a comprehensive resource for kiwifruit genomics[J]. Hortic Res,2020,7 (1):117. doi: 10.1038/s41438-020-0338-9


Pilkington SM,Crowhurst R,Hilario E,Nardozza S,Fraser L,et al. A manually annotated Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis (kiwifruit) genome highlights the challenges associated with draft genomes and gene prediction in plants[J]. BMC Genomics,2018,19 (1):257. doi: 10.1186/s12864-018-4656-3


Yao XH,Wang SB,Wang ZP,Li DW,Jiang Q,et al. The genome sequencing and comparative analysis of a wild kiwifruit Actinidia eriantha[J]. Mol Horticulture,2022,2 (1):13. doi: 10.1186/s43897-022-00034-z


Han X,Zhang YL,Zhang Q,Ma N,Liu XY,et al. Two haplotype-resolved,gap-free genome assemblies for Actinidia latifolia and Actinidia chinensis shed light on the regulatory mechanisms of vitamin C and sucrose metabolism in kiwifruit[J]. Mol Plant,2023,16 (2):452−470. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2022.12.022


Akagi T,Varkonyi-Gasic E,Shirasawa K,Catanach A,Henry IM,et al. Recurrent neo-sex chromosome evolution in kiwifruit[J]. Nat Plants,2023,9 (3):393−402. doi: 10.1038/s41477-023-01361-9


Xia H,Deng HH,Li MZ,Xie Y,Lin LJ,et al. Chromosome-scale genome assembly of a natural diploid kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa)[J]. Sci Data,2023,10 (1):92. doi: 10.1038/s41597-023-02006-4


Pratima P,Sharma N,Sharma DP. Canopy temperature and water relations of kiwifruit cultivar allison in response to deficit irrigation and in situ moisture conservation[J]. Curr Sci,2016,111 (2):375−379. doi: 10.18520/cs/v111/i2/375-379


Santoni F,Paolini J,Barboni T,Costa J. Relationships between the leaf and fruit mineral compositions of Actinidia deliciosa var. Hayward according to nitrogen and potassium fertilization[J]. Food Chem,2014,147:269−271. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.09.154


Goodwin RM,McBrydie HM,Taylor MA,et al. Wind and honey bee pollination of kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis ‘HORT16A’)[J]. New Zealand J Bot,2013,51 (3):229−240. doi: 10.1080/0028825X.2013.806934


Liao GL,Xu XB,Liu Q,Zhong M,Huang CH,et al. A special summer pruning method significantly increases fruit weight,ascorbic acid,and dry matter of kiwifruit (‘Jinyan’,Actinidia eriantha × A. chinensis)[J]. HortScience Horts,2020,55 (10):1698−1702. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI15158-20


Akbaş H,Özcan M. Effects of fruit/leaf ratios on fruit characteristics in Kiwifruit[J]. Erwerbs-Obstbau,2020,62 (3):369−375. doi: 10.1007/s10341-020-00511-z


Li DW,Han F,Liu XL,Lv HY,Li LL,et al. Localized graft incompatibility in kiwifruit:analysis of homografts and heterografts with different rootstock & scion combinations[J]. Sci Hortic,2021,283:110080. doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110080


Suo R,Gao FF,Zhou ZX,Fu LS,Song ZZ,et al. Improved multi-classes kiwifruit detection in orchard to avoid collisions during robotic picking[J]. Comput Electron Agric,2021,182:106052. doi: 10.1016/j.compag.2021.106052


Fu LS,Feng YL,Wu JZ,Liu ZH,Gao FF,et al. Fast and accurate detection of kiwifruit in orchard using improved YOLOv3-tiny model[J]. Precision Agric,2021,22 (3):754−776. doi: 10.1007/s11119-020-09754-y


Barnett J,Duke M,Au CK,Lim SH. Work distribution of multiple Cartesian robot arms for kiwifruit harvesting[J]. Comput Electron Agric,2020,169:105202. doi: 10.1016/j.compag.2019.105202


Williams H,Ting C,Nejati M,Jones MH,Penhall N,et al. Improvements to and large-scale evaluation of a robotic kiwifruit harvester[J]. J Field Robot,2020,37 (2):187−201. doi: 10.1002/rob.21890


Williams HAM,Jones MH,Nejati M,Seabright MJ,Bell J,et al. Robotic kiwifruit harvesting using machine vision,convolutional neural networks,and robotic arms[J]. Biosyst Eng,2019,181:140−156. doi: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2019.03.007


Donati I,Cellini A,Sangiorgio D,Vanneste JL,Scortichini M,et al. Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae:ecology,infection dynamics and disease epidemiology[J]. Microb Ecol,2020,80 (1):81−102. doi: 10.1007/s00248-019-01459-8

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