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  133. Wu‐Fan Zhang; Lu‐Mei Liu; Shan He; Bin‐Yan Lu*; Yi‐Bo Luo. 2020. Production and evolution pattern of “fruity smell” aggregation pheromones in genus Drosophila, Journal of Systematics and Evolution. doi: 10.1111/jse.12648


  132. Zhang GQ*, Liu KWi *, Li Z*, Lohaus R*, Hsiao YY*, Niu SC, Wang JY, Lin YC, Xu Q, Chen LJ, Yoshida K, Fujiwara S, Wang ZW, Zhang YQ, Mitsuda N, Wang MN, Liu GH, Pecoraro L, Huang HX, Xiao XJ, Lin M, Wu XY, Wu WL, Chen YY, Chang SB, Sakamoto S, Ohme-Takagi M, Yagi M, Zeng SJ, Shen CY, Yeh CM *, Luo YB*, Tsai WC *, Van de Peer Y*, Liu ZJ*. 2017. The Apostasia genome and the evolution of orchids. Nature 549: 379-383.

  131. Niu SC, Huang J, Zhang YQ, Li PX, Zhang GQ, Xu Q, Chen LJ, Wang JY, Luo YB*, Liu ZJ*. 2017. Lack of S-RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility in orchids suggests that this system evolved after the monocot-eudicot split. Front. Plant Sci. 8: 1106.


  130. Ge Yin, Spencer C. H. Barrett, Yi-Bo Luo,Wei-Ning Bai*. 2016. Seasonal variation in the mating system of a selfing annual with large floral displays. Annals of Botany 117: 391–400.

  129. Shan-Ce Niu*, Qing Xu*, Guo-Qiang Zhang, Yong-Qiang Zhang, Wen-Chieh Tsai, Jui-Ling Hsu, Chieh-Kai Liang, Yi-Bo Luo?, Zhong-Jian Liu?. 2016. De novo transcriptome assembly databases for the butterfly orchid Phalaenopsis equestris. Scientific Data 3:160083. DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2016.83.

  128. 明兴加,李博然,赵纪峰,张植玮,袁良琛,王刚,罗毅波*.2016. 金钗、金钗石斛的名实考证. 中国中药杂志 41(10): 1956-1964.

  127. Zhang Guo-Qiang*, Xu Qing*, Bian Chao*, Tsai Wen-Chieh*, Yeh Chuan-Ming*, Liu Ke-Wei*, Yoshida Kouki, Zhang Liang-Sheng, Chang Song-Bin, Chen Fei, Shi Yu, Su Yong-Yu, Zhang Yong-Qiang, Chen Li-Jun, Yin Yayi, Lin Min, Huang Huixia, Deng Hua, Wang Zhi-Wen, Zhu Shi-Lin, Zhao Xiang, Deng Cao, Niu Shan-Ce, Huang Jie, Wang Meina, Liu Guo-Hui, Yang Hai-Jun, Xiao Xin-Ju, Hsiao Yu-Yun, Wu Wan-Lin, Chen You-Yi, Mitsuda Nobutaka, Ohme-Takagi Masaru, Luo Yi-Bo*, Yves Van de Peer*, Liu Zhong-Jian* . 2016. The Dendrobium catenatum Lindl. genome sequence provides insights into polysaccharide synthase, floral development and adaptive evolution. Scientific Reports 6:19029 DOI: 10.1038/srep19029.

  126. Xiaokai Ma, Jun Shi, Hans Banziger, Yangna Sun, Yanyan Guo, Zhongjian Liu, Steven D. Johnson, Yibo Luo*. 2016. The functional significance of complex floral colour pattern in a food-deceptive orchid. Functional Ecology 30: 721-732.


  125. Yan-yan Guo, Yi-bo Luo, Zhong-jian Liu*, Xiao-quang Wang* 2015 Reticulate evolution and sea-level fluctuations together drove species diversification of slipper orchids (Paphiopedilum) in South-East Asia. Molecualr Ecology 24: 2838–2855

  124 Jing Cai, Xin Liu., Kevin Vanneste, Sebastian Proost, Wen-Chieh Tsai, Ke-Wei Liu, Li-Jun Chen, Ying He, Qing Xu, Chao Bian, Zhi-jun Zheng, Feng-ming Sun, Wei-qing Liu, Yu-Yun Hsiao, Zhao-Jun Pan, Chia-Chi Hsu, Ya-Ping Yang, Yi-Chin Hsu, Yu-Chen Chuang, Anne Dievart, Jean-Francois Dufayard, Xun Xu, Jun-Yi Wang, Jun Wang, Xin-Ju Xiao, Xue-Min Zhao, Rong Du, Guo-Qiang Zhang, Mei-na Wang, Yong-Yu Su, Gao-Chang Xie, Guo-Hui Liu, Li-Qiang Li, Lai-Qiang Huang*, Yi-Bo Luo*, Hong-Hwa Chen*, Yves Van de Peer*, Zhong-Jian Liu* . 2015. The genome sequence of the orchid Phalaenopsis equestris. Nature Genetics. 47: 65-72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ng.3149.


  123. Wu-ying Lin, Hong Liu*, Xiao-kai Ma, Ting Ying, Zi-bin Zhang, Zhong-sheng Wang, Yi-Bo Luo. 2014. Can the rare and critically endangered Geodorum eulophioides (Orchidaceae) hybridize naturally with its two sympatic congeners. Lindleyana 178-183.

  122. Qing Xu, Guo-qiang Zhang, Zhong-jian Liu, Yi-bo Luo. 2014. Two new species of Dendrobium (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae) from China: evidence from morphology and DNA. Phytotaxa 174: 129–143

  121. Ting Ying, Qi-fang Geng, Dan-bi Wang, Hong Liu, Jing Xu, Zi-bing Zhang, Zhong-sheng Wang, Yi-bo Luo. 2014. Developing microsatellite markers for Geodorum eulophioides (Orchidaceae) and cross-species amplification in two sympatric, congeneric species. Conservation Genet Resour 6:957-959.

  120. Hong Liu, Yi-Bo Luo, Joel Heinen, Mahadev Bhat, and Zhong-Jian Liu*. 2014. Eat your orchid and have it too: A potentially new conservation formula for Chinese epiphytic medicinal orchids. Biodiversity and Conservation 23: 1215-1228.

  119. Mi Yoon Chung, John D. Nason, Jordi López-Pujol, Tadashi Yamashiro, Bo-Yun Yang, Yi-Bo Luo, Myong Gi Chung*. 2014. Genetic consequences of fragmentation on populations of the terrestrial orchid Cymbidium goeringii. Biological Conservation 170: 222-231.

  118. Li-Hua Pan, Xiu-Fang Li, Mei-Na Wang, Xue-Qiang Zha, Xue-Fei Yang, Zhong-Jian Liu*, Yi-Bo Luo, Jian-Ping Luo*. 2014. Comparison of hypoglycemic and antioxidative effects ofpolysaccharides from four different Dendrobium species. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 64: 420-427.


  117. 刘虹,罗毅波,刘仲健. 2013 以产业化促进物种保护和可持续利用的新模式: 以兰花为例. 生物多样性 21: 132-135.


  116. Guo Yan-Yan, Luo Yi-Bo, Liu Zhong-Jian, Wang Xiao-Quan.2012. Evolution and biogeography of the slipper orchids: Eocene vicariance of the conduplicate genera in the Old and New World tropics. PLoS ONE 7: e38788.

  115. Peng Li*, Robert Pemberton, Guiling Zhen, Yibo Luo. 2012. Fly pollination in Cypripedium: a case study of sympatric C. sichuanensis and C. microatnhum. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 170: 50-58.

  114. Shang Hui, Luo Yi-bo, Bai Wei-ning 2012. Influence of asymmetrical mating patterns and male reproductive success on the maintenance of sexual polymorphism in Acer pictum subsp. mono (Aceraceae). Molecular Ecology 21: 3869–3878.

  113. 李庆良、程瑾*、马晓开、罗毅波. 2012 传粉生态学中花部构成的量化研究方法. 生物多样性 20: 308-316.

  112. 任宗昕、王红*、罗毅波. 2012. 兰科植物欺骗性传粉. 生物多样性 20: 270-279.

  111. Hong Liu*, Chang-Lin Feng*, Bao-Shan Chen, Zhong-Sheng Wang, Xiao-Qing Xie, Zheng-Hai Deng, Xin-Lian Wei, Shi-Yong Liu, Zi-Bin Zhang, Yi-Bo Luo. 2012 Overcoming extreme weather challenges: successful but variable assisted colonization of wild orchids in southwestern China. Biological Conservation 150: 68-75.

  110. Luo Yan*, Bian Fu-hua, Luo Yi-bo. 2012. Different patterns of floral ontogeny in dimorphic flowers of Pseudostellaria heterophylla (Caryophyllaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences 173:150-160.


  109. Yao Hong, Luo Yi-bo*. 2011.Pollen limitation and variation in floral longevity in gynodioecious Potentilla tanacetifolia. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 49: 539-545.

  108. 张灵芝,商辉,罗毅波,程鑫,白伟宁. 2011. 二重雌雄异型异熟物种色木槭3种表型花的细胞形态学研究. 生物多样性, 19: 551-557.

  107. Li Ji-hong, Liu Zhong-jian, Gerardo A. Salazar, Peter Bernhardt, Holger Perner, Yukawa Tomohisa, Jin Xiao-hua, Chung Shih-wen, Luo Yi-bo*. 2011. Molecular phylogeny of Cypripedium (Orchidaceae: Cypripedioideae) inferred from multiple nuclear and chloroplast regions. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 61:308-320

  106. Fan Jian-hua, Thien Leonard B., Luo Yi-bo*. 2011. Pollination systems, biogeography, and divergence times of three allopatric species of Schisandra in North America, China, and Japan. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 49: 330-338.

  105. Yu Hai-yan, Gao Jing, Luo Yi-bo, and Bai Wei-ning. 2011. Development of polymorphic microsatellite markers for Incarvillea sinensis (Bignoniaceae). American Journal of Botany, 98: 224-225.

  104. Li Peng, Huang Bao-qiang, Robert W. Pemberton, Luo Yi-bo, Cheng Jing. 2011. Floral display influences male and female reproductive success of the deceptive orchid Phaius delavayi. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 296: 21-27.

  103. Zheng Gui-ling, Li Peng*, Robert W. Pemberton, Luo Yi-bo.2011. Mixed bumblebee and blowfly pollination of Cypripedium flavum (Orchidaceae) in Sichuan, China. Ecological Research, 26: 453-459

  102. Sun Hai-qing, Huang Bao-qian, Yu Xiao-hong, Kou Yong, An De-jun, Luo Yi-bo, Ge Song. 2011. Reproductive isolation and pollination success of rewarding Galearis diantha and non-rewarding Ponerorchis chusua (Orchidaceae). Annals of Botany, 107:39-47.


  101. 石晶,罗毅波,宋希强. 2010. 我国白芨市场调查与分析. 中国园艺文摘,8:48-50.

  100. Lu Yang, Luo Yi-bo, Huang Suang-quang. 2010. Reduced recombination in gynodioecious populations of a facultatively apomictic orchid. Plant Biology, 12: 814–819.

  99. 侯天文,金辉,刘红霞,罗毅波. 2010. 实验室条件下五唇兰菌根真菌专一性研究. 植物生态学报, 34:1433-1438.

  98. 陈金花,胡美姣,宋希强,何明高,罗毅波. 2010. 野生五唇兰菌根显微结构观察. 菌物学报, 29: 26-30.

  97. 侯天文,金辉,刘红霞,安德军,罗毅波. 2010. 四川黄龙沟优势兰科植物菌根真菌多样性及其季节变化. 生态学报, 30: 3424-3432.

  96. 邓园艺,喻勋林,罗毅波. 2010.传粉昆虫对我国中南地区油茶结实和结籽的作用. 生态学报, 30: 4427-4436.

  95. 黄宝强,罗毅波,安德军,寇勇. 2010. 四川黄龙沟草本层植物种类组成与数量特征. 植物研究,30: 543-548.

  94. 黄宝强,罗毅波,唐思远,台永东. 2010. 国外野生兰科植物种群动态评估及对我国野生兰科植物保护的启迪. 四川林业科技, 31: 98-102.

  93. 郑桂灵,李鹏,台永东,安德军,寇勇,罗毅波. 2010. 杓兰属植物的开花和结实动态研究. 生态学报,30:3182-3187。

  92. 张洪芳,李利强,刘仲健,罗毅波. 2010. 菜粉蝶对两种迁地保护的兰科植物传粉和繁殖成功的作用. 生物多样性,18: 11-18。

  91. Li Peng, Zheng Gui-ling, Dafni Amots, Luo Yi-bo. 2010. Reproductive biology of an alpine orchid Phaius delavayi. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 286: 167-173

  90. Retha M. Edens-Meier, Nan Vance, Luo Yi-bo, Li Peng, Eric Westhus, Peter Bernhardt. 2010. Pollen-Pistil Interactions in North American and Chinese Cypripedium L. (Orchidaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences, 171: 370–381.

  89. Liu Hong-xia, Luo Yi-bo, Liu Hong. 2010. Studies of Mycorrhizal Fungi of Chinese Orchids and their role in orchid Conservation in China - A review. Botanical Review, 76: 241-262

  88. Liu Hong, Feng Chan-ling, Luo Yi-bo, Chen Bao-shan, Wang Zhong-sheng, Gu Hong-ya. 2010. Potential Challenges of Climate Change to Orchid Conservation in a Wild orchid Hotspot in Southwestern China. Botanical Review, 76: 174-192。

  87. Liu Hong and Luo Yi-bo. 2010. Protecting Orchids in Nature Reserves. Botanical Review, 76: 137-139.


  86. Song Xi-qiang, Meng Qian-wang, Wing Tim and and Luo Yi-bo*. 2009. A new species of Thrixspermum (Aeridinae, Orchidaceae) from Hainan Island, China. Annales Botanici Fenici, 46: 595-598

  85. Song Xi-qiang, Meng Qian-wang,, Luo Yi-bo*. 2009. New materials of the orchids from Hainan Island (II). Acta Botanica Yunnanica, 31: 32-34.

  84. Song Xi-qiang, Meng Qian-wang,, Luo Yi-bo*. 2009. New materials of the orchids from Hainan Island (III). Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research, 27: 365-366.

  83. 金辉,许忠祥,陈金花,韩素芬,葛颂,罗毅波. 2009. 铁皮石斛组培苗与菌根真菌共培养过程中的相互作用. 植物生态学报,33: 3-441.

  82. Liu Hong, Luo Yi-bo, Robert Pemberton, Luo Dun, and Liu Si-yong. 2009. New hope for Chinese wild orchids. Oryx, 43: 169.

  81. Jennifer Brodmann, Robert Twele, Wittko Francke, Luo Yi-bo, Song Xi-qiang, and Manfred Ayasse. 2009. Orchid mimics honey bee alarm pheromone in order to attract hornets for pollination. Current Biology, 19: 1368–1372.

  80. 李鹏,罗毅波. 2009.中国特有兰科植物褐花杓兰的繁殖生物学特征及其与西藏杓兰的生殖隔离研究. 生物多样性,17: 406–413.

  79. Huang Shuang-quan, Lu Yang, Chen Ying-zhuo, Luo Yi-bo, Lynda F. Delph. 2009. Parthenogenesis Maintains Male Sterility in a Gynodioecious Orchid. The American Naturalist, 174: 578-584.

  78. Jin Xiao-hua, Chen Sing-chi, Luo Yi-bo. 2009. Taxonomic revision of Dendrobium moniliforme complex. Scientia Horticulturae, 120: 143-145.

  77. Sun Hai-qin, Cheng Jin, Zhang Fu-min, Luo Yi-bo, Ge Song. 2009. Reproductive success of non-rewarding Cypripedium japonicum benefits from low spatial dispersion pattern and asynchronous flowering. Annals of Botany, 103: 1227–1237

  76. Leonard B. Thien, Peter Bernhardt, Margaret S. Devall, Chen Zhi-duan, Luo Yi-bo, Fan Jian-Hua, Yuan Liang-Chen, and Joseph H. Williams. 2009. Pollination biology of basal angiosperms (ANITA grade). American Journal of Botany, 96: 166-182.

  75. Richard M. Bateman, James K. E., Luo Yi-bo, Lauri R. K., Fülcher T., Philllip. J. Cribb, Mark. W. Chase. 2009. Molecular phylogenetics and morphological reappraisal of the Platanthera clade (Orchidaceae: Orchidinae) prompts expansion of the generic limits of Galearis and Platanthera Annals of Botany, 104: 431-446.

  74. Cheng Jing, Shi Jun, Shangguan Fa-zhu, Amots Dafni, Deng Zheng-hai, Luo Yi-bo*. 2009. The pollination of a self-incompatible, food-mimic orchid, Coelogyne fimbriata (Orchidaceae), by female Vespula wasps. Annals of Botany, 104: 565–571.

  73. Huang Bao-qiang, Sun Yang-na, Yu Xiao-hong, Luo Yi-bo *, Michael J. Hutchings, Tang Si-yuan. 2009. Impact of proximity to a pathway on orchid pollination success in Huanglong National Park, South-West China. Biological Conservation, 142: 701-708.

  72. 何平荣,宋希强,罗毅波,何明高. 2009. 丹霞地貌生境中铁皮石斛的繁殖生物学研究. 中国中药杂志,34: 124-127.


  71. 上官法智, 程瑾, 熊源新, 罗毅波*. 2008. 足茎毛兰的欺骗性传粉生物学研究. 生物多样性,16: 477–483

  70. Meng Qian-wang, Luo Yi-bo*. 2008. A new species of Galearis (Orchidinae: Orchidaceae) from Sichuan, China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 158: 689-695.

  69 Dong Fang, Liu Hong-xia, Jin Hui, Luo Yi-bo. 2008. Symbiosis between fungi and the hybrid Cymbidium and its mycorrhizal microstructures. Forestry Studies in China, 10: 41-44.

  68 Shi Jun, Lou Yi-bo*, Peter Bernhardt, Ran Jin-chen., Liu Zhong-jiang., Zhou Qing. 2008. Pollination by deceit in Paphiopedilum barbigerum (Orchidaceae): a staminode exploits the innate color preferences of hoverflies (Syrphidae). Plant Biology, 11: 17-28.

  67. 王淳秋,罗毅波*,台永东,安德军,寇勇. 2008. 蚂蚁在高山鸟巢兰(兰科)中的传粉作用. 植物分类学报,46: 836-846.

  66. HuangBao-qiang, Yang Xiao-qin, Yu Fei-hai, Luo Yi-bo*, Tai Yun-dong. 2008. Surprisingly high orchid diversity in travertine and forest areas in the Huanglong valley, China, and implications for conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation, 17: 2773-2786.

  65. 柯海丽,宋希强,罗毅波,朱国鹏,凌绪柏. 2008. 五唇兰菌根化育苗技术. 园艺学报,35 :571 – 576

  64. 虞晓红,罗毅波*,董鸣. 2008. 春兰(兰科)传粉生物学的研究. 植物分类学报,46:163-174.

  63. Li Peng, Luo Yi-bo*, Deng Yin-xia, Kou Yong. 2008. Pollination of the Lady Slipper Orchid Cypripedium henryi. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 156: 491-499.

  62. Li Peng, Luo Yi-bo*, Peter Bernhardt, Kou Yong, Holger Perner. 2008. The pollination of Cypripedium plectrochilum (Orchidaceae) by Lasioglossum spp. (Halictidae): the roles of generalist attractants vs. restrictive floral architecture. Plant Biology, 10: 220-230.

  61. Yuan Liang-chen, Luo Yi-bo, Leonard B. Thien, Fan Jian-hua, Xu Huan-li, Chen Zhi-duan. 2008. Pollination of Kadsura longipedunculata (Schisandraceae), a monoecious basal angiosperm, by female, pollen-eating Megommata sp. (Cecidomyiidae: Diptera) in China. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 93: 523-536.

  60. B?nziger Hans, Sun Hai-qin, Luo Yi-bo*. 2008. Pollination of wild lady slipper orchids Cypripedium yunnanense and C. flavum (Orchidaceae) in south-west China: why are there no hybrids? Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 156: 51–64.

  59. Sang Mi Eum, Tomohisa Yukawa, Luo Yi-bo, John V. Freudenstein, and Nam Sook Lee. 2008. Reappraisal of Diplolabellum coreanum (Orchidaceae) as inferred from molecular data. Journal of Plant Biology, 51: 20-24.


  58. 柯海丽,宋希强,谭志琼,刘红霞,罗毅波. 2007. 野生五唇兰根部内生真菌多样性研究,生物多样性,15: 456-462.

  57. Meng Qian-wang, Song Xi-qiang, Luo Yi-bo*. 2007. A New Species of Gastrodia (Orchidaceae ) from Hainan Island, China and its Conservation Status. Nordic Journal of Botany, 25: 23-26.

  56. 程瑾,刘世勇,何荣,韦新莲,罗毅波*. 2007. 兔耳兰食源性欺骗传粉的研究. 生物多样性,15:608-617.

  55. Qu Rong-ming, Luo Yi-bo*, Dong Ming, Xu Huang-li, Chen Xuan, Amots Dafni. 2007. Wind-dragged Corolla Enhances Self-pollination: A New Mechanism of Delayed Self-Pollination. Annals of Botany, 100: 1143-1154.

  54. 肖培根,姜艳,李萍,罗毅波,刘勇. 2007. 中药贝母的基原植物和药用亲源学的研究. 植物分类学报,45: 473-487

  53. 史军,程瑾,罗敦,上官法智,罗毅波*. 2007. 利用传粉综合征预测:长瓣兜兰模拟繁殖地欺骗雌性食蚜蝇传粉. 植物分类学报,45: 551-560

  52. 黄宝强,罗毅波*,于飞海,唐思远,董立,安德军. 2007. 四川黄龙沟森林植被中兰科植物群落优势种种间联结和相关分析. 植物生态学报,31: 865-872.

  51. Joelle Lyew, Li Zi-ru, Yuan Liang-chen, Luo Yi-bo, Tammy L. Sage. 2007. Pollen tube growth in association with a dry-type stigmatic transmitting tissue and extragynoecial compitum in the basal angiosperm, Kadsura longipedunculata (Schisandraceae). American Journal of Botany, 94: 1170-1182.

  50. 柯海丽,宋希强,谭志琼,刘红霞,罗毅波. 2007. 兰科植物种子原地共生萌发技术及其应用前景. 林业科学,43:125-129.

  49. Song Xi-Qiang, Meng Qian-wan, Luo Yi-bo*. 2007. New records of orchids from Hainan, China. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 45: 324-328

  48. Chen Singchi, Luo Yi-bo. 2007. Notes on two confused genera: Gastrochilus and Saccolabium (Orchidaceae). Acta Botanica Yunnanica, 29: 167-168.

  47. Yuan Liang-chen, Luo Yi-bo*, Leonard B. Thien, Fan Jian-Hua, Xu Huan-Li, Chen Zhi-Duan. 2007. Pollination of Schisandra henryi Clarke (Schisandraceae) by female, pollen-eating Megommata sp. (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera) in south- central China. Annals of Botany, 99: 451-460.


  46. Liu Zhong, Hao Gang, Luo Yi-bo, Leonard B. Thien, Samuel W. Rosso, Lu An-ming, Chen Zhi-duan. 2006. Phylogeny and androecial evolution in Schisandraceae inferred from sequences of nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL-F regions. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 167: 539-550.

  45. Li Peng, Luo Yi-bo*, Peter Bernhardt, Yang Xiao-qing, Kou Yong. 2006. Deceptive Pollination of the Lady’s Slipper Cypripedium tibeticum (Orchidaceae). Plant Systematic and Evolution, 262: 53-63.

  44. 余文刚,罗毅波*,金志强. 2006. 海南岛野生兰科植物多样性及其保护区域的优先性. 植物生态学报,30:911-918。

  43. 叶德平,罗毅波*. 2006. 白旗兜兰——中国兰科兜兰属一新记录种. 植物分类学报,44: 471-473.

  42. Sun Hai-qing, Luo Yi-bo, Alexandersson R., Ge Song. 2006. Pollination biology of the deceptive orchid Changnienia amoena. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 150: 165-175.


  41. 宋希强,罗毅波,钟云芳,张启翔. 2005. 石斛属植物生物技术研究概况 园艺学报,32:741-747

  40. 李鹏,唐思远,董立,罗毅波,寇勇,杨小琴,Holger Perner. 2005. 四川黄龙沟兰科植物的多样性及其保护. 生物多样性,13: 255-261.

  39. B?nziger Hans, Sun Hai-qin, Luo Yi-bo* 2005 Pollination of a slippery lady slipper orchid in south-west China: Cypripedium guttatum (Orchidaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 148: 251-264.

  38. Luo Yi-bo, Zhu Guang-hua, Hubert Kurzweil. 2005. The gynostemium of Hemipiliopsis purpureopunctata and Senghasiella glaucifolia, two taxonomically disputed species of Habenariinae (Orchidaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 147: 191-197


  37. 陈心启,罗毅波. 2004. 中国兰科植物一新种——云南巾唇兰. 植物分类学报, 42:457-459

  36. Luo Yi-bo. 2004. Cytological studies on some representative species of the tribe Orchideae (Orchidaceae) from China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 145: 231-238.


  35. Tomohisa Yukawa, Chung Shih-Wen, Luo Yi-bo, Peng Ching-I, Arata Momohara and Hiroaki Setoguchi. 2003. Reappraisal of Kitigorchis (Orchidaceae). Botanic Bullettin Academic Sinica, 44: 345-351.

  34. Luo Yi-bo, Chen Sing-chi (Chen Xing-qi), 2003. Hemipiliopsis, a New Genus of Orchidaceae. Novon, 13: 450—453.

  33. 罗毅波,贾建生,王春玲. 2003.初论中国兜兰属植物的保护策略及其潜在资源优势. 生物多样性,11:491-498.

  32. 陈心启、罗毅波. 2003. 中国几个植物类群的研究进展 I. 中国兰科植物研究的回顾与前瞻. 植物学报,45(增刊):2-20.

  31. Sun Hai-qin, Luo Yi-bo, Ge Song, 2003. A Preliminary Study on Pollination Biology of an Endangered Orchids, Changnienia amoena, in Shennongjia. Acta Botanica Sinica, 45: 1019-1023.

  30. 陈心启,罗毅波. 2003. 兰科火烧兰属Epipactis分布于北美西部和喜马拉雅——中亚的一对替代种. 植物分类学报,41: 483-488.

  29. Bateman R. M., Hollingsworth P. M., Preston J., Luo Yi-bo, Pridgeon A. M. and Chase M. W, 2003. Molecular phylogenetics of the Orchidinae and selected Habenariinae (Orchidaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 142:1-40

  28. 罗毅波,贾建生,王春玲,2003. 中国兰科植物保育的现状和展望. 生物多样性,11:70-77.


  27. Chen Sing-chi, Luo Yi-bo, Zhu Guang-hua, 2002. Additional Notes on Chinese Listera (Orchidaceae). Novon, 12 : 438–440.

  26. 李昂,罗毅波,葛颂. 2002. 采用空间自相关分析研究两种兰科植物的群体遗传结构. 生物多样性,10 : 249-257.

  25. 陈心启,罗毅波. 2002. 火烧兰属中一个种的名称考辩. 植物分类学报, 40: 465-469.

  24. 罗毅波、 陈心启. 2002. 兰科虎舌兰属Epipogium种类增补与修订. 植物分类学报, 40: 449-452.

  23. 陈心启,罗毅波. 2002. 垂花粉口兰,缅甸兰科一新钟. 植物分类学报, 40:173—175.

  22. 陈心启,罗毅波. 2002. 中国兰科耳唇兰属补志. 植物分类学报, 40:151—153.

  21. 陈心启,罗毅波. 2002. 长距美冠兰及其近缘种的研究. 植物分类学报, 40:147—150.

  20. 陈心启,罗毅波. 2002. 兰科火烧兰属Epipactis若干种类的增补与修订. 植物分类学报, 40:141—146.

  19. 陈心启,罗毅波. 2002. 关于兰科Eulophia hirsuta T. P. Lin的归属问题. 植物分类学报, 40:139—140.

  18. Li Ang, Luo Yi-bo, Ge Song. 2002. A preliminary study on conservation genetics of an endangered orchid (Paphiopedilum micranthus) from southwestern China. Biochemical Genetics, 40: 195-201.

  17. Li Ang, Luo Yi-bo, Xiong Zhi-ting, Ge Song. 2002. A preliminary study on conservation genetics of three endangered orchid species. Acta Botanica Sinica, 44: 250-252.


  16. Luo Yi-bo, Chen Singchi. 2000. The floral morphology and ontogeny of some Chinese representatives of orchid subtribe Orchidinae. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 134: 529—548.


  15. Luo Yi-bo, Chen Singchi. 1999.Observations of putative pollinators of Hemipilia flabellata Bur. et Franch. (Orchidaceae) in north-west Yunnan prvince, China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 131: 45-64.

  14. Luo Yi-bo, Li Zhen-yu. 1999. Pollination ecology of Chloranthus serratus (Thunb.) Roem. et Schult. and Ch. fortunei (A. Gray) Solms-Laub. (Chloranthaceae). Annals of Botany, 83: 489-499.

  13. Tsi Zhan-huo, Luo Yi-bo, Cribb P, McGough N, Gloria Siu, Lawrence Chau. 1999. A preliminary report on the population size, ecology and conservation status of some Paphiopedilum species (Orchidaceae) in South-west China. Lindleyana, 14: 12-23.

  12. 潘开玉,温洁,罗毅波,周世良. 1999. 矮牡丹小孢子发生和雄配子体发育及其与该种频危的关系. 植物分类学报,37: 244-252.


  11. Xiong Zhi-ting, Chen Sing-chi, Hong De-yuan, Luo Yi-bo. 1998. Pollen morphology and its evolutionary significance in Hemerocallis (Liliaceae). Nordic Journal Botany, 18: 183-189.

  10. 罗毅波,裴颜龙,潘开玉,洪德元. 1998. 矮牡丹传粉生物学研究初报. 植物分类学报,36:134-144.


  9. 罗毅波,陈心启. 1996. 中国横断山区及其邻近地区贝母属的研究(二). 植物分类学报, 34:547—553.

  8. 罗毅波,陈心启. 1996.中国横断山区及其邻近地区贝母属的研究(一)——川贝母及其近缘种的初步研究. 植物分类学报,34:304—312.

  7. 罗毅波,陈心启. 1996.新疆贝母属的订正. 植物分类学报,34:77—85.


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  5. 罗毅波. 1994.云南姜科一新种.植物分类学报,32:574—576.

  4. Funamoto, Tanaka, Hong De-yuan, Luo Yi-bo, Nakata. 1994. Karyomorphological studies in Chinese Parnassia—Two species in North China region. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-74: 2576—2582.

  3. Funamoto, Tanaka, Hong De-yuan, Luo Yi-bo, Nakata. 1994.Cytological studies of three species of Chrysosplenium in North China. La Kromosomo, Ⅱ-74: 2583—2590.

  2. 杨亲二,罗毅波. 1994.竹叶吉祥草属(鸭趾草科)核型研究. 广西植物, 14: 170—173.

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  15. 罗仲春、罗斯丽、罗毅波. 2013. 铁皮石斛原生态栽培技术. 中国林业出版社,北京. 1-100

  14. 陈心启、刘仲键、罗毅波、金效华、吉占和. 2009. 中国兰科植物鉴别手册。中国林业出版社, 北京. 1-368.

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  11.罗仲春、罗毅波. 2006. 城镇绿化树种引种指南. 中国林业出版社,北京. 1-386.

  10.罗毅波. 2003. 兰科植物. 老蛇冲自然保护区科学考察集,贵州科技出版社,174-175.

  9.罗毅波. 2003. 兰科植物. 南宫自然保护区科学考察集,贵州科技出版社,189-190.

  8.陈心启、罗毅波 2003. 毛兰属. 云南植物志. 云南出版社, 566-591.

  7.罗毅波、陈心启,贝母属;罗毅波,舌喙兰属;陈心启、罗毅波,三蕊兰属、拟兰属、杓兰属、兜兰属、金佛山兰属、火烧兰属、双蕊兰属、无喙兰属、鸟巢兰属、对叶兰属、竹茎兰属、管花兰属、肥根兰属、铠兰属、指柱兰属、葱叶兰属、双袋兰属、鸟足兰属、香荚兰属、肉果兰属、山珊瑚属、到吊兰属、孟兰属、朱兰属、天麻属、双唇兰属、锚柱兰属、肉药兰属、虎舌兰属、宽距兰属、羊耳蒜属、沼兰属、鸢尾兰属、套叶兰属、紫茎兰属、山兰属、杜鹃兰属、筒距兰属、布袋兰属、独花兰属、珊瑚兰属、美冠兰属、地宝兰属、兰属、笋兰属、贝母兰属、曲唇兰属、足柱兰属、石仙桃属、耳唇兰属、新型兰属、蜂腰兰属、瘦房兰属、多穗兰属、毛兰属、美柱兰属、盾柄兰属、牛角兰属、宿苞兰属、禾叶兰属、牛齿兰属、柄唇兰属、矮柱兰属、馥兰属. 2002.中国高等植物Vol. 13. 青岛出版社,青岛,2002.

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  5.Chen Sing-chi, Tsi Zhan-huo, Luo Yi-bo. 1999. Native Orchid of China in colour. Science Press, Beijing.

  4.郎楷永,陈心启,罗毅波,朱光华. 1999. 中国植物志(兰科)第十七卷。科学出版社, 北京.

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  37. 罗毅波. 2011. 国兰:品种大国的产业尴尬. 森林与人类. 247: 66-69.

  36. 罗毅波. 2011. 明天何处寻幽兰. 森林与人类. 247: 84-95.

  35. 罗毅波. 2011. 为了明天的"国兰". 大自然. 1:8-12.


  34. 罗毅波, 刘世勇,程瑾 2010. 雅长:中国兰谷. 森林与人类 246: 178-187.


  33. Pemberton R, Liu Hong, Luo Yi-bo. 2009. The Yachang orchid reserve. Orchids the Bulletin of the American Orchid Society 78(11): 670-672.

  32. Shi Jun, Luo Yi-bo, Cheng Jing, Shangguan Fa-zhi, Deng Zen-hai. 2009 The pollination of Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum. Orchid Review 117, 78-81.


  31. Shi Jun, Luo Yi-bo, Cheng Jing, Shangguan Fa-zhi, Deng Zen-hai. 2008 Study of pollination of Paphiopedilum dianthum in China. Orchideen Journal Heft 3:100-105.

  30. Huang Nuan-Ai, Ye De-ping, Luo Yi-bo. 2008. Paphiopedilum spicerianum in southern Yunan, China. Orchideen Journal Heft 1, 4-10.


  29. Shi Jun, Cheng Jing, Luo Dun, Liu Si-yong, Luo Yi-bo. 2007. An orchid paradise: The Yachang Orchid Nature Reserve, in Guangxi, China. Orchid Review, 115, 188-195.

  28. 罗毅波 2007. 促进普通消费是国兰产业发展的当务之急. 中国花卉园艺 05:28-29.


  27. 罗毅波 2006. 国兰产业化发展中的几个问题. 兰花世界. 15:14-17.

  26. 罗毅波,邓银霞. 2006.品评第十八届世界兰花大会. 兰花世界. 27: 75-76.

  25. 罗毅波. 2006 艺兰书评一. 兰花世界. 09:90.

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  23. 罗毅波,宋希强,史军. 2006. 墨兰王的故事. 大自然. 02:7-9.

  22. 李鹏; 罗毅波; 台运东; 安德军; 寇勇. 2006. 瑶池仙子——黄龙的兰花. 大自然. 06:23-24

  21. 罗毅波,程瑾. 2006. 兰花的生存策略. 森林与人类 7: 22-25.

  20. 罗毅波(翻译) 2006 在中国西南访兰. 森林与人类 7: 65-69

  19. 罗毅波(翻译) 2006 澳大利亚的地下兰花. 森林与人类 7: 72-73.


  18. Li Peng, Tang Si-yue, Dong Li, Kou Yong, Perner Holger, Luo Yi-bo. 2005.Temperate paradise: orchids in the Huanglong valley. Orchid Review 113: 154-159.

  17. 罗毅波. 2005.保护兰花资源是兰花产业发展的基础. 中国花卉园艺. 5:46-47.

  16. 罗毅波. 2005. 渐行渐远渐无兰. 生命世界. 01:48-50

  15. 罗毅波. 2005.以产业化促国兰野生资源保护. 生命世界 01:22-23.


  14. 陈心启,罗毅波. 2004. 异彩纷呈的兰花世界. 森林与人类


  13. 罗毅波. 2003. 中国兰科植物的保护策略. 中国林业. 22:24-25.

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  11. Luo Yi-bo. 2003 . The true identity of Habenaria purpureopunctata K. Y. Lang, a distinctive orchid from southeast Xizang and northeast India. Orchid Review, 2003. Vol. 111, 1249. 47-49.


  10. Cribb P, Luo Yi-bo, Glorai Siu, 2002. Paphiopedilum micranthum in North-east Guizhou, a significant range extension. Orchid Review. Vol. 110. 1243: 40-43.


  9. Cribb P, Luo Yi-bo, Gloria Siu. 2001. Observations on Paphiopedilum emersonii in south-east Guizhou. Orchid Review Vol. 109. 1242: 351-355.

  8. Luo Yi-bo. 2001. The genus Hemipilia―Seven terrestrial orchids relatively unknown to hobbyists. The Magazine of the American Orchid Society 70(7): 642-649.


  7. Cribb P, Luo Yi-bo, Gloria Siu. 1999. Paphiopedilum concolor (Lindl.) Pritzer und bellatulum (Rchb. F.) Stein in China. Die Orchidee 50(4): 378-382.

  6. Cribb P, Luo Yi-bo, Gloria Siu. 1999. Paphiopedilum dianthum in south-east China. Orchid Review Vol. 107. 1229: 289-291

  5. Cribb P, Luo Yi-bo, Gloria Siu. 1999. Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum var. esquirolei in southern China. Orchid Review Vol. 107. 1228: 217-219.

  4. Cribb P, Luo Yi-bo, McGough N, Siu Laiping. 1999. The distribution, ecology and conservation status of Paphiopedilum micranthum (Orchidaceae) in South-west China. Orchid Review Vol. 107. 1227: 149-152.

  3. Cribb P, Luo Yi-bo. 1999. Paphiopedilum malipoense in China. Orchid Consevation News 1: 9-10.


  2. Cribb P, Luo Yi-bo, Gloria Siu. 1998. Paphiopedilum armeniacum in its natural habitat in western Yunnan. Orchid Review Vol. 106. 1223: 271-273.

  1. Cribb P, Luo Yi-bo. 1998. Paphiopedilum malipoense in China. Orchid Review Vol. 106.1224: 343-345.


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