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摘要:土壤重金属污染是影响生态环境、食品安全和人体健康的重要因素.云南省土壤重金属背景值较高,且矿产资源丰富、采矿活动频繁,导致土壤重金属含量较高.野生食用菌是高效重金属储积器,云南是中国野生食用菌最大产区.因此,本文以云南省8种典型野生食用菌为研究对象,探究其重金属含量(汞、镉、铅、锌、铜、砷)与分配特征,采用单因子污染指数对其进行重金属污染评价,利用概率方法(THQ指数)评估其对不同年龄人群(成人、儿童)的人体健康风险.研究结果表明,不同种类野生食用菌重金属含量存在显著差异(P<0.05).Hg、Cd、Pb、Zn、Cu浓度范围分别为0.5—7.2、0.3—15、0—26.8、47.7—214、56.7—428 mg·kg-1 dw;As未检出.此外,Hg、Cd、Pb、Zn、Cu均主要分布于菌盖.除虫草花、白森、干巴菌中Hg未检出,其余重金属污染评价中单因子污染指数均>1,且同一元素在同种野生食用菌不同部位污染程度不同,其中,老人头菌盖受Cd污染最为严重.基于国家食品安全标准,本研究中98%野生食用菌Hg、Cd、Pb含量超标.然而,THQ指数表明,部分野生食用菌中Zn无风险(THQ<1),老人头菌盖、鸡枞菌盖中Cd、Hg、Pb、Cu具有人体健康风险(THQ>1),且风险值儿童>成人.

Abstract:Heavy metals pollution poses risks to ecological environment, food safety and human health. Yunnan soils are characterized with high background heavy metals concentrations, together with the rich mining resources and intensive mining activities, rending the soil is polluted with heavy metals. Wild edible mushrooms are efficient heavy metal accumulators, while Yunnan is the largest and predominant producing area in China. Therefore, the present study was aimed to: 1) investigate heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, As) concentration and distribution in 8 typical wild edible mushrooms; 2) evaluate the heavy metal pollution risk using single factor evaluation index; and 3) evaluate the associated human health risk of different age groups (adults and children) via a probabilistic method. The results showed that heavy metals concentrations were significantly different (P<0.05) in different mushroom species. The concentrations of Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu were 0.5—7.2、0.3—15、0—26.8、47.7—214、56.7—428 mg·kg-1 dw, while As was undetected. Besides, heavy metals distribution was various among different wild mushroom species, with Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu were mainly accumulated in the cap. Except Hg in Cordyceps millitaris、Grifola frondosa、Thelephora ganbajun was undetected, the single pollution index suggested that Hg, Cd and Pb in the studied wild mushrooms exceeded standards, with Catathelasma ventricosum cap being the highest polluted with Cd. Although Hg、Cd、Pb in 98% of the studied edible mushrooms exceed the national food safety standards, the THQ index suggested that Zn has low human health risks (THQ<1) and Hg, Pb and Cu have high risks (THQ>1), with the risk was higher for children than for adults.

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