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Abstract:Panax notoginseng is a traditional medicinal plant in China with extremely high medicinal values, leading to the constant increase in market demand and expansion in planting area. The planting areas of P. notoginseng are mostly located in regions with high soil background values of heavy metals in southwest China. In addition, the frequent mining activities and unreasonable use of pesticides and fertilizers, lead to high heavy metals concentrations in soils, which induces their uptake and accumulation by P. notoginseng resulting in potential food safety risks in P. notoginseng. Heavy metals accumulated in P. notoginseng can be transferred into human bodies through the food chain, arising potential human health risks. Previous studies on P. notoginseng mainly focus on its continuous cropping obstacle and medicinal activity, limited information is available on its pollutant absorption and enrichment characteristics and the associated influencing factors. Therefore, this review summarizes heavy metals (Cd, As, Pb, Hg, Cu) pollution status in P. notoginseng growing soils and its absorption, distribution and accumulation characteristics, with more focus on illustrating the associated influencing factors including soil heavy metals total content and bioavailability, soil physical and chemical properties and environmental factors. The information in the review helps to develop strategies to reduce heavy metals uptake and accumulation in P. notoginseng and provides theoretical and technical supports to ensure its food safety.

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