JIA Junxiang,LI Na,YANG Guodong,et al.Breeding and Application of Chives Male Sterile Line ‘36A’[J].Northern Horticulture,2020,44(11):177-180.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20194351]
《北方园艺》[ISSN:1001-0009/CN:23-1247/S] 卷: 第44卷 期数: 2020年11 页码: 177-180 栏目: 出版日期: 2020-06-15
Title: Breeding and Application of Chives Male Sterile Line ‘36A’ 作者:(辽宁省农业科学院 蔬菜研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110161) Author(s):JIA Junxiang; LI Na; YANG Guodong; JIANG Xintao; JIANG Binbin; CUI Lianwei(Institute of Vegetables,Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shenyang,Liaoning 110161) 关键词: 香葱; 雄性不育系; 选育 Keywords: chives; male sterility line; breeding DOI: 10.11937/bfyy.20194351 文献标志码: A 摘要:以“北京细香葱”采种田中发现的香葱不育株为不育源进行开放授粉,最后获得5个优良的单株种球,按株系播种。从不育株率高的株系中选择优良植株与对应的父本系进行混合授粉,回交转育连续5代,得到36A,其不育株率和不育度为100%,相应的父本称为36B。不育系36A表现出抽薹晚,抗病性强。以36A为母本配制的杂交组合2016—2017年平均每667 m2产量为2 434.6 kg,比对照品种增产15.93%,有效的解决了香葱制种问题,为创新香葱种质资源奠定了基础。 Abstract:With the male sterile plants of ‘Beijing Chives’ as infertility source for open pollination,five excellent individual seed balls were obtained and planted according to the plant strains.Then excellent plants with high sterile plant rate were selected and mixed pollination with the corresponding male parent.The sterile plant rate and sterility of 36A were 100% after 5 successive generations of backcrossing,which showed late bolting and strong disease resistance,and the corresponding male parent was called 36B.The average yield of the hybrid combination prepared with 36A as female parent was 2 434.6 kg per 667 m2 from 2016—2017,15.93% higher than that of the control cultivars,which effectively solved the problem of chive seed production and laid a foundation for innovation of chive germplasm resources.[1]袁瑞江,王丽乔,薛少红,等.大葱雄性不育系353A的选育[J].北方园艺,2019(8):190-192.[2]张启沛,魏佑营,栾兆水.大葱育种[M].北京:中国农业学技术出版社,2008.[3]张启沛.现代蔬菜育种学[M].北京:科学技术文献出版社,1996.[4]佟成富,唐成英,崔连伟,等.大葱雄性不育系244A的选育及利用[J].北方园艺,2002(4):7-8.[5]魏星,赵世杰,吴雷刚,等.耐抽薹大葱雄性不育系200730A的选育及利用研究[J].山东农业科学,2014,46(7):31-33.[6]陈立东,董福玲,马占清,等.超早熟大葱雄性不育系603A、626A的选育[J].北方园艺,2006(5):24-25.
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更新日期/Last Update: 2020-08-19
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