为探索黄龙病防治途径,开展微波热处理对黄龙病的防控效果研究。该研究搭建了微波热处理平台,对长春花微波热处理参数(转盘转速、单个磁控管的微波功率、磁控管数量)进行优化,并用优化后的参数组合对感病长春花进行热处理,处理后90 d内跟踪检测长春花叶片中黄龙病菌的浓度、淀粉和类黄酮的含量。结果表明,长春花微波热处理的最优参数组合为单个磁控管的微波功率150 W、3个磁控管、转速15 r/min;热处理90 d后,感病长春花叶片中的黄龙病菌Ct值(阈值循环数,该值低于32时为阳性)由阳性(17.01 ± 0.97)转至近阴性(31.91 ± 2.35),病菌浓度下降了99.98%,淀粉含量和类黄酮含量恢复至正常水平,植株的活性恢复较好。研究表明,微波热处理有效抑制植物体内的黄龙病菌,可为黄龙病的规模化防治提供新思路。
关键词: 病害 / 微波 / 热处理 / 黄龙病 / 长春花 / 防治效果Abstract:
Citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) is one of the most serious bacterial diseases in the citrus industry. Starch and flavonoids are two organic materials that are associated with HLB affection. Thermotherapy can be effective in eliminating the “Candidatus Ldiberibacter asiaticus” (CLas), the putative pathogen of HLB. However, the previous thermotherapy cannot fully meet the large-scale production, due to the low efficiency, high energy consumption, or with high cost. In this study, a microwave heat treatment was proposed to control the citrus HLB. A systematic investigation was implemented to explore the inhibitory effect of microwave heat treatment on the physiological materials of HLB-affected periwinkle plants. Firstly, a batch of 30-day-old periwinkles seedlings were cultivated and then graft-inoculated in an insect-proof screen house. Secondly, a microwave thermotherapy platform was built preliminarily. A single-factor test was conducted on three microwave parameters, including the rotating speed of the turntable (RST), microwave power (MP), and number of magnetrons (NM). The parameter levels were determined after the orthogonal test, according to the degree of overheating. Thirdly, the orthogonal test of L9(34) was carried out. Range and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were performed on the three indicators i.e., plant overheating degree, temperature range, and activity evaluation. The optimal combination of parameters was determined using the comprehensive balance. Finally, the optimized microwave treatment was used for thermotherapy on HLB-affected periwinkle plants. CLas titers were determined by real-time quantitative PCR. The starch and flavonoid concentrations of the leaves from the treated and untreated plants were detected within 90 days after heat treatment. The results show that: 1) The factor values for the L9(34) orthogonal test were obtained after single factor testing: RST of 10, 15, and 20 r/min, MP of 150, 200, and 250 W, and NM of 2, 3, and 4. The range analysis showed that the MP was the most important influencing factor on heating, followed by NMs, and finally RSP. 2) Combined with the ANOVA, the optimal combination was determined to be MP of 150 W with 3 magnetrons, where the value range of RST was from 15 r/min. The Ct value of infected samples increased from 17.01±0.97 before treatment to 31.91±2.35 at 90 days post-treatment, with the titers of CLas decreased by 99.98% after treatment with the optimized. 3) The previously CLas-infected plants were recovered after heat treatment, compared with the untreated plants, with more new leaves and lateral branches. The contents of starch and flavonoid were gradually recovered to the levels in the healthy control plants. Comparatively, the starch content of healthy samples increased significantly on the day of heating but gradually recovered to normal level. While there was no significant difference in the total flavonoid content. The flavonoid content in the untreated HLB-affected control was lower than that of the healthy control. The flavonoid content continued to increase until died, as time went by. In conclusion, 1) most CLas in periwinkle plants were eliminated to recover the growth conditions of plants into the healthy control level after microwave heat treatment. 2) Microwave heat treatment gradually restored the starch and flavonoid contents of infected samples, compared with the healthy control and the untreated diseased plants. 3) The platform of microwave heat treatment can be effective for pot-growing periwinkle seedlings. The microwave heat treatment is also required for long-term verification with the different conditions in citrus trees in the future. 4) Microwave heat treatment performed the better inhibitory effect on CLas, with the low cost, short treatment cycle, low consumption and high efficiency. It is also expected to achieve large-scale promotion in the field.
图 1 微波热处理平台和长春花部位
1. 侧枝;2. 主干;3. 测温点。
Figure 1. Microwave heat treatment platform and periwinkle position
1. Lateral branch; 2. Trunk; 3. Temperature measuring point.
图 2 感病长春花与健康长春花经微波热处理后不同时间的表型
Figure 2. Phenotypes of diseased Periwincle plants and healthy Periwincle plants with and without microwave heat treatment
Note: "CLas+" means periwinkle plants infected by CLas. "CLas-" means healthy periwinkle plants. "Heat+" indicates the plants are subjected to microwave heat treatment. "Heat-" means the control without heat treatment.
表 1 正交试验表及因素水平值
Table 1 Orthogonal experiment table and factor levels
试验表 2 长春花活性评价
Table 2 Activity evaluation of periwincle plants
主干Trunk 侧枝Collateral 主干新叶面积占比表 3 微波参数类型的单因素试验结果
Table 3 Single factor test results of microwave parameters
转盘转速表 4 长春花植株微波热处理正交试验结果
Table 4 Results of orthogonal experiment for microwave-based thermotherapy on periwinkle plants
试验编号Test number
温度表 5 正交试验极差分析结果
Table 5 Results of range analysis of orthogonal test
评价指标表 6 正交试验方差分析结果
Table 6 Results of ANOVA of orthogonal test
评价指标表 7 热处理后不同时间植株中黄龙病菌的实时荧光PCR定量结果
Table 7 Real-time quantitative PCR detection results of the "Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus" on periwinkle samples at different time points after microwave heat treatment
处理表 8 热处理后长春花植株叶片中的淀粉和类黄酮含量变化
Table 8 Changes of starch and flavonoid content in leaf samples of periwinkle plants after heat treatment (mg·g−1)
处理 Treatment 淀粉 Starch 类黄酮 Flavonoid 0 d 15 d 30 d 90 d 0 d 15 d 30 d 90 d CLas+/Heat+ 254.67 ± 23.36a 104.84 ± 22.75b 74.06 ± 25.53bc 42.44 ± 10.04c 7.69 ± 2.00a 13.42 ± 1.20ab 23.23 ± 0.89bc 32.42 ± 12.11c CLas+/Heat- 106.13 ± 14.56a 144.00 ± 39.07a 174.23 ± 64.32a 死亡Death 7.26 ± 0.90a 15.76 ± 6.09a 19.87 ± 13.60a 死亡Death CLas-/Heat+ 117.98 ± 29.65a 33.77 ± 11.52b 26.88 ± 3.74b 39.67 ± 25.23b 32.47 ± 2.31a 28.44 ± 17.13a 27.47 ± 0.44a 31.14 ± 5.95a CLas-/Heat- 24.55 ± 1.12a 35.95 ± 18.61a 24.75 ± 3.12ab 46.65 ± 4.35b 27.50 ± 7.23a 35.40 ± 5.39a 37.03 ± 10.55a 26.86 ± 4.46a 注:同行之间不相同的字母,表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。 Note: Different letters between peers indicate significant differences. (P < 0.05). [1] 兰玉彬,王天伟,郭雅琦,等. 柑橘黄龙病光谱特征波段选择及光谱检测仪研制[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(20):119-128.LAN Yubin, WANG Tianwei, GUO Yaqi, et al. Selection of spectral characteristic bands of HLB disease of citrus and spectrum detector development[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering(Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(20): 119-128. (in Chinese with English abstract)
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