来源:Bot. Mat. Otd. Spor. Rast. Acad. Sci. SSSR 11: 191-200.摘要
In Russian; occurs also in China.
Chemical and chemotaxonomical studies on fern triterpenoids.作者:Ageta, H.;Shiojima, K.;Arai, Y.;Masuda, K.年代:1989来源:Proc. Intern. Symp. Syst. Pterid. 295-297.摘要
Concerns some Chinese taxa.
Berberis aemulans.作者:Ahrendt, L.W.A.年代:1952来源:Curtis's Bot. Mag. 169:pl. 179.摘要
Native of China.
中国川续断属一新种. A new species of Dipsacus L. from China.作者:Ai, Tie-min(艾铁民)年代:1988来源:Bull. Bot. Res. 8(4):85-88.摘要
D. enshiensis n. sp. from Hubei.
庐山川续断属的新分类群. New taxa of Dipsacus from Lu Shan.作者:Ai, Tie-min(艾铁民)年代:1989来源:J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 7 (1): 27-28.摘要
D. lushanensis n. sp. from Jiangxi.
中国续断属修订. A revision of genus Dipsacus in China.作者:Ai, Tie-min(艾铁民);Chen, Hu-biao(陈虎彪);Cheng, Zhi-ming(程志铭);Wang, Yue-sheng(王跃生)年代:1990来源:Bull. Bot. Res. 10 (3): 1-18.摘要
Recognizes 16 species, including D. daliensis, D. lijiangensis, D. cyanocapitatus, n. spp.
A second species of the genus Heptacodium Rehd. (Caprifoliaceae).作者:Airy-Shaw, H.K.年代:1952a来源:Kew Bull. 1952:245-246.摘要
H. jasminoides n. sp. from China.
Studies in the Ericales: X. An undescribed Asiatic Gaultheria, with a key to the sino-Himalayan species of Section Leucothoides.作者:Airy-Shaw, H.K.年代:1952b来源:Kew Bull. 1952:171-174.摘要
G. stapfiana n. sp. also found in Yunnan.
Studies in the Ericales: XI. Further new species and notes on the Agapetes of continental Asia.作者:Airy-Shaw, H.K.年代:1959来源:Kew Bull. 1958:468-514.摘要
A. leptantha n. sp. and A. pyrolifolia n. sp. also found in China.
Potentilla fruticosa Veitchii.作者:Alexander, E.J.年代:1955来源:Addisonia 23:9-10.摘要
Native of China.
十字花科植物外部形态的简介. An introduction to the morphological terms of Cruciferae.作者:An, Cheng-hsi(安争夕)年代:1975来源:Acta Phytotax. Sin. 13(2):114-119.摘要
In Chinese.
中国十字花科新资料. New materials for Chinese Cruciferae.作者:An, Cheng-hsi(安争夕)年代:1981来源:Bull. Bot. Res. 1(1,2):97-107.摘要
Includes 1 new section, 6 new species and some new infraspecific taxa in various genera.
十字花科新植物. New taxa of Cruciferae.作者:An, Cheng-hsi(安争夕)年代:1985来源:Acta Phytotax. Sin. 23(5):396-397.摘要
Alliaria grandifolia n. sp. from Zhejiang and Taphrospermum altaicum var. macrocarpum n. var. from Xinjiang.
福建省三种木麻黄的核型比较研究. Comparative study on karyotypes of three species of Casuarina in Fujian.作者:An, Ping(安平);Liang, Da-li(梁达丽)年代:1990来源:J. Fujian For. Coll. 10 (3): 305-309.摘要
Deals with C. cunninghamiana, C. equisetifolia and C. glauca, all 2n=18.
中国罕见的松树. The little known Pinus from China.作者:An, Qing-fu(安庆富);Zhang, Xing-xiang(张兴祥)年代:1986来源:Bull. Bot. Res. 6(2):147-149.摘要
A note in Chinese on P. sylvestris var. fastigiata comb. nov. and var. lapponica.
山羊草属核型分析及其与小麦属的进化关系. The Karyotype analysis of Aegilops with special reference to the relationship between the genus and Triticum.作者:An, Zhu-ping(安祝平);Song, Wen-qin(宋文芹);Li, Xiu-lan(李秀兰);Chen, Rui-yang(陈瑞阳)年代:1985来源:J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 3(4):313-318.摘要
Concerns a few Chinese wild and introduced taxa; discussion.
豫南山地丘陵区葡萄科种质资源及其开发利用.(The germplasm resources of Vitaceae in Hilly regions of southern Jiangxi and some proposals for their utilization.)作者:An, Zuo-jun(安作军)年代:1990来源:J. Henan Univ. (Nat. Sci.) 1990 (1): 59-61.摘要
Deals with 4 genera, 24 species and 4 varieties.
介绍台湾之各种竹类. (An introduction to bamboos in Taiwan.)作者:Anonymous年代:1949a来源:For. Indust. Month. (Taiwan) 7(4):5-9.摘要
A general survey in Chinese.
台湾商用树种名称对照表. (A list of commercial trees in Taiwan).作者:Anonymous年代:1949b来源:For. Indust. Month. Taiwan 6(1):13-27.摘要
With Latin and Chinese names.
Die systematische Gliederung der Gattung Rhododendron.作者:Anonymous年代:1952a来源:Rhod. Immergr. Laubgeh. Jahrb. 1952:74-80.摘要
Includes a list of Latin names, mostly native to China.
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