首页 > 分享 > 极端干热气候乡土建筑防热模型构建和遮阳设计优化



关键词:乡土建筑 / 防热模型 / 遮阳 / 吐鲁番 / 干热气候 

Abstract:The arid climate of China is mainly distributed in the southern part of Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai and northwestern Inner Mongolia and other frontier areas. These areas are classified as severe cold and cold regions in building thermal design zoning, and the energy efficiency of urban buildings mainly emphasizes thermal isolation in winter, while the guidance of passive cooling design in summer is urgently needed. Differently, the local vernacular buildings show climate adaptability, and the shading strategies were used to adjust indoor and outdoor thermal environments, the formed unique passive cooling mode needs to be inherited and developed urgently. For the reason, the Turpan vernacular buildings in extreme arid climate were taken as an example, based on field investigation, the shading objects such as streets, courtyards, roofs, walls and windows, and the shading methods such as grape drying rooms, Ayiwang, elevated trellis, canopies, gable porches, grapevine shelves, permeable walls, and lattice windows were summarized. In addition, through the method of field tests and thermal simulations, a thermal shiledling model for Turpan vernacular buildings was established based on EnergyPlus and its effectiveness was verified. On the basis, the orthogonal test method was applied to evaluate the thermal energy-saving effects of four types of shading objects. The order of thermal shielding effect from large to small was courtyard shading, roof shading, wall shading and window shading, and the best combination of their shading area levels was obtained, i.e., roof shading 100%, wall shading 100%, window shading 25%. Furthermore, according to the existing feasible shading types, the roof grape-drying room and software elevated trellis were recommended as the comprehensive shading for the roof, courtyard, wall and window. Taking the differences in shading needs in different seasons into account, the elevated trellis should apply light-weight construction or grapevine planting method, which was easy to remove in winter.

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