首页 > 分享 > 养分专家系统推荐施肥对冬小麦产量、养分转运及肥料利用的影响


摘要: 为探究冬小麦科学施肥技术,明确养分专家系统推荐施肥对冬小麦产量、养分积累转运与利用的影响,于2018—2019年分别在河南省鹤壁市和新乡市以冬小麦(鹤壁、新乡试验品种分别为‘郑麦7698’和‘郑麦366’)为试验材料,设置7个处理[农民习惯施肥(FP)、当地推荐施肥(ST)、养分专家系统推荐施肥(NE)、在NE基础上配施缓控释氮肥(RNE)、在NE基础上不施氮肥(NE-N)、在NE基础上不施磷肥(NE-P)、在NE基础上不施钾肥(NE-K)],探究不同施肥处理对冬小麦氮、磷、钾养分转运分配规律和肥料利用效率的影响。结果表明,冬小麦氮、磷、钾施肥量NE较FP处理分别降低16.2%、43.3%、-13.2%(鹤壁)和19.5%、48.0%、-57.9%(新乡);冬小麦产量NE与FP处理无显著性差异,RNE与FP处理存在显著性差异;NE、RNE较FP处理分别增产4.7%~6.6%、5.5%~9.6%(P < 0.05)。进一步研究表明,NE、RNE处理可显著增加地上部植株养分含量和积累量(P < 0.05),其花后干物质积累量较FP处理增加9.2%~14.0%、11.9%~18.6%;花前氮、磷素转运量和钾素转运对籽粒钾素积累贡献率均有提高,基于养分专家系统推荐施肥的氮、磷、钾肥平均利用效率分别为42.1%、19.2%、46.6%,平均农学效率分别为11.5 kg·kg-1、13.2 kg·kg-1、13.3 kg·kg-1。综上可知,小麦养分专家系统指导优化了氮、磷、钾肥的施用量和施用方法,促进了小麦对氮、磷、钾养分的吸收利用,提高了肥料利用率,具有良好的增产效果,可以在河南地区推广应用。

Abstract: The overuse of fertilizer, unreasonable fertilization rates, and low fertilizer use efficiency affect modern agricultural systems, limiting farmers' income and development of sustainable agriculture in Henan Province, China. This study investigated the effect of the Nutrient Expert system on winter wheat yield, nutrient accumulation, transportation, and fertilizer utilization efficiency. Field experiments were conducted during the 2018-2019 growing season in Hebi and Xinxiang, Henan Province, with seven treatments:farmer conventional fertilization (FP), local official recommended fertilization (ST), Nutrient Expert recommended fertilization (NE), Nutrient Expert recommended fertilization with controlled-release N fertilizer (RNE), and the elimination of N, P, or K input in the NE treatment (NE-N, NE-P, and NE-K, respectively). Compared to the FP treatment, N, P, and K fertilizer rates in the NE treatment decreased by 16.2%, 43.3%, and -13.2% in Hebi and 19.5%, 48.0%, -57.9% in Xinxiang, respectively. The yields of the NE and RNE treatments were higher than those of FP by 4.7%-6.6% and 5.5%-9.6%, respectively; NE and FP did not differ significantly on yield, but the RNE yield was significantly higher than that of FP. Compared to the other treatments, NE and RNE also improved plant nutrition concentrations and accumulation during the growing season. The dry matter accumulation after anthesis in NE and RNE was significantly higher than that in FP (by 9.2%-14.0% and 11.9%-18.6%, respectively), and the contribution of N, P, and K remobilization to the grains before anthesis also increased significantly. The average fertilizer use efficiency of N, P, and K was 42.1%, 19.2%, and 46.6%, respectively, and the average agronomic efficiency was 11.5 kg·kg-1, 13.2 kg·kg-1, and 13.3 kg·kg-1, respectively, based on the Nutrient Expert system of winter wheat. In general, the Nutrient Expert recommended fertilization optimized the fertilizer management, promoted the absorption and utilization of N, P, and K, and improved the winter wheat yield and fertilizer utilization efficiency. Therefore, we encourage the use of the Nutrient Expert system for fertilizer management in the winter wheat fields of Henan Province, China.

图  1   不同施肥处理对鹤壁冬小麦不同时期养分含量的影响

各处理详见表 2。图A-C分别为不同时期冬小麦植株氮磷钾含量, 图D-F分别为冬小麦成熟期籽粒氮磷钾含量。柱形图不同小写字母表示不同处理间在P < 0.05水平差异显著。

Figure  1.   Effects of different fertilization treatments on nutrients contents of winter wheat in Hebi at different growth stages

Description of each treatment is shown in the table 2. Figure A-C show the plant nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents of winter wheat at different times. Figure D-F show the grain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents of winter wheat at maturity stage. Different lowercase letters mean significant differences among treatments (P < 0.05).

图  2   不同施肥处理对新乡冬小麦各时期养分含量的影响

各处理详见表 2。图A-C分别为不同时期冬小麦植株氮磷钾含量, 图D-F分别为冬小麦成熟期籽粒氮磷钾含量。柱形图不同小写字母表示不同处理间在P < 0.05水平上差异显著。

Figure  2.   Effects of different fertilization treatments on nutrients contents of winter wheat in Xinxiang at different growth stages

Description of each treatment is shown in the table 2.Figure A-C show the plant nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents of winter wheat at different times. Figure D-F show the grain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents of winter wheat at maturity stage. Different letters mean significant differences among treatments (P < 0.05).

表  1   试验地土壤基本化学性质

Table  1   Chemical properties of the tested soils in the experimental sites

Site pH 有机质
Organic matter (g·kg-1) 全氮
Total N (g·kg-1) 碱解氮
Available N (mg·kg-1) 有效磷
Available P (mg·kg-1) 速效钾
Available K (mg·kg-1) 鹤壁
Hebi 7.2 24.9 1.6 90.1 18.8 138.2 新乡
Xinxiang 7.6 19.9 1.2 74.8 17.2 85.1

表  2   不同施肥处理的冬小麦施肥量

Table  2   Fertilizer application rates of different treatments of winter wheat kg·hm-2

Treatment 鹤壁
Hebi 新乡
Xinxiang N P2O5 K2O N P2O5 K2O FP 当地农民习惯施肥 Farmer conventional practice 222 150 53 231 150 38 ST 当地农技部门推荐施肥 Local official recommended fertilization 240 105 90 210 96 60 NE 养分专家系统推荐施肥 Nutrient Expert recommend fertilization 186 85 60 186 78 60 RNE 养分专家系统推荐施肥中氮肥为缓控释肥 Nutrient Expert recommend fertilization with controlled-release N fertilizer 186 85 60 186 78 60 NE-N NE基础上不施氮肥 Nutrient Expert recommend fertilization eliminating N 0 85 60 0 78 60 NE-P NE基础上不施磷肥 Nutrient Expert recommend fertilization eliminating P 186 0 60 186 0 60 NE-K NE基础上不施钾肥 Nutrient Expert recommend fertilization eliminating K 186 85 0 186 78 0

表  3   不同施肥处理对冬小麦产量及其构成因子的影响

Table  3   Effects of different fertilization treatments on winter wheat yield and its components

Site 处理
Treatment 穗粒数
Grain per spike 千粒重
1000-grain weight (g) 穗数
Spike number (×106·hm-2) 产量
Yield(kg·hm-2) 鹤壁
Hebi NE-N 33.7±2.1d 45.7±0.7a 7.3±0.6c 8 150.0±477.0e NE-P 35.7±0.5cd 44.1±1.0b 7.5±0.6bc 8 616.7±189.3d NE-K 36.3±3.2bcd 44.5±0.9ab 7.7±0.2abc 8 950.0±132.3cd FP 37.8±2.4abc 44.9±0.9ab 7.9±0.2abc 9 316.7±104.1bc ST 38.6±0.7abc 44.7±0.8ab 8.1±0.4abc 9 683.3±256.6ab NE 39.4±0.4ab 44.5±0.3ab 8.2±0.5ab 9 750.0±200.0ab RNE 40.2±1.0a 44.6±0.9ab 8.3±0.6a 9 833.3±58.0 a 新乡
Xinxiang NE-N 33.6±1.7c 42.5±1.3a 4.8±0.5c 4 650.0±360.6c NE-P 34.7±3.7bc 41.4±0.9a 5.5±0.2c 5 166.7±453.7c NE-K 35.4±3.4bc 41.9±1.3a 6.9±0.4b 6 000.0±132.3b FP 36.4±0.5bc 40.5±0.7a 7.4±1.0ab 6 283.3±175.6ab ST 38.2±0.6ab 40.9±2.0a 7.8±0.3a 6 400.0±86.6ab NE 40.5±0.9a 41.5±0.8a 7.9±0.2a 6 700.0±606.2ab RNE 42.0±3.1a 40.9±1.3a 8.0±0.2a 6 883.3±539.3a ANOVA 试验地点
Site (S) NS *** NS *** 处理
Treatment (T) *** NS *** *** S×T NS NS NS NS  各处理详见表 2。同列数据后不同小写字母表示同一地点不同处理间在P < 0.05水平差异显著; NS:不显著; *、**、***分别表示在P < 0.05、P < 0.01、P < 0.001水平上显著。Description of each treatment is shown in the table 2. Values followed by different letters in the same column are significantly different in the same site (P < 0.05). *, ** and *** represent significant effects at P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001 probability levels, respectively; NS: no significant effect.

表  4   不同施肥处理对冬小麦开花前后营养器官干物质转运及籽粒干物质积累的影响

Table  4   Effects of different fertilization treatments on dry matter transport of vegetative organs and dry matter accumulation in grains of winter wheat before and after anthesis

Site 处理
Treatment 收获指数
Harvest index 花前
Before anthesis 花后
After anthesis DMR (kg·hm-2) DMRE (%) DMRCG (%) DMA (kg·hm-2) DMAC (%) 鹤壁
Hebi NE-N 0.49±0.06a 1 801.2±234.26bc 16.85±1.24ab 18.94±1.45b 5 182.13±611.16c 77.73±4.32b NE-P 0.49±0.05a 1 227.95±172.82d 14.25±1.39b 14.23±1.73c 7 622.05±372.90ab 85.77±1.73a NE-K 0.48±0.02a 1 660.85±137.56c 14.83±1.41b 18.56±1.55b 7 255.82±818.30b 81.44±1.55ab FP 0.49±0.03a 2 080.13±253.84ab 17.80±2.05a 22.31±2.55a 7 236.54±447.53b 77.69±2.55b ST 0.50±0.04a 2 062.36±128.12ab 18.51±2.34a 21.29±0.98ab 7 620.97±187.22ab 78.71±0.98b NE 0.50±0.04a 2 165.62±198.92ab 19.13±1.67a 22.23±2.29a 8 251.05±520.38a 77.77±2.29b RNE 0.49±0.02a 2 202.33±260.61a 17.82±1.12a 22.39±2.61a 8 097.67±195.07a 77.61±2.61b 新乡
Xinxiang NE-N 0.39±0.02a 600.43±87.13e 8.92±1.23c 14.06±1.25c 4 516.24±433.95c 86.94±2.80a NE-P 0.38±0.04a 835.07±72.24d 9.04±0.81c 16.24±1.99c 4 531.59±219.45c 83.76±1.99a NE-K 0.41±0.03a 1 372.12±144.38c 13.95±2.24b 22.86±2.16b 4 794.55±393.22bc 77.14±2.16b FP 0.40±0.02a 1 697.46±148.72b 15.37±0.38ab 27.07±3.00a 4 885.88±497.94bc 72.93±3.00c ST 0.40±0.02a 1 902.90±136.71ab 16.04±2.23ab 29.72±1.82a 4 763.76±289.86bc 70.28±1.82c NE 0.40±0.03a 1 963.02±214.31a 16.61±1.60a 29.39±3.27a 5 336.98±623.67ab 70.61±3.27c RNE 0.39±0.04a 1 987.76±130.59a 17.57±1.84a 28.90±0.42a 5 795.57±496.68a 71.10±0.42c ANOVA 试验地点(S) *** ** ** * *** * 处理(T) NS NS NS NS NS NS S×T *** NS NS NS NS NS  各处理详见表 2。DMR:干物质转运量; DMRE:干物质转运率; DMRCG:干物质转运对籽粒干物质积累贡献率; DMA:干物质积累量; DMAC:干物质积累对籽粒干物质积累贡献率。同列数据后不同小写字母表示同一地点不同处理间在P < 0.05水平差异显著; NS:不显著; *、**、***分别表示在P < 0.05、P < 0.01和P < 0.001水平显著。Description of each treatment is shown in the table 2>DMR: dry matter remobilization; DMRE: dry matter remobilization rate; DMRCG: contribution of dry matter remobilization to grain; DMA: dry matter accumulation; DMAC: contribution of dry matter accumulation to grain. Values followed by different lowercase letters in the same column are significantly different for the same place (P < 0.05). *, ** and *** represent significant effects at P < 0.05, P < 0dProbability levels, resely; NS: no significant effect.

表  5   不同施肥处理对冬小麦氮素积累、转运及对籽粒的贡献率

Table  5   N accumulation, transport and contribution rate to grain of winter wheat under different fertilization treatments

Site 处理
Treatment 氮积累
Nitrogen accumulation (kg·hm-2) 花前
Before anthesis 花后
After anthesis 分蘖
Tillering 拔节
Jointing 开花
Anthesis 成熟
Maturity NR (kg·hm-2) NRE (%) NRCG (%) NA (kg·hm-2) NAC (%) 鹤壁
Hebi NE-N 18.2±1.1c 101.0±13.3d 123.7±12.8d 177.9±19.8c 93.0±9.3d 75.2±1.5a 63.9±6.2a 49.2±3.3a 36.1±3.8a NE-P 19.0±2.0bc 125.6±12.9c 151.5±12.9c 199.1±12.4bc 115.6±8.1cd 76.3±1.1a 72.8±12.8a 45.2±5.3ab 27.2±12.8a NE-K 20.3±2.4bc 140.3±2.7bc 164.1±23.0bc 211.1±8.3ab 124.2±14.1bc 75.3±4.5a 74.5±17.3a 43.3±5.6ab 25.5±17.0a FP 22.0±2.6bc 157.9±4.8b 178.2±19.1abc 217.9±16.2ab 134.8±20.9bc 75.4±4.1a 78.2±17.5a 39.8±6.0b 21.8±17.5a ST 23.5±2.3ab 191.0±11.7a 185.8±15.5ab 233.3±25.7a 142.3±12.4ab 76.6±1.0a 75.1±1.7a 47.2±4.4ab 24.9±1.7a NE 27.7±3.8a 214.1±13.7a 186.8±18.2ab 235.7±6.0a 143.2±13.8ab 76.6±1.3a 74.1±7.8a 50.2±6.1a 25.9±7.8a RNE 27.2±2.8a 203.1±28.1a 201.3±5.3a 230.0±5.6a 158.0±3.4a 78.5±1.4a 81.9±4.8a 42.1±5.6ab 18.1±4.8a 新乡
Xinxiang NE-N 23.1±1.8c 63.4±5.4e 87.6±4.1e 101.4±5.1c 61.2±4.4e 69.9±3.2ab 72.0±0.9abc 23.8±2.1c 28.0±0.9bc NE-P 22.9±1.0c 88.4±2.7d 117.6±4.6d 163.9±11.6b 74.9±3.6e 63.7±1.7c 65.7±3.5bc 39.6±8.2abc 34.4±3.5ab NE-K 28.2±2.3bc 113.0±15.7c 136.2±6.3c 177.3±19.4b 90.5±5.5d 66.4±2.9bc 62.6±5.6c 54.4±9.7a 37.5±5.6a FP 30.6±3.30ab 131.6±17.7abc 161.6±6.0b 203.6±13.2a 106.8±4.5c 66.1±2.7bc 74.4±5.1ab 37.0±8.6abc 25.7±5.1cd ST 34.5±5.07a 151.8±16.1a 186.9±13.1a 210.2±11.8a 135.9±9.1a 72.7±0.8a 80.7±7.1a 33.3±3.6bc 19.3±2.2d NE 32.4±3.06ab 144.0±5.7ab 179.1±12.6ab 215.4±9.7a 123.2±3.7ab 68.9±2.9ab 74.7±9.4ab 43.0±18.9abc 25.3±3.1cd RNE 36.0±3.39a 128.4±10.6bc 176.4±14.4ab 210.9±13.4a 121.0±16.4bc 68.4±3.9abc 73.0±7.2abc 44.6±11.0ab 27.0±2.9c  各处理详见表 2。NR:花前氮素转运量; NRE:花前氮素转运率; NRCG:花前氮素转运对籽粒氮素积累贡献率; NA:花后氮素积累量; NAC:氮素积累对籽粒氮素积累贡献率。同列数据后不同小写字母表示同一地点不同处理间在P < 0.05水平差异显著; NS:不显著; *、**、***分别表示在P < 0.05、P < 0.01、P < 0.001水平上显著。Description of each treatment is shown in the table 2.NR: N remobilization before anthesis; NRE: N remobilization efficiency before anthesis; NRCG: contribution of N remobilization to grain N before anthesis; NA: N accumulation after anthesis; NAC: contribution of N accumulation to grain after anthesis N. Values followed by different lowercase letters in the same column are significantly different for the same site (P < 0.05). *, ** and *** represent significant effects at P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001 probability levels, respectively; NS: no significant effect.

表  6   不同施肥处理对冬小麦磷素积累、转运及对籽粒的贡献率

Table  6   P accumulation, transport and contribution rate to grain of winter wheat under different fertilization treatments

Site 处理
Treatment 磷积累
Phosphorus accumulation (kg·hm-2) 花前
Before anthesis 花后
After anthesis 分蘖
Tillers 拔节
Jointing 开花
Anthesis 成熟
Maturity PR (kg·hm-2) PRE (%) PRCG (%) PA (kg·hm-2) PAC (%) 鹤壁
Hebi NE-N 1.4±0.2d 8.8±1.1c 16.4±1.95d 28.1±0.96d 14.1±2.2d 85.5±3.6ab 54.6±3.9b 11.6±1.4bc 45.1±10.0b NE-P 1.2±0.1e 9.3±1.1c 11.4±0.96e 28.8±0.47d 9.1±0.8e 79.5±1.9c 34.3±4.1c 17.4±1.7a 65.7±4.1a NE-K 1.6±0.1cd 11.7±0.7bc 17.9±1.24cd 31.4±0.58c 15.0±1.2cd 83.4±0.9b 52.8±5.6b 13.5±1.9b 47.3±5.6b FP 1.8±0.1bc 14.1±1.3b 20.9±0.55c 33.7±0.43b 17.5±0.2c 83.7±1.1b 57.6±1.0b 12.8±0.4bc 42.4±1.0b ST 1.9±0.1b 17.5±1.2a 24.8±1.89b 35.9±0.51a 21.3±1.7b 85.8±0.3ab 65.9±6.5ab 11.1±1.3c 34.1±6.5bc NE 2.2±0.2a 19.1±2.4a 29.5±1.20a 36.5±0.74a 25.8±1.0a 87.5±1.0a 78.6±4.6a 7.0±0.7d 21.4±4.6c RNE 2.4±0.2a 20.1±2.8a 30.0±4.23a 37.2±1.71a 26.3±3.5a 87.5±2.9a 78.4±15.3a 7.4±1.1d 21.6±15.3c 新乡
Xinxiang NE-N 1.8±0.2d 7.1±0.9e 15.7±2.03d 17.1±1.31e 13.1±1.9d 83.1±1.5a 87.9±7.0ab 2.1±0.2b 12.1±7.0ab NE-P 1.6±0.2d 8.3±1.1e 15.1±2.09d 17.4±1.10e 12.2±1.2d 80.5±2.5ab 81.0±10.8b 2.8±0.4a 19.0±10.8a NE-K 1.9±0.3cd 10.3±1.0d 21.2±1.28c 21.5±0.72d 17.8±1.4c 83.8±1.9a 87.8±3.8ab 1.9±0.3bc 12.1±1.3ab FP 2.3±0.2c 13.2±0.8c 23.5±1.47bc 24.1±0.63c 18.7±1.6bc 79.3±2.1b 93.0±6.1a 1.7±0.3bc 7.0±0.9b ST 2.8±0.4b 15.0±1.19bc 25.6±1.72ab 25.2±1.07bc 20.3±1.5abc 79.3±2.3b 94.0±1.9a 1.3±0.5c 6.0±1.9b NE 3.0±0.3b 16.6±0.93b 27.0±1.02a 27.4±1.88ab 21.4±1.3a 79.1±2.1b 91.5±6.8ab 1.4±0.2c 8.5±0.9b RNE 3.5±0.2a 19.3±1.33a 27.4±1.21a 28.8±1.31a 21.1±1.0ab 77.2±1.3b 92.5±1.7a 1.7±0.5bc 7.5±1.0b  各处理详见表 2。PR:花前磷素转运量; PRE:花前磷素转运率; PRCG:花前磷素转运对籽粒磷素积累贡献率; PA:花后磷素积累量; PAC:磷素积累对籽粒磷素积累贡献率。同列数据后不同小写字母表示同一地点不同处理间在0.05水平上差异显著; NS:不显著; *、**、***分别表示在0.05、0.01和0.001水平上显著。Description of each treatment is shown in the table 2. PR: P remobilization before anthesis; PRE: P remobilization efficiency before anthesis; PRCG: contribution of P remobilization before anthesis to grain P; PA: P accumulation after anthesis; PAC: contribution of P accumulation after anthesis to grain P. Values followed by different lowercase letters in the same column are significantly different for the same site (P < 0.05). *, ** and *** represent significant effects at P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001 probability levels, respectively; NS: no significant effect.

表  7   不同施肥处理对冬小麦钾素积累、转运及对籽粒的贡献率

Table  7   K accumulation, transport and contribution rate to grain of winter wheat under different fertilizer treatments

Site 处理
Treatment 钾积累
Potassium accumulation (kg·hm-2) 花前
Before anthesis 花后
After anthesis 分蘖
Tillers 拔节
Jointing 开花
Anthesis 成熟
Maturity KR (kg·hm-2) KRE (%) KRCG (%) KA (kg·hm-2) KAC (%) 鹤壁
Hebi NE-N 13.2±0.9e 67.2±7.3c 197.0±23.2c 221.2±21.4b 11.3±1.5b 5.7±0.5a 39.2±1.8bc 17.5±4.6bcd 60.8±3.6bc NE-P 14.5±0.1de 78.5±5.9c 219.3±23.4bc 242.7±30.2ab 13.3±1.5b 6.0±0.2a 44.2±3.4b 16.7±2.0cd 55.9±4.0c NE-K 13.0±0.3e 76.8±2.6c 223.0±12.2abc 261.0±18.4ab 12.8±1.3b 4.1±0.1a 29.8±3.4d 21.3±2.5abc 70.1±5.8a FP 16.7±0.7cd 102.0±6.4b 239.6±25.2ab 272.4±22.9a 11.1±1.0b 4.7±0.6a 32.6±4.2cd 22.7±1.7a 67.2±6.8ab ST 18.1±2.7bc 127.6±10.6a 245.8±14.1ab 270.5±23.8ab 13.7±1.3b 5.6±0.4a 39.0±2.3bc 21.4±1.5abc 62.0±4.7abc NE 20.5±1.3ab 139.5±16.6a 250.5±21.5ab 272.4±41.6a 13.3±2.1b 5.3±0.7a 37.0±4.0c 21.9±2.6ab 63.0±4.6abc RNE 21.9±1.8a 146.0±21.6a 258.4±10.2a 272.7±22.6a 18.8±1.9a 8.0±6.4a 58.9±5.3a 14.3±1.8d 41.0±4.3d 新乡
Xinxiang NE-N 20.6±0.6d 52.7±3.4e 149.0±5.2c 165.2±19.8c 6.8±0.8cd 4.6±0.5ab 41.5±3.3c 9.5±1.3b 58.6±2.9b NE-P 22.4±1.6cd 72.3±5.8d 188.5±16.2b 206.3±3.8b 6.3±0.8cd 3.3±0.3bc 35.8±1.5cd 11.1±1.2b 64.1±3.9b NE-K 21.4±2.1d 78.3±5.4cd 186.2±12.0b 215.0±18.1b 5.2±0.6d 2.8±0.8c 25.3±3.5e 15.4±2.2a 74.6±5.1a FP 25.2±2.8bc 93.0±10.3bc 235.1±7.0a 250.5±20.4a 7.8±0.9c 2.7±0.2c 29.4±1.5de 15.5±2.7a 70.7±3.9a ST 26.7±1.9ab 99.7±9.2ab 242.7±17.19a 247.5±16.0a 11.1±1.1b 4.7±0.8ab 49.0±4.2b 11.4±2.5b 50.7±50.2c NE 27.5±2.5ab 108.1±5.0ab 258.3±14.99a 269.1±8.8a 13.8±1.1a 5.4±1.7a 55.9±5.3a 10.9±1.4b 44.2±6.2d RNE 29.7±0.5a 115.6±13.98a 258.6±26.29a 267.0±13.4a 12.7±1.2ab 4.9±0.4a 52.1±4.1ab 11.7±1.1b 47.8±4.8cd  各处理详见表 2。KR:花前钾素转运量; KRE:花前钾素转运率; KRCG:花前钾素转运对籽粒钾素积累贡献率; KA:花后钾素积累量; KAC:钾素积累对籽粒钾素积累贡献率。同列不同小写字母表示同一地点不同处理间在0.05水平上差异显著; NS:不显著; *、**、***分别表示在0.05、0.01和0.001水平上显著。Description of each treatment is shown in the table 2. KR: K remobilization before anthesis; KRE: K remobilization efficiency before anthesis; KRCG: contribution of K remobilization before anthesis to grain K; KA: K accumulation after anthesis; KAC: contribution of K accumulation after anthesis to grain K. Values followed by different lowercase letters in the same column are significantly different for the same site (P < 0.05). *, ** and *** represent significant effects at P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001 probability levels, respectively; NS: no significant effect.

表  8   不同施肥处理对冬小麦肥料效率指标的影响

Table  8   Effects of different fertilization treatments on the fertilizer efficiency of winter wheat

Site 处理
Treatment 肥料利用率
Fertilizer utilization efficiency (%) 农学效率
Agronomic efficiency (kg·kg-1) N P2O5 K2O N P2O5 K2O 鹤壁
Hebi NE 36.8 18.8 45.4 10.6 11.3 12.0 RNE 34.7 18.6 43.6 10.4 14.3 14.1 新乡
Xinxiang NE 48.0 19.3 49.1 12.0 13.0 12.8 RNE 48.9 20.0 48.1 13.0 14.0 14.1  各处理详见表 2。Description of each treatment is shown in the table 2. [1] 卢峰.农业供给侧结构改革下河南小麦产能问题研究[J].现代面粉工业, 2019, 33(2):14-19 http://www.wanfangdata.com.cn/details/detail.do?_type=perio&id=xdmfgy201902004

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Effects of Nutrient Expert recommended fertilization on winter wheat yield, nutrient accumulation, transportation, and utilization

网址: 养分专家系统推荐施肥对冬小麦产量、养分转运及肥料利用的影响 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview1360639.html

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