摘要: 互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)已经大面积入侵并威胁我国滨海湿地生态系统。利用红树植物替代法控制互花米草入侵的生态修复模式已得到广泛关注。本研究选取浙江温州鳌江口红树植物秋茄(Kandelia obovata)替代互花米草的生态修复区,在3年修复期前后,对修复区和对照区进行植物群落结构和大型底栖动物群落多样性监测,结合沉积物质量与水质变化监测,对生态修复的效果进行评价。结果表明:生态修复区的秋茄群落虽结构单一、但生长良好;红树林生境大型底栖动物物种多样性指数为0~2.055;而在互花米草生境中为1.053~2.805,说明对大型底栖动物而言互花米草生境的生态环境状况优于红树林生境。这可能是由于恢复的早期阶段,秋茄树龄小且对水质污染的改善作用不显著,其大型底栖动物的种类偏少。本研究是红树林高纬度分布区生态替代法控制互花米草的典型案例;随着植株的生长,秋茄群落的生态效益将进一步显现。
关键词: 外源性物质, 群落结构, 生物多样性, 陆地-水体相互作用, 生态系统功能
Abstract: Spartina alterniflora widely invades to the coastal wetlands in China. The ecological restoration mode of biological substitution that used mangrove to control the invasion of S. alterniflora has aroused widely concern. In this study, we evaluated the mangrove restoration of Kandelia obovata to control S.alterniflora in Aojiang Estuary of Zhejiang Province, China, by monitoring plant community structure and macrofauna diversity as well as the quality of water and sediment. The results showed that young mangrove community was simple in structure and well grown. The range of macrofauna community diversity index was 0-2.055 in mangrove site, and 1.053-2.805 in S. alterniflora site, which indicated that the environment of S. alterniflora was still well for macrofauna growth. This might be due to the young ages of K.obovata trees in this early stage of restoration. With weak purifying ability, the young forests had low ability to harbor macrofauna. This substitution could act as a typical case controlling S. alterniflora in its high latitude distribution region, which is expected to have better ecological functions after long-term management.
Key words: community structure., allochthonous material, landwater interaction, ecosystem function, biodiversity
大河之洲 扬起互花米草防治前行风帆
从《互花米草治理区域生态修复技术指南(试行)》看生态修复成效评估 | 方法借鉴
Control of invasive plant Spartina alterniflora: Concept, technology and practice
网址: 红树植物秋茄替代互花米草的生态修复评估——以浙江温州为例 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview163209.html
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