物种名录是一个地区生物多样性的本底性资料, 及时更新生物物种名录对生物多样性的保护及促进基础数据共享都具有重要意义。为了及时总结安徽省苔藓植物的分类学研究成果, 本文通过对文献的收集和分析, 整理出安徽省苔藓植物名录。结果显示, 安徽省共有苔藓植物95科253属777种, 其中角苔类3科3属3种, 苔类36科62属185种, 藓类56科188属589种。种数多于25的科为青藓科、细鳞苔科、丛藓科、真藓科、灰藓科、提灯藓科、白发藓科、绢藓科和蔓藓科。种数多于15的属为青藓属(Brachythecium)、真藓属(Bryum)、绢藓属(Entodon)、光萼苔属(Porella)、羽苔属(Plagiochila)、灰藓属(Hypnum)、凤尾藓属(Fissidens)、棉藓属(Plagiothecium)和耳叶苔属(Frullania)。区系成分组成上, 安徽苔藓植物以东亚成分占优势, 达到44.40%, 温带成分占31.53% (其中以北温带型最多, 占25.61%), 热带成分占18.92% (其中以热带亚洲成分最多, 达到10.30%)。安徽省共有中国特有苔藓55种, 濒危种1个, 易危种8个。安徽苔藓植物调查呈现出地区不均衡性, 建议在广泛调查的同时加强名录修订和专科专属研究, 对有条件的地区开展时空变化下物种多样性比较研究。
关键词: 物种多样性, 苔藓植物, 物种编目, 安徽省
Aims: Species checklist is the background data of the biodiversity of a region. A timely update of the list plays an important role in the protection of biodiversity and the promotion of basic data sharing. In order to summarize the research results of the taxonomy of bryophytes in Anhui Province in time, it is necessary to revise the list of bryophytes in the province.
Method: Based on the collection and analysis of the published records, we updated the checklist of bryophytes in Anhui Province.
Results: In total, the present checklist includes 777 species belonging to 253 genera in 95 families, with three hornwort species in three genera and three families, 185 liverwort species in 62 genera and 36 families, and 589 moss species in 188 genera and 56 families. Families with more than 25 species are Brachytheciaceae, Lejeuneaceae, Pottiaceae, Bryaceae, Hypnaceae, Mniaceae, Leucobryaceae, Entodontaceae and Meteoriaceae. Genera with more than 15 species are Brachythecium, Bryum, Entodon, Porella, Plagiochila, Hypnum, Fissidens, Plagiotheciumand Frullania. East Asian geographical element (44.40%) is the largest component of the bryophyte flora of Anhui Province, while temperate element is 31.53% (of which the northern temperate element is the most, accounting for 25.61%), and tropical element is 18.92% (of which the tropical Asia element is 10.30%). There are 55 species of China's endemic species, one endangered species, and eight vulnerable species in Anhui Province. The survey of bryophytes in Anhui Province shows regional imbalances.
Conclusions: Our results suggests that, while extensive surveys are carried out, the revision of the checklist and specialized studies should be strengthened in Anhui Province. Furthemore, comparative studies of species diversity under temporal and spatial changes should be carried out in areas where conditions permit.
Key words: species diversity, bryophytes, biodiversity inventory, Anhui Province
中国高等植物彩色图鉴. 第1卷, 苔藓植物. Volume I, Bryophytes
网址: 安徽省苔藓植物名录 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview1650827.html
上一篇: 科学家发表苔藓多样性、系统发育和 |
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