【目的】对西花蓟马(Frankliniella occidentalis)实验种群生命表的研究大多采用单头饲养(individual-rearing,IR)的方式,研究结果可用于田间自然情况下种群发生的预测。然而西花蓟马在自然情况下常常是群聚发生,而非单头发生。论文旨在比较单头饲养和群体饲养(group-rearing,GR)两种方式建立起的西花蓟马实验种群的生命表参数,探讨何种方式建立起的生命表用于预测自然条件下西花蓟马的发生情况可能更为准确。【方法】分别用单头饲养和群体饲养的方式构建西花蓟马实验种群在菜豆豆荚上的年龄-阶段两性生命表,比较两种饲养条件下西花蓟马的生活史和种群参数;采用bootstrap方法计算种群生长参数的平均数和标准误;应用U 检验(Mann-Whitney test)(Sigmaplot 12.5)估计单头饲养和群体饲养条件下西花蓟马种群参数、发育历期和繁殖力间的差异。【结果】单头饲养和群体饲养对若虫期、蛹期、雄虫寿命、总产卵前期、单雌产卵量、蛹重、成虫体长有显著影响, 对卵期、成虫期、成虫产卵前期、雌虫寿命、蛹长、蛹宽、成虫体宽的影响不显著。单头饲养西花蓟马的若虫期(4.49 d)、蛹期(4.03 d)、雄虫寿命(22.82 d)、总产卵前期(11.37 d)显著长于群体饲养(3.05、3.32、18.64、10.00 d);单头饲养西花蓟马的蛹重(0.03 mg)、雌成虫体长(203.72 μm)、雄成虫体长(149.74 μm)、单雌产卵量(48粒)显著低于群体饲养(0.07 mg、288.81 μm、203.39 μm、133.39粒)。内禀增长率(r)、周限增长率(λ)、净增殖率(R0)、总生殖率(GRR)和平均世代时间(T)在单头饲养的情况下分别为0.161 d-1、1.175 d-1、20.730、35.699、18.70 d,在群体饲养情况下分别为0.242 d-1、1.274 d-1、60.499、102.342、16.88 d。群体饲养的西花蓟马种群增长比单头饲养的快。【结论】相对于单头饲养的西花蓟马,群体饲养的西花蓟马种群增长速度更快、单位时间内产生后代数更多,若使用单头饲养方式建立生命表对西花蓟马种群发生动态进行预测预报可能会延误最佳防治时机,以群体饲养的方式建立的生命表对田间种群的动态预测应该更准确。
关键词: 西花蓟马, 年龄-阶段两性生命表, 单头饲养, 群体饲养
【Objective】The method of individual-rearing (IR) was often used to study the life table of western flower thrip (Frankliniella occidentalis), and the results can be used to predict the population occurrence under natural conditions in the field. However, F. occidentalis often occur in groups rather than single head under natural conditions. The objective of this study to compare the life table parameters of individual-rearing and group-rearing (GR) F. occidentalis, and to explore the accuracy of population occurrence dynamics under natural conditions based on the data from individual-rearing and group-rearing.【Method】The age-stage, two-sex life table of the experimental population of F. occidentalis reared on bean pod was constructed by individual-rearing and group-rearing, respectively, and the life history and population parameters of F. occidentalis were compared under the two conditions. The means and standard errors of population growth parameters were calculated using the bootstrap method. The Mann-Whitney test (U test) was used to evaluate the differences in the population parameter, development period, and fecundity of individual-rearing and group-rearing F. occidentalis.【Result】Individual-rearing and group-rearing had significant effects on nymph stage, pupal stage, male longevity, total preoviposition period, per female oviposition, pupal weigh and adult body length, but not on egg stage, adult stage, adult preoviposition period, female longevity, pupal length, pupal width, adult width. The nymph stage (4.49 d), pupal stage (4.03 d), male longevity (22.82 d), total preoviposition period (11.37 d) of individual-rearing F. occidentalis were significantly longer than group-rearing ones (3.05, 3.32, 18.64 and 10.00 d, respectively). The pupal weigh (0.03 mg) of individual-rearing F. occidentalis was significantly lower than that of group-rearing F. occidentalis (0.07 mg). The adult body lengths of individual-rearing F. occidentalis (female: 203.72 μm, male: 149.74 μm) were significantly lower than those of group-rearing F. occidentalis (female: 288.81 μm, male: 203.39 μm). The per female oviposition of individual-rearing F. occidentalis (48) was significantly lower than that of group-rearing F. occidentalis (133.39). The intrinsic rate of increase (r), finite rate of increase (λ), net reproductive rate (R0), gross reproductive rate (GRR) and mean generation time (T) of individual-rearing F. occidentalis were 0.161 d-1, 1.175 d-1, 20.730, 35.699, 18.70 d, respectively, while those of group-rearing F. occidentalis were 0.242 d-1, 1.274 d-1, 60.499, 102.342, 16.88 d, respectively. The population growth of individual-rearing F. occidentalis was slower than that of group-rearing F. occidentalis.【Conclusion】Compared with the individual-rearing F. occidentalis, the population of group-rearing F. occidentalis grew faster and produced more offspring per unit time. Using the individual-rearing feeding method to establish a life table to predict the population dynamics of F. occidentalis may delay the best control time. The life table established by the group-rearing method should predict the population dynamics more accurately.
Key words: Frankliniella occidentalis, age-stage two-sex life table, individual-rearing, group-rearing
网址: 单头饲养和群体饲养的西花蓟马实验种群生命表比较 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview191577.html
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