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The western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) has been a major pest of agricultural and hotricultural crops in fields and greenhouses worldwide. Since its found in Beijing Municipality of China in 2003, and now it is the serious pest in pomegranate tree of Jianshui County, Yunnan Province in recent years. The population dynamics of the F. occidentalis in pomegranate orchards was surveyed by using gathering thrips in different positions of pomegranate including flower, leaf, shoot and young fruit and using blue sticky cards from 2007 to 2008 in Jianshui County, Yunnan Province. The relationship between meteorological factors including monthly mean temperature, monthly maximum temperature, monthly minimum temperature, monthly rainfall, monthly relative humidity (RH) and monthly evaporation and population dynamics were analyzed using the regression analysis (stepwise regression analysis and path analysis), the principal component analysis and the grey system analysis. The results indicated that during the study periods, adults of the F. occidentalis occurred throughout the year, the lowestpopulation was in winter season and the highest population was in the summer season in each year. The population dynamics was single-peaked, the most serious injury stage was from March to July, with the peak in May. The correlativity results showed that the population of F. occidentalis was significantly positively corrlelated to monthly RH (P<0.01), and it was positively corrleated to monthly mean temperature, monthly minimum temperature (P<0.05), followed the regression equation as Y= -131.15+0.04 X1+22.71 X3-15.76 X5, (P=0.002), the multiple realtice coefficient was 0.875, the X1, X3 and X5 was monthly mean temperature, monthly minimum temperature and monthly RH. No significant correlation was found between the population of F. occidentalis and monthly maximum temperature, monthly rainfall amounts, monthly evaporation capacity (P>0.05). Use the stepwise regression analysis, path analysis and decision coefficient analysis on the relations between the population of F. occidentalis and monthly mean temperature, monthly minimum temperature and monthly RH. The results described that the monthly minimum temperature was the major decisive factor, whose the decision coefficient was R2(3)= 3.662, and the monthly mean temperature and the monthly RH were the primary limiting factors, whose the decision coefficient respectively were R2(1)= -0.484 and R2(5)= -2.621. The principal component analysis indicated that the monthly minimum temperature of the first principal component was the primary decisive factor, whose cumulative variance proportion was 73.03% and monthly RH of the second principal component was also the primary decisive factor, whose Load was 0.978. The total cumulative variance proportion of previous two principal components was 95.30%. It could be the comprehensive index of meteorological factors to analysis the population dynamics of F. occidentalis. The grey system analysis on the relationship between the population and the meteorological factors showed that the monthly RH was the key factors of seasonal dynamics, whose integral was 10. And the total annual rainfall amounts was the key factors of annual dynamics, whose degreeofrelation was 1.012, and that all the meteorological factors ranked as the Toal Annual Rainfall >Annual Mean RH>Annual Maximum Temperature >Annual Minimum Temperature >Annual Mean Temperature.



网址: 石榴园西花蓟马种群动态及其与气象因素的关系 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview191578.html

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