文章导航 > 北京林业大学学报 > 2012 > 34(3) : 97-102.
穆绘莉, 游晓会, 石超, 马琳, 姜岩, 潘会堂, 张启翔. 胭脂花野生群体表型多样性研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2012, 34(3): 97-102.
引用本文: 穆绘莉, 游晓会, 石超, 马琳, 姜岩, 潘会堂, 张启翔. 胭脂花野生群体表型多样性研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2012, 34(3): 97-102.
MU Hui-li, YOU Xiao-hui, SHI Chao, MA Lin, JIANG Yan, PAN Hui-tang, ZHANG Qi-xiang.. Phenotypic variation in natural populations of Primula maximowiczii.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2012, 34(3): 97-102.
Citation: MU Hui-li, YOU Xiao-hui, SHI Chao, MA Lin, JIANG Yan, PAN Hui-tang, ZHANG Qi-xiang.. Phenotypic variation in natural populations of Primula maximowiczii.[J]. Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2012, 34(3): 97-102.
College of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, National Engineering Research Center for Floriculture, 100083, P. R. China.
摘要: 对胭脂花的5个野生群体17个表型性状进行测量和分析,结果表明:胭脂花野生群体间和群体内均存在显著差异,表型分化系数(Vst)为0.09~0.34,群体内多样性大于群体间的多样性,其变异来源主要存在于群体内;表型性状的变异系数(CV)在13.71%~48.80%之间,其中变异最大的性状是花眼颜色,为48.80%,花冠筒长度表现最为稳定,变异系数为13.71%;叶片数、叶长、叶宽、花葶直径、花序轮数、花量等性状之间呈显著正相关,花柱长短与花冠筒长呈显著负相关。经度和纬度与大部分性状之间呈显著正相关;海拔、年均降雨量与大部分性状之间呈显著负相关。对其野生群体进行UPGMA聚类表明,5个群体聚为2大类,并没有严格按照地理距离聚类。
Abstract: Investigation of seventeen phenotypic traits from five natural Primula maximowiczii populations showed significant differences among all the traits both within and between populations. The phenotypic differentiation coefficient (Vst) ranged from 0.09 to 0.34 Phenotypic diversity within populations was higher than that among populations and the main source of variation was observed within populations. The variation coefficient (CV) of phenotypic traits ranged from 13.71% to 48.80%. The color of corolla eyes is the most unstable trait (CV=48.80%), while the corolla tube length is the most stable trait (CV=13.71%). Leaf number, leaf length, leaf width, scape diameter, inflorescence number and flower number were significantly positively correlated while stigma type was significantly negatively correlated with corolla tube length. Pintype plants usually had shorter corolla tubes while thrumtype plants had longer corolla tubes. Most phenotypic traits showed a significantly positive correlation with longitude and latitude, but a significant negative correlation with altitude and annual rainfall. UPGMA cluster analysis classified the five P. maximowiczii populations into two groups without a clear geographic correlation.
计量 文章访问数: 1667 HTML全文浏览量: 140 PDF下载量: 36 被引次数: 17 出版历程 收稿日期: 1899-12-31 修回日期: 1899-12-31 发布日期: 2012-05-29相关知识
网址: 胭脂花野生群体表型多样性研究 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview221535.html
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