病害是影响农作物产量和品质的重要因素,培育抗病品种是解决这一问题的根本途径。解析作物抗病遗传基础,挖掘抗病基因,阐明抗病机制是抗病分子育种成功的关键。数量抗病性(quantitative disease resistance,QDR)又称不完全抗性或部分抗性,通常由多个数量性状位点(quantitative trait loci,QTL)控制,遗传基础复杂,每个位点表现较小的遗传效应,受环境影响大,对病原菌的选择压力较轻。因此,聚合众多数量抗病基因的作物品种往往更具有高抗、广谱和持久的特性,在农业生产中被广泛利用。
苟明月课题组主要从事玉米广谱抗病性及细胞壁合成机制研究工作。解析了 CPR30 / CPR1 、 BON1 、 MYB107 、 MSBP 、 CB5D 等基因参与植物自免疫及细胞壁合成调控的新机制 (Gou et al., Plant J, 2012; Gou et al., Plant Physiol, 2015; Gou et al., Plant Physiol, 2017;Gou et al., Nat Plants, 2018; Gou et al., Plant Cell, 2019)。近年来在玉米南方锈病、弯孢叶斑病等玉米病害广谱抗性研究中取得进展(Mu et al., Crop J, 2022; Li et al., J Exp Bot, 2022)。
杨琴课题组长期从事玉米数量抗病性遗传基础解析及抗病基因功能研究工作。围绕玉米茎腐病、小斑病和灰斑病,开展抗性QTL的精细定位和基因挖掘,克隆了可同时控制玉米开花期和茎腐病抗性的主效位点 qRfg1 - ZmCCT (Yang et al., PNAS, 2017; Yang et al., New Phytol, 2017),克隆多抗玉米小斑病和灰斑病的 qMdr9.02 - ZmCCoAOMT2 (Yang et al., Nat Genet, 2017),揭示了玉米适应不同病原菌的遗传基础。近期,课题组克隆了玉米小斑病感病基因 ChSK1 (Chen et al., New Phytol, 2022, Accepted)。
徐明良课题组在玉米数量抗病基因克隆、抗病机制研究及抗病分子育种中等方面取得一系列成果。先后克隆玉米抗丝黑穗病基因 ZmWAK (Zuo et al., Nat Genet, 2015);抗茎腐病基因 ZmCCT (Yang et al., New Phytol, 2017)、 ZmAuxRP1 (Ye et al., Mol Plant, 2019);抗甘蔗花叶病病毒基因 ZmTrxh (Liu et al., Mol Plant, 2017)、 ZmABP1 (Leng et al., Mol Plant, 2017);抗粗缩病基因 ZmGDIα-hel (Liu et al., Nat Commun, 2020)等,获批发明专利多项。
河南农业大学 苟明月教授为论文的第一作者,西北农林科技大学 杨琴教授和中国农业大学 徐明良教授为本论文共同通讯作者,美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学 Peter Balint-Kurti教授也参与了该综述写作。该研究得到了国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、河南省杰出青年科学基金、陕西省重点研发计划等项目资助。
1.Leng, P., Ji, Q., Asp, T., Frei, U.K., Ingvardsen, C.R., Xing, Y., Studer, B., Redinbaugh, M., Jones, M., Gajjar, P., Liu, S., Li, F., Pan, G., Xu, M., and Lubberstedt, T.(2017). Auxin binding protein 1 reinforces resistance to Sugarcane mosaic virus in maize. Mol. Plant 10: 1357-1360.
2.Liu, Q., Deng, S., Liu, B., Tao, Y., Ai, H., Liu, J., Zhang, Y., Zhao, Y., and Xu, M.(2020). A helitron -induced RabGDIα variant causes quantitative recessive resistance to maize rough dwarf disease. Nat. Commun. 11: 495.
3.Liu, Q., Liu, H., Gong, Y., Tao, Y., Jiang, L., Zuo, W., Yang, Q., Ye, J., Lai, J., Wu, J., Lubberstedt, T., and Xu, M.(2017a). An atypical thioredoxin imparts early resistance to Sugarcane mosaic virus in maize. Mol. Plant 10:483-497.
4.Wang, C., Yang, Q., Wang, W., Li, Y., Guo, Y., Zhang, D., Ma, X., Song, W., Zhao, J., and Xu, M.(2017). A transposon-directed epigenetic change in ZmCCT underlies quantitative resistance to Gibberella stalk rot in maize. New Phytol. 215: 1503-1515.
5.Yang, Q., He, Y., Kabahuma, M., Chaya, T., Kelly, A., Borrego, E., Bian, Y., El Kasmi, F., Yang, L., Teixeira, P., Kolkman, J., Nelson, R., Kolomiets, M., Dangl, J.L., Wisser, R., Caplan, J., Li, X., Lauter, N., and Balint-Kurti, P.(2017). A gene encoding maize caffeoyl-CoA O -methyltransferase confers quantitative resistance to multiple pathogens. Nat. Genet. 49: 1364-1372.
7.Ye, J., Zhong, T., Zhang, D., Ma, C., Wang, L., Yao, L., Zhang, Q., Zhu, M., and Xu, M.(2019). The auxin-regulated protein ZmAuxRP1 coordinates the balance between root growth and stalk rot disease resistance in maize. Mol. Plant 12:360-373.
8.Zuo, W., Chao, Q., Zhang, N., Ye, J., Tan, G., Li, B., Xing, Y., Zhang, B., Liu, H., Fengler, K.A., Zhao, J., Zhao, X., Chen, Y., Lai, J., Yan, J., and Xu, M.(2015). A maize wall-associated kinase confers quantitative resistance to head smut. Nat. Genet. 47: 151-157.
9.Gou,M., Ran, X., Martin D., Liu, C. (2018) The scaffold proteins of lignin biosynthetic cytochrome P450 enzymes. Nat. Plants 4: 299-310.
10.Gou, M., Hou, G., Yang, H., Zhang, X., Cai, Y., Kai, G., Liu, C.(2017) The MYB107 tranion factor positively regulates suberin biosynthesis. Plant Physiol. 173: 1045-1058.
11.Gou, M., Shi Z., Zhu, Y., Bao, Z., Wang, G., Hua, J.(2012) The F-box protein CPR1/CPR30 negatively regulates R protein SNC1 accumulation. Plant J. 69: 411-420.
12.Gou, M., Yang, X., Zhao, Y., Ran, X., Song, Y., Liu, C. (2019) Cytochrome b5 Is an Obligate Electron Shuttle Protein for Syringyl Lignin Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 31: 1344-1366.
15.Mu, X., Dai, Z., Guo, Z., Zhang, H., Yang, J., Gan, X., Li, J., Liu, Z., Tang, J., Gou, M.(2022) Systematic dissection of disease resistance to southern corn rust by bulked-segregant and tranome analysis. Crop J. 10: 426-435.
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