摘要: 采用网捕和观察等方法,调查茶园中6种不同种类显花植物上访花昆虫种类和停留时间,分析不同显花植物上的访花昆虫优势种及其活动规律。结果表明: 秋海棠和四季海棠的访花昆虫分别有7目25科31种和5目10科12种,两种花上双斑长跗萤叶甲Monolepta hieroglyphica和绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum均为优势种;鼠尾草的访花昆虫有6目16科21种,长肩棘缘蝽Cletus trigonus为优势种;黄金菊的访花昆虫有7目26科34种,纤腰巴食蚜蝇Bacch maculata、短角异斑腿蝗Xenocatantops brachycerus和南方长足虻Dolichopus meridionalis为优势种;凤仙花的访花昆虫有8目32科39种,黑褐举腹蚁Crematogaster rogenhoferi为优势种;毛地黄的访花昆虫有7目18科21种,短头熊Bombus breviceps和南方长足虻为优势种。所有昆虫中以绿盲蝽和南方长足虻在毛地黄停留时间最长,分别达55.33和25.12 s·min-1;长肩棘缘蝽在黄金菊停留时间最长,达57.50 s·min-1;黑褐举腹蚁在凤仙花上的停留时间最长,达13.47 s·min-1;纤腰巴食蚜蝇在四季海棠停留时间最长,达58.33 s·min-1;短角异斑腿蝗在秋海棠上的停留时间最长,为58.26 s·min-1。主要优势捕食性天敌纤腰巴食蚜蝇和南方长足虻在黄金菊上的访花比例(分别为22.41%和13.32%)和访花次数(分别为3.60次和2.13次)最高。黄金菊吸引的天敌昆虫种类最多,优势种天敌昆虫停留时间较长。因此,在茶园种植中,可增加能够吸引更多天敌多样性的显花植物,以促进自然控制害虫的作用。
关键词: 渔业, 头足类, 鸢乌贼, 群体划分, 形态参数
Abstract: In this study, we investigated species and residence time of flower-visiting insects on six different flowering plant species in a tea garden by catching with a net and observation. We analyzed the dominant species of visiting insects and their activities on different flowering plant species. The results showed that there were 31 species of flowervisiting insects belonging to 25 families and seven orders, 12 species belonging to 10 families and five orders on Begonia grandis and Begonia semperflorens, respectively. Both Monolepta hieroglyphica and Apolygus lucorum were the dominant species on these two plant species. There were 21 species of flower-visiting insects belonging to 16 families and six orders on Salvia japonica, with the dominant species being Cletus trigonus. There were 34 species of flower-visiting insects belonging to 26 families and seven orders on Euryops pectinatus, with the dominant species being Bacch maculata, Xenocatantops brachycerus, and Dolichopus meridionalis. There were 39 species of flower-visiting insects belonging to 32 families and eight orders on Impatiens balsamina, with dominant species being Crematogaster rogenhoferi. There were 21 species of flower-visiting insects belonging to 18 families and 7 orders on Digitalis purpurea, and the dominant species were Bombus breviceps and D. meridionalis.A. lucorum and D. meridionalis had the longest residence time on D. purpurea, with residence time of 55.33 and 25.12 s·min-1, respectively. C. trigonus had the longest residence time of 57.50s·min-1 on E. pectinatus.C. rogenhoferi had the longest residence time of 13.47 s·min-1 onI. balsamina.B. maculatehad the longest residence time of 58.33 s·min-1 on B. semperflorens. X. brachycerus had the longest residence time of 58.26 s·min-1 on B. grandis. The two dominant predators, B. maculata and D. meridionalis, had the highest proportion (22.41% and 13.32%, respectively) and frequency (3.60 times and 2.13 times, respectively) of visiting flowers on E. pectinatus. E. pectinatus attracted most species of natural enemy, with longer stay of the dominant natural enemy species than on other plant species. Therefore, we should increase the abundance of flowering plants that can attract more diversity of natural enemies to promote the role of natural pest control in tea gardens.
Key words: morphological indicators, Cephalopod, fishery., Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, population classification
广玉兰访花昆虫的行为与活动规律研究 -挑战杯
网址: 茶园不同显花植物访花昆虫群落组成及优势种活动规律 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview332547.html
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