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 YIN Juan,CAI Xiuzhen,LIU Yunzhe,et al.AHPbased Ornamental Value Evaluation of sect.Calcareimontana (Impatiens L.)[J].Northern Horticulture,2018,42(22):93-97.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20180760]


《北方园艺》[ISSN:1001-0009/CN:23-1247/S] 卷: 第42卷 期数: 2018年22 页码: 93-97 栏目: 出版日期: 2018-11-25

Title: AHPbased Ornamental Value Evaluation of sect.Calcareimontana (Impatiens L.) 作者:(湖南师范大学 生命科学学院,湖南 长沙 410081) Author(s):YIN Juan; CAI Xiuzhen; LIU Yunzhe; LI Shuaijie(College of Life Sciences,Hunan Normal University, Changsha,Hunan 410081) 关键词: 凤仙花属; 层次分析法; 野生植物; 观赏价值; 评价 Keywords: Impatiens L.; analytic hierarchy process (AHP); wild plants; ornamental value; evaluation DOI: 10.11937/bfyy.20180760 文献标志码: A 摘要:以凤仙花属(Impatiens L.)石山组(sect.Calcareimontana S.X.Yu)10种植物为试材,采用层次分析法,研究了在花部特征、花数量性状、其它性状、生态适应性4个方面中,花色、花瓣形状、花瓣斑纹等15个指标对该组植物观赏价值综合评价的影响,以期筛选出适用于园林绿化的优良种类。结果表明:总排序值中花色、花瓣形状、花瓣斑纹所占相对权重最大;根据综合评分结果将10种凤仙花分为3个等级,Ⅰ级(>4.0分)2种,可开发成园林花卉,Ⅱ级(3.5~4.0分)5种和Ⅲ级(<3.5分)3种,不推荐引种。多脉凤仙花(I.polyneura)和龙州凤仙花(I.morsei)的花色鲜艳、花形奇特、生态适应性较强,可作为优良野生花卉引种推广。 Abstract:With 10 species of the sect.Calcareimontana (Impatiens) as the test material,application of analytic hierarchy process (AHP),color,petal shape,petal markings and so on from flowers characteristics,quantity character,other properties,ecological adaptability of four aspects were studied.In order to obtain their influence on the comprehensive evaluation of the ornamental value of 10 species.And selected the excellent varieties suitable for landscaping.The results showed that the total order was the largest relative weight of flower color,petal shape and petal markings.According to the results of comprehensive evaluation,10 species were divided into 3 grades.There were two species at the first rank (>4.0),it could be developed into botanical garden flowers.Five species at the second rank (3.5-4.0) and three species at the third rank (3.5 points),they were not recommended.The colorful flowers,exotic flowers and the strong ecological adaptability of I.polyneura and I.morsei can be used as a good introduction to wild flowers.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2019-01-08


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