文章导航 > 华南农业大学学报 > 1993 > (4) : 76-83.
梁承愈 关佩聪. 青花菜花球花芽分化与发育的解剖研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1993, (4): 76-83.
引用本文: 梁承愈 关佩聪. 青花菜花球花芽分化与发育的解剖研究[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 1993, (4): 76-83.
Liang Chenyu Guan Peichong Wu Xiaoying. STUDIES ON ANATOMY OF THE FLOWER BUD DIFFERENTIATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CURD OF BROCCOLI[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1993, (4): 76-83.
Citation: Liang Chenyu Guan Peichong Wu Xiaoying. STUDIES ON ANATOMY OF THE FLOWER BUD DIFFERENTIATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CURD OF BROCCOLI[J]. Journal of South China Agricultural University, 1993, (4): 76-83.
华南农业大学 机构 园艺系(梁承愈,关佩聪),华南农业大学园艺系(吴筱颖)
计量 文章访问数: 1203 HTML全文浏览量: 1 PDF下载量: 1019 出版历程 发布日期: 1993-10-09 刊出日期: 1993-10-09Dept. of Horticulture.South China Agr. Univ.
摘要: 本文对青花菜的花球花芽分化与发育进行解剖学研究。在解剖显微镜下研究的基础上,应用扫描电子显微镜观察摄影,将青花菜的花序分化发育形成花球的过程分为7期。其分化发育规律是:侧花茎原基的分化级数由外而内地逐渐减少,最外最先分化的侧花茎原基先发育,第2-3级分化后,便分化花原基,分化至第4级的为数不多,个别分化至第5级。往内仅有第2级甚或第1级侧花茎原基的分化,便分化花原基。最后主花茎端直接分化花原基,陆
关键词: 花芽分化 / 发育 / 青花菜 / 解剖学Abstract: The anatomy of the floral bud differentiation and the curd development of broccoli (Bras-sica oleracea var. italica)was studied with dissected microscope and scanning electric microscope. The outermost lateral scape primordia developed first and then the inner primordia. Following the development of the first order lateral scape primordia,the second and third order lateral scape primordia differentiated. Then ,the floral primordia initiated. Though the development of the fourth order lateral scape primordia was very few, the fifth order lateral scape primordia would still differentiate in a few cases. As to the inner part, the lateral scape primordia could only differentiate the first or the second order. Later on,the apex of main scape differentiated into flower primordia and developed into floral bud. The curd of broccoli was an organ product that was consisted of a complex racemose inflorescence with shortened and fleshy main scape and many branch curds. Every branch curd was developed from shortened and fleshy lateral scape of first order or/and other order lateral scapes with the floral buds located on them. The size and weight of the broccoli curd was determined by the number of branch curd and the differentiated orders of lateral scape. The larger number of the branch curds and the lateral scapes was the important morphological index. As the branch curds and their lateral scapes were well developed, the potential production will be obtained. The aim of thes paper is to show with the anatomical point of view that the development of broccoli curd and the differentiation of the lateral scape of branch curds can be regulated in order to get the high quality and quantity of broccoli curd.
计量 文章访问数: 1203 HTML全文浏览量: 1 PDF下载量: 1019 出版历程 发布日期: 1993-10-09 刊出日期: 1993-10-09相关知识
网址: 青花菜花球花芽分化与发育的解剖研究 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview405672.html
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