ArcGIS raster layers of tsunami threat and vulnerability for the case study in five different speed scenarios of people: 0.89, 1.1, 1.52, 1.79 and 3.85 m/s, respectively.
WPA Land use survey map for the City of Los Angeles, book 4 (Van Nuys District to Garvanza District), sheet 1. Includes: [Title page and] legend [for Book] no. IV; Composite index to Land use map books [for Book 4].; Land use survey - City of Los Angeles. Department of City Planning. These maps were prepared with the assistance of the Works Progress Administration project no. 665-07-G-226 through 1939 to 1940. The land use data contained herein was compiled from a survey made with the assistance of the Civil Works Administration project no. 642, State Emergency Relief Administration project nos. 1-F2-318 and 1-F2-318A and Works Progress Administration project nos. 65-3-4377, 1101-2011 and 465-03-3-106. This survey functioned from Dec. 18, 1933 to May 8, 1939 and covers approximately 460 square miles within the boundary of the City of Los Angeles. It includes 347 colored drawings bound in 10 volumes of which this is no. IV. The land use survey was supervised by the Zoning Engineer. The land use maps were supervised by the Illustrative Planning Engineer for the Sponsoring Department.
Neighborhood community plan developed by the city of Los Angeles for the Sun Valley area, 1990 December. PART OF A SERIES: This series consists of community plans developed for several neighborhoods within the city of Los Angeles. Items are arranged alphabetically according to location name.
Abstract The paper discusses the emerging concept of socio-spatial pedagogy, placing it on the need for democratization of spatial knowledge, by proposing to shift the debate and critical reflection usually confined in institutions and research centers, which will be understood as matters of public interest, towards informing and qualifying everyday spatial practice. Within the scope of possibilities and practices for socio-spatial pedagogy, it will be presented the experience of a series of four workshops, based on board games, developed by students of architecture and urbanism at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), to be played with groups of young people living in favelas on the outskirts of Belo Horizonte. The games will be analysed in the light of socio-spatial pedagogy, emphasizing the role of games in the awareness process of the players. The reflection activated by the game takes on a political dimension in so far as it enables the reconfiguration of the relationship between subject and space.
Neighborhood community plan developed by the city of Los Angeles for the Sun Valley area, 1990 December. PART OF A SERIES: This series consists of community plans developed for several neighborhoods within the city of Los Angeles. Items are arranged alphabetically according to location name.
Neighborhood community plan developed by the city of Los Angeles for the Sun Valley area, 1990 December. PART OF A SERIES: This series consists of community plans developed for several neighborhoods within the city of Los Angeles. Items are arranged alphabetically according to location name.
Explore Open Data from New York City
2 photographs of intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Patterson Street, Long Beach, CA, 1940. "Date: Thur[sday]; Operator: Brown; At: Intersection of Patterson & Atlantic, Long Beach; Job: 2 shots of intersection showing that there are no street lites [sic] & sharing entire intersection, 1 looking North & 1 looking South, Gillingham file; Deliver To: & ch[arge] Accident & Casualty Ins[urance] Co.; Print Order: 2 ea[ch], 8x10 gl[ossy], 650 S[outh] Grand; Order No.: L.B. Grayson" -- on card front. "Subject: Intersection Atlantic & Patterson, Long Beach - (Gillingham file); Client: Accident & Casualty Ins[urance] Co., Mr. Grayson, 650 So[uth] Spring; Original Print Order: 2 ea[ch]; Size: 8x10; Finish: gl[ossy]; Year: 1940; Job: 07-18-86" -- on envelope front. "Operator's Report - Name: Brown; 2 Original Photographs - Size: 8x10; Exteriors; Amount: 6.50" -- on envelope back.
Photograph of an aerial view of an unidentified residential area, showing a tennis court in Los Angeles, [s.d.]. At center, a multi-level building is set to the right of a tennis court and is flanked to either side by a paved road. Behind, a row of mansion-style homes stands perpendicular to to the central building. In the background, more homes are visible spaced closely together.
The data related to article entitled “Many-Objective Land Use Planning Using a Hypercube-Based NSGA-III Algorithm” Data sets consist of 3 land-use maps of a part of three cities as real data, at the parcel level on the scale 1:2000. The datasets consist of parcels layer in the form of vector data and 11 urban land-use types are defined with respect to the three service levels: local, district, and regional. The number of urban parcels in the study area is more than 2000, which covers an area of approximately 50 ha. The compatibility and dependencies between land-uses are extracted from the previous studies. The residential density with respect to the area of the residential units is extracted from the development pattern of detailed plans of 3 cities. Urban land-use access types are also extracted from the development patterns and are used in applying the constraints related to access types. All these attribute information is related to parcels in shapefile format.
Data for: Bringing harbours alive: Assessing the importance of eco-engineered coastal infrastructure for different stakeholders and cities. This data shows proportions of yes to no answers of all respondents, in regards to their support for ecological engineering.
Photograph. "Can engineers do this? -- The Commercial Exchange Building at Eighth and Olive, which may have to have a five-foot section removed if the Olive Street widening plan carries. Removal of part of the front would be very expensive. -- Suggestion that the portion be taken from the center and the Olive Street side moved back has been made. The white strip indicates where this might be removed although the place has not been definitely decided." -- Examiner clipping attached to verso, dated 14 February 1929.; Streetscape. Horizontal photography.
The data ''bringing harbours alive'' demonstrates the results of the hypotheses that were set out to be tested: stakeholder group differences in support for ecological engineering, the link between level of concern for environment and support for ecological engineering, socio-economic differences in support for ecological engineering (education, income), level of harbour harbour development/ modification by artificial structures, and willingness to pay for ecological engineering.
WPA Land use survey map for the City of Los Angeles, book 2 (Tujunga), sheet 10. Includes: [Title page and] legend [for Book] no. II; Composite index to Land use map books [for Book 2]; Index to Book no. 2.; Land use survey - City of Los Angeles. Department of City Planning. These maps were prepared with the assistance of the Works Progress Administration project no. 665-07-G-226 through 1939 to 1940. The land use data contained herein was compiled from a survey made with the assistance of the Civil Works Administration project no. 642, State Emergency Relief Administration project nos. 1-F2-318 and 1-F2-318A and Works Progress Administration project nos. 65-3-4377, 1101-2011 and 465-03-3-106. This survey functioned from Dec. 18, 1933 to May 8, 1939 and covers approximately 460 square miles within the boundary of the City of Los Angeles. It includes 347 colored drawings bound in 10 volumes of which this is no. II. The land use survey was supervised by the Zoning Engineer. The land use maps were supervised by the Illustrative Planning Engineer for the Sponsoring Department.
Tags social system, socio-economic resources, justice, BES, Environmental disamentities, Environmental Justice, Zoning Board of Appeals Summary For use in the environmental injustices study of Baltimore relating to patterns of environmental disamenties in relation to low income/minority communities. Description This feature class layer is a point dataset of authorizing ordinances from the Baltimore City Council and Mayor from 1930 until 1999 concerning identified environmental disamentities. The data was gathered from records from the City Council since 1930 relating to decisions concerning land-uses considered to be environmental disamentities and is to be used to examine environmental injustices involving low income/minority communities in Baltimore. To examine if environmental injustices exist in Baltimore, this point layer will be overlayed with race/income data to determine if patterns of inequity exist. Points were placed manually using the associated addresses from the Ordinance_master dataset and using ISTAR 2004 data in conjunction with Baltimore parcel data. The Ordinance_ID number associated with each point relates to its appeal number from the City Council. Multiple points on the data layer have the same Ordinance_ID. This point layer can be joined with the Ordinance_master data layer based on the field "Ordinance_ID" and using the relationship "Ordinance_point_relationship". Credits UVM Spatial Analysis Lab Use limitations None. There are no restrictions on the use of this dataset. The authors of this dataset make no representations of any kind, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use, nor are any such warranties to be implied with respect to the data. This is part of a collection of 221 Baltimore Ecosystem Study metadata records that point to a geodatabase. The geodatabase is available online and is considerably large. Upon request, and under certain arrangements, it can be shipped on media, such as a usb hard drive. The geodatabase is roughly 51.4 Gb in size, consisting of 4,914 files in 160 folders. Although this metadata record and the others like it are not rich with attributes, it is nonetheless made available because the data that it represents could be indeed useful.
ABSTRACT Urban growth has a significant impact on natural environments, particularly in valley bottom areas. This paper aimed to elaborate a tool for the preliminary assessment of the environmental integrity of valley bottoms in order to provide preliminary support to managers of public administration in the diagnosis and decision-making to intervene in these areas. Therefore, we chose environmental indicators and the tool was applied to assess the environmental situation of two valley bottoms located in the city of Maringá, Paraná State, Mandacaru and Betty streams. The indicators were selected using literature as references and underwent the assessment of 30 professionals who work in drainage projects or environmental management, so that they attributed weights according to the relevance of the indicator to assess the environmental condition of valley bottoms located in medium-sized cities, with consolidated urbanization and infrastructure. At the end of the application of indicators, the rate of compliance with the proposed indicators (I) was calculated. To characterize the two valley bottoms, which are the fields of study, thematic maps were prepared and we consulted published studies on the region and conducted fieldworks. The Mandacaru stream presented services to the proposed indicators (I) equal to 35.88% and the Betty stream was equal to 43.20%. Both streams have their environmental condition classified as poor, according to the applied methodology.
Summary: This repository contains spatial data files representing the density of vegetation cover within a 200 meter radius of points on a grid across the land area of New York City (NYC), New York, USA based on 2017 six-inch resolution land cover data, as well as SQL code used to carry out the analysis. The 200 meter radius was selected based on a study led by researchers at the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, which found that for a given point in the city, cooling benefits of vegetation only begin to accrue once the vegetation cover within a 200 meter radius is at least 32% (Johnson et al. 2020). The grid spacing of 100 feet in north/south and east/west directions was intended to provide granular enough detail to offer useful insights at a local scale (e.g., within a neighborhood) while keeping the amount of data needed to be processed for this manageable. The contained files were developed by the NY Cities Program of The Nature Conservancy and the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance through the Just Nature NYC Partnership. Additional context and interpretation of this work is available in a blog post. References: Johnson, S., Z. Ross, I. Kheirbek, and K. Ito. 2020. Characterization of intra-urban spatial variation in observed summer ambient temperature from the New York City Community Air Survey. Urban Climate 31:100583. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2020.100583 Files in this Repository: Spatial Data (all data are in the New York State Plane Coordinate System - Long Island Zone, North American Datum 1983, EPSG 2263): Points with unique identifiers (fid) and data on proportion tree canopy cover (prop_canopy), proportion grass/shrub cover (prop_grassshrub), and proportion total vegetation cover (prop_veg) within a 200 meter radius (same data made available in two commonly used formats, Esri File GeoDatabase and GeoPackage): nyc_propveg2017_200mbuffer_100ftgrid_nowater.gdb.zip nyc_propveg2017_200mbuffer_100ftgrid_nowater.gpkg Raster Data with the proportion total vegetation within a 200 meter radius of the center of each cell (pixel centers align with the spatial point data) nyc_propveg2017_200mbuffer_100ftgrid_nowater.tif Computer Code: Code for generating the point data in PostgreSQL/PostGIS, assuming the data sources listed below are already in a PostGIS database. nyc_point_buffer_vegetation_overlay.sql Data Sources and Methods: We used two openly available datasets from the City of New York for this analysis: Borough Boundaries (Clipped to Shoreline) for NYC, from the NYC Department of City Planning, available at https://www.nyc.gov/site/planning/data-maps/open-data/districts-download-metadata.page Six-inch resolution land cover data for New York City as of 2017, available at https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Environment/Land-Cover-Raster-Data-2017-6in-Resolution/he6d-2qns All data were used in the New York State Plane Coordinate System, Long Island Zone (EPSG 2263). Land cover data were used in a polygonized form for these analyses. The general steps for developing the data available in this repository were as follows: Create a grid of points across the city, based on the full extent of the Borough Boundaries dataset, with points 100 feet from one another in east/west and north/south directions Delete any points that do not overlap the areas in the Borough Boundaries dataset. Create circles centered at each point, with a radius of 200 meters (656.168 feet) in line with the aforementioned paper (Johnson et al. 2020). Overlay the circles with the land cover data, and calculate the proportion of the land cover that was grass/shrub and tree canopy land cover types. Note, because the land cover data consistently ended at the boundaries of NYC, for points within 200 meters of Nassau and Westchester Counties, the area with land cover data was smaller than the area of the circles. Relate the results from the overlay analysis back to the associated points. Create a raster data layer from the point data, with 100 foot by 100 foot resolution, where the center of each pixel is at the location of the respective points. Areas between the Borough Boundary polygons (open water of NY Harbor) are coded as "no data." All steps except for the creation of the raster dataset were conducted in PostgreSQL/PostGIS, as documented in nyc_point_buffer_vegetation_overlay.sql. The conversion of the results to a raster dataset was done in QGIS (version 3.28), ultimately using the gdal_rasterize function.
Hamaland Advies heeft in opdracht van LBA projectbureau een archeologisch bureauonderzoek uitgevoerd conform de BRL SIKB 4002 ten behoeve van het plangebied aan de Kerkstraat te Ulft. Het plangebied is gelegen tussen de Debbeshoek in het westen en de Middelgraaf en Deken Nijkampstraat in het oosten. In de bestaande Kerkstraat wordt de riolering vervangen en een nieuwe openbare inrichting gemaakt. Dit betekent dat er al een diepe bestaande verstoring aanwezig is door de aanleg van de riolering en een ondiepe door de bestaande inrichting. Het plangebied betreft de gehele openbare ruimte van weg, trottoirs en andere inrichting en heeft een oppervlakte van 3.740 m² en een lengte van 240 m. De diepte van de verstoring bedraagt 1,90 mmv (b.o.b. 12.50 m + NAP) en bedraagt meer dan de vrijstellingsgrens van 30 cm-mv (zie bijlage 1). Het bestaande vuilwaterriool wordt vernieuwd en uitgebreid met een Infiltratieriool (IT-riool). Dit infiltratieriool heeft een doorsnede van ø 600 (60 cm). De toekomstige gebruiker is de gemeente Oude IJsselstreek.Op basis van de archeologische beleidskaart van gemeente Oude IJsselstreek, blijkt dat met de geplande bodemingreep mogelijk archeologische waarden kunnen worden verstoord. Het plangebied ligt in een gebied met een specifieke archeologische verwachting: geulenstelsel dal Oude IJssel en in het oosten in een gebied met een hoge archeologische verwachting. Vanwege de ligging in twee gebieden, geldt de hoogste waarde. Hiervoor geldt een verplichting voor onderzoek als de 250 m² en de diepte van 30 cm-mv voor bodemingrepen wordt overschreden.Resultaten bureauonderzoek Het bureauonderzoek toont aan dat er aan de west- en oostzijde, door de ligging op een terrasrestrug met dekzand, een hoge verwachting geldt op archeologische vindplaatsen voor alle perioden. Voor het centrale deel geldt een specifieke verwachting door de ligging in het geulenstelsel van de Oude IJssel. Ook in het centrale deel is een klein laagje dekzand op de klei aangetroffen, wat mogelijkheden voor bewoning bood.Op grond van het feit dat het nieuwe vuilwater riool op de plaats van het bestaande vuilwater riool wordt aangelegd, binnen ongeveer dezelfde diepte en breedte in het hart van de Kerkstraat, is archeologisch vervolgonderzoek volgens ons niet noodzakelijk. De enige uitbreiding die voorzien is, is een Infiltratieriool aan de noordzijde van het bestaande tracé. Hiervoor is een uitbreiding voorzien van circa 80 cm breedte ten opzichte van het bestaande riooltracé. De totale extra bodemingreep in mogelijk reeds (deels) geroerde grond bedraagt daarmee 192 m2 over een lengte van 240 meter. De uitbreiding is daarmee dermate gering dat potentiële vindplaatsen nauwelijks geroerd worden. Ook biedt de smalle sleuf voor het IT riool (80 cm) nauwelijks goede mogelijkheden om bij de aanleg van het IT-riool archeologische waarnemingen te verrichten, waardoor vervolgonderzoek niet erg zinvol geacht wordt. Beoordeling rapport Het rapport en het selectieadvies zijn op 26 juni 2017 beoordeeld door het bevoegd gezag en diens adviseur, mw. A. Lugtigheid-Hendriks van de ODA (Zaaknummer 2017EA0494). Met betrekking tot het rapport zijn geen opmerkingen gemaakt.Selectiebesluit Mw. Lugtigheid-Hendriks stemt in met het advies van Hamaland wat betreft de conclusie dat een vervolgonderzoek ter plekke van de aanleg van het nieuwe infiltratieriool niet noodzakelijk is, omdat de oppervlakte zo gering is en bovendien is de bodem hier waarschijnlijk al verstoord is geraakt door de eerdere rioleringsaanleg. De kans is klein dat hier intacte archeologie wordt aangetroffen. Mw. Lugtigheid-Hendriks adviseert de gemeente Oude IJsselstreek om met dit advies in te stemmen. Voorbehoud Het uitgevoerde onderzoek is op zorgvuldige wijze verricht volgens de algemeen gebruikelijke inzichten en methoden. Het archeologisch onderzoek is erop gericht om de kans op het aantreffen dan wel vernietigen van archeologische waarden bij bouwwerkzaamheden in het plangebied te verkleinen.Verder dient te allen tijde bij het afgeven van een omgevingsvergunning de wettelijke meldingsplicht (Erfgoedwet 1-7-2016, art. 5.10 en 5.11) kenbaar te worden gemaakt, om het documenteren van toevalsvondsten te garanderen: ‘Degene die anders dan bij het doen van opgravingen een zaak vindt waarvan hij weet dan wel redelijkerwijs moet vermoeden dat het een monument is (in roerende of onroerende zin), meldt die zaak zo spoedig mogelijk bij onze minister’. Deze aangifte dient te gebeuren bij de RCE te Amersfoort. Het verdient aanbeveling ook de verantwoordelijk ambtenaar van de gemeente Oude IJsselstreek hiervan per direct in kennis te stellen.
Spatial relationship between supply and demand of ecosystem services through urban green infrastructure: case of Xi'an City
Review on the microorganisms in urban green space and their response to urbanization
Changes of bird community under urbanization and its relationship with urban vegetation
Measuring the performance of green roof cooling effects from a multi
A comprehensive simulation study on the influence of urban street greening on air quality and microclimate
Research Advances in the impact of vegetation community characteristics on urban ecosystem services
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