The bibliometric data of scientific research on landscape architecture ecology was statistically analyzed. The results show that the recent 50 years' scientific research in China has experienced three periods: exploration (1962-1981), slow development (1982-2001) and rapid expansion (2002-2011). Landscape architecture ecology in China was a new branch field of ecology at the end of 1990s, and it was basically formed as a new and independent branch field of the applied ecology at the beginning of the 21st century. The research issues of landscape architecture ecology field in China include interactive relations between biology and environment, human and environment in landscape architecture ecological system, and interactive relation between landscape architecture ecological system and other ecological system. Present research of landscape architecture ecology includes four research sub-areas, namely eco-efficiency, biology and environment, human need and behavior, and ecological planning and management. Currently, the research mainly focuses on the first two areas: eco-efficiency and biology and environment, and 76.3 percent research achievements are from these two areas. Different research area has its own emphasis. For example, biology and environment research particularly emphasizes on plants; eco-efficiency research stresses on environmental decontamination, soil and water conservation and disaster prevention and reduction; and ecological planning and management research pays particular attention on ecological planning and designing. The data of distribution of the four research sub-areas' theses subjects and high frequency subject keywords was statistically analyzed, and results show that the hot topics in landscape architecture ecology are diversity, community, soil and water conservation,emergency and disaster-prevention, environmental decontamination, ecological planning and designing etc.. Statistically analysis on the published papers generated by the funded projects in all four research sub-areas is 10.8%, mostly (85.4%) by national and local government fund. Interestingly, these two funding sources particular emphasizes on biology and environment and eco-efficiency research, accounting for 79.1%. Among published papers in SCI-E journals, 47.1% were fund papers, which is 4.3 times of those published in CNKI journals. The papers published in SCI-E journals have mostly been supported by international funds, suggesting that these projects on China's landscape architecture ecology have been concerned by the international academic circles. Based on the statistically analysis of related subjects in CNKI, the research papers on "landscape architecture ecology" just equal 1% of that on "landscape ecology", 8.3% of that on "urban ecology", suggesting that the disciplinary system theory research of landscape architecture ecology is not as important as other related ecology research. The theories and research methodologies of landscape architecture ecology are still weak. In the future, the emphasis should be placed on discipline's theory, research more on eco-efficiency and sustainability of the landscape architecture plants. At the same time, in order to better solve problems of human and natural compound ecosystems, and provide more scientific theory support, research should be expanded to related theories such as cross ecological psychology, environmental psychology and so on, and more attention should be paid on the interaction between human and environment and ecological planning and ecological management, which could let environment be better to satisfy human behavior need, and let human know that we can well protect environment by changing some behavior.
园林生态学 (2)
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