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文档分类:高等教育 | 页数:约11页 举报非法文档有奖

      ——          ,     ,     ,    、         ,     ,         。     ,             。   ,  5-7 ,    ,  100  ,        ,       ,    。             。             。             。    ,          。              ,    。  《  》             。    ,       ,        。        2000 ,   3  ,12   ,《    》 :"       ,    ,   。"《  》          :   、   、   、     、   、   、   、   、   、   、    。      ,   、   、  、  、   、   、    。   、 、 、 ,       。        "      " ,           。      《    》           :"      ,     ,      ;      ,     ,  、    。     ,     ;      ,      。""  " " ",      ,      、  、            ,  "    " "    "     ,  spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside.    www.taodocs.com             ——          ,     ,     ,    、         ,     ,         。     ,             。   ,  5-7 ,    ,  100  ,        ,       ,    。             。             。             。    ,          。              ,    。  《  》             。    ,       ,        。        2000 ,   3  ,12   ,《    》 :"       ,    ,   。"《  》          :   、   、   、     、   、   、   、   、   、   、    。      ,   、   、  、  、   、   、    。   、 、 、 ,       。        "      " ,           。      《    》           :"      ,     ,      ;      ,     ,  、    。     ,     ;      ,      。""  " " ",      ,      、  、            ,  "    " "    "     ,  spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside.    www.taodocs.com       

After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic    www.taodocs.com       After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic    www.taodocs.com       

pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws           ,          。     《  》        :"       ,       。       ,       。"       ,  "     "、"           "。    《     》  "       ,       "           。       :"   ,    ,     ,     ;   ,    ,     ,     。         ,        。"         ,          。        ,        ,         "       "   ,       "       "   。        ,       。        ,       。        ,       。        ,       ?     《                        》    ,   "      "    。       。 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared    www.taodocs.com       pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws           ,          。     《  》        :"       ,       。       ,       。"       ,  "     "、"           "。    《     》  "       ,       "           。       :"   ,    ,     ,     ;   ,    ,     ,     。         ,        。"         ,          。        ,        ,         "       "   ,       "       "   。        ,       。        ,       。        ,       。        ,       ?     《                        》    ,   "      "    。       。 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared    www.taodocs.com       

文档列表 文档介绍

茶花,又名山茶花,古名海石榴,有玉茗花、耐冬或曼陀罗等别名,山茶科植物,属常绿灌木和小乔木。枝条黄褐色,小枝呈绿色或绿紫色至紫褐色。花单瓣,花瓣5-7片,雄蕊发达,多达100余枚,花丝白色或有红晕,基部连d appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws
spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7

中国传统名花——山茶花的花卉文化 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.


油气设备项目指标评估报告 46页 正规租房合同范本 7页 期中考的作文5篇 7页 有关教师个人校本培训总结3篇 8页 有你真好优秀7篇 5页 施工防汛通知 6页 教师辞职报告集合5篇 6页 推荐工作转正自我鉴定模板集合五篇 5页 扭挫伤引起的腕管综合症的推拿治疗 4页 房地产开发经营服务项目风险评估报告 46页 新生儿护理技术进展 38页 建筑施工企业安全生产管理知识培训心得体会 2页 大学生生涯辅导与创业启蒙第二讲(性格) 46页 尊重 信任---生活中最大的激励 (2) 2页 安全管理员安全培训考试题完整参考答案可打印.. 13页


中国传统十大名花插花 理想股票技术论坛
【花花世界】377 山茶花——理想的爱和谦让
林业生态文化 | 福建花文化:山茶花
中国传统十大名花是什么? 中国十大名花介绍

网址: 中国传统名花——山茶花的花卉文化 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview441948.html

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