首页 > 分享 > 本底资源不清严重制约我国杜鹃花属植物的生物多样性保护


摘要: 中国杜鹃花属植物已超过600种,是世界杜鹃花属的现代分布中心和分化中心之一。本文以杜鹃花红色名录、中国高等植物红色名录以及中国高等植物受威胁物种名录为基础,对我国杜鹃花的濒危现状进行分析,并根据极度濒危杜鹃花的最新调查结果,结合IUCN红色名录和极小种群野生植物标准对它们进行重新评估。评估结果认为,杜鹃花属12个极度濒危物种中,有4个物种降低了极度濒危的等级,1个物种数据缺乏,1个物种灭绝。我国杜鹃花属植物濒危种类近20%,数据缺乏的种类近1/3,资源本底不清,严重威胁我国杜鹃花的生物多样性保护。未来应加强对杜鹃花本底资源的普查,开展极度濒危物种和极小种群物种的“抢救性保护”、加强园林应用与基础研究。

关键词: 杜鹃花  /  濒危  /  调查  /  评估  

Abstract: China harbors more than 600 species of Rhododendron and is thus considered a modern distribution and differentiation center of the genus. Based on the Red List of Rhododendrons, Red List of China's Higher Plants, and Threatened Species List of China's Higher Plants, as well as recent investigations, we re-analyze the threatened status of Rhododendron according to the criteria of the IUCN Red List and plant species with extremely small populations. As a result, among the 12 critically endangered Rhododendron species, four are no longer Critically Endangered, one is Data Deficiency, and one is Extinct. In total, nearly 20% of the Rhododendron species are threatened in China, and another one third are data deficient. Thus, the unclear resource background seriously restricts the biodiversity conservation of Rhododendron in China. Future research should include comprehensive investigations on Rhododendron resources, and urgent action should be taken to protect critically endangered species with extremely small populations. Fundamental research and landscape applications should also be strengthened.

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