天然三倍体枇杷与其二倍体植株的形态学比较 摘 要: 对大五星、龙泉1号、金丰、早红3号4个品种45个8 a生三倍体株系及其对应品种的二倍体形态学特性进行了比较分析。与二倍体植株相比较,三倍体植株树体高大,生长旺盛,分枝少,叶色浓绿,茸毛长而密,叶缘缺刻明显,花器官增大明显。三倍体在树体干周、1 a生枝梢粗度、叶片长、叶片宽及叶长×叶宽上分别平均为二倍体的1.7、1.4、1.6、2.0、3.3倍,而春梢萌枝数与叶形指数为二倍体的46%和81%。三倍体花穗横径和纵径、单个花穗花蕾数目、花蕾横径和纵径、花丝长度、花药长度和宽度、花柱长度以及子房横径和纵径分别是二倍体的2.1、2.3、1.7、1.5、1.4、1.5、1.3、1.3、1.5、1.8、2.2倍。经过方差分析,以上各项指标均呈极显著或显著性差异。 关键词: 枇杷; 三倍体; 形态学; 花器官; 叶形指数; 生长优势 中图分类号:S667.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-9980?穴2011?雪06-1090-03 Morphological comparison between natural triploids and diploids in loquat WANG Wei-xing, LI Ye, LI Xiao-lin, XIANG Su-qiong, GUO Qi-gao, HE Qiao, LIANG Guo-lu* (College of Horticulture and Landscape, Southwest University, Beibei,Chongqing 400716 China) Abstract: Morphological characteristics of 45 natural triploid loquats which were 8 years old belonging to four cultivars Dawuxing, Longquan No. 1, Jinfeng, Zaohong No. 3 were systematically compared with corresponding diploids. Compared with diploid adult plants, triploid plants grew exuberantly, had big tree body and few branching, leaf color was dark green with long and dense villi, indenture incision notch of leaf edge was obvious, flower organ turned bigger obviously. The circumferences of trunks, diameters of annual branches, length and width of leaves, length × width of leaves of triploids were 1.7 , 1.4 , 1.6, 2.0, 3.3 times of diploid respectively. The numbers of grown vernal branches and leaf index were 46% and 81% of diploid. Transverse and lengthways diameters of triploid flowers, the flower number of one spica, transverse and lengthways diameters of buds, length of filaments, length and width of anthers, and length of style as well as transverse and lengthways diameters of ovaries, were 2.1,2.3, 1.7, 1.5, 1.4, 1.5, 1.3, 1.3, 1.5, 1.8, 2.2 times of diploid respectively. There had extremely remarkable or notable difference on all above index by variance analysis. Growth advantage and application of triploid plants were discussion. Key words: M
哪些苹果品种是三倍体? – 根盆网
[题目]三倍体无籽西瓜培育原理及流程如图所示:(1)无籽西瓜的培育方法叫做 .其理论基础是 .秋水仙素的作用是 .(2)四倍体植株与二倍体西瓜杂交.由受精卵发育成的种子含有 个染色体组.即得到 倍体的种子.(3)三倍体植株应授以二倍体西瓜成熟的花粉.其目的是刺激 发育成 .(4)从产生的原因及变异的种类看.无籽西瓜和无籽番茄的区别是:前者是 题目和参考答案——青夏教育精英家教网——
花卉育种,Flower Breeding,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
PBJ | 六倍体龙葵基因组解析并利用同源基因饱和编辑对数量性状进行精准改良提升抗病性和增加果实产量
自然环境中的植物甲(2n)基因型为 Aa,其减数分裂失败,代之以一次有丝分裂,形成配 子(2n)。两个这样的配子融合形成的四倍体合子能发育为成熟植株,并能借助自花授粉来繁 殖,成为植物乙。下列叙述正确的是( )
网址: 天然三倍体枇杷与其二倍体植株形态学比较.doc https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview496428.html
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