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Honeywell Air Purifier

Why should I purify the air?

Honeywell Air Purifiers can help capture airborne particles while improving indoor air quality. When you consider that 90% of our time is spent indoors, this can be especially important. The largest exposure to particles and allergens can occur indoors. The primary sources of these particles include dust, pollen, pet dander and mold among other airborne allergens. Particles range in size and can be small enough to travel into the lungs.

Knowing the common airborne allergens

No matter how clean your home is, your indoor air may contain a variety of microscopic airborne allergens and particles:

Pollen: Plant, grass and tree pollen released during the spring, summer and fall are major allergens. They can be carried inside by pets and family members or float into your home through open doors and windows.

Mold spores: Mold spores are commonly found both inside and outside the home. They thrive in damp spaces and can be airborne. Mold can trigger allergies all year long.

Pet Dander: It usually isn't your pet's fur that causes allergies – the culprits are certain molecules in their saliva, urine and dead skin cells (dander). But even more than your pet's fur, these molecules can linger in the air for an extended time.

Dust: What does this catch-all word include? Pollen, mold spores and pet dander to be sure, plus other unpleasant things like the droppings of cockroaches and dust mites, and tiny fragments of these insects.

How home air purifiers can help reduce allergens

Dirty air is drawn in using the air purifier's fan.

The air is then forced through a filter that captures and reduces allergens.

The cleaner filtered air is released and circulated back into the surrounding area.

Honeywell Air Purifier Filters can assist in capturing a high percentage of the following common microscopic airborne allergens and particles: dust, pollen, pet dander, dust mite debris and smoke. These allergens are often no larger than a micron in size – which is actually pretty tiny. One micron is about 80 to 100 times smaller than the width of a human hair!

Why is my fan running loud?

If this is the first time you're using a Honeywell Portable Air Purifier, you'll want to ensure that you have removed the protective plastic wrap from the air cleaner's filters. The noise may also be an indicator that it's time to replace the air purifier's filter. Room air purifiers can often run loud when their filters contain high amounts of airborne particles. This can block the pores in a filter and stop the air from passing through efficiently. Your air purifier will alert you to a dirty filter by flashing its filter change indicator light. You'll also want to make sure nothing is blocking the grilles either in or out of the device. Nothing should be resting on top of the outflow, and nothing should block the intake grille. Lastly, if the device is on Turbo or Auto mode, it may run the air purifier at a higher fan speed which is louder.

How do I reset the filter light?

Once you've changed your filter, the “Check Filter or “Check Pre-Filter” light will remain on until it's reset. While the air purifier is powered on, press the lighted button and hold for approximately 2 seconds until the light turns off. The electronic filter check is now reset.

Can I use any replacement filter for my air purifier?

To help ensure stated product performance and effectiveness, use only Genuine and Certified Honeywell Replacement Filters. Each air purifier for allergies is designed to work with the specified filters. Honeywell Air Purifier performance is tested as a system with Honeywell Filters achieving the best efficiency.

What does AHAM Verifde and Energy Star mean?

Any portable air purifier that is AHAM (Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers) Verifide means that it has been independently tested to ensure its efficiency in reducing smoke, dust and pollen. The AHAM will then designate a CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) Score to the air cleaner. A CADR Score measures the volume of filtered air delivered by an air cleaner. A higher number is indicative in revealing how efficient the air purifier performs in filtering the air. The blue ENERGY STAR symbol featured on an air purifier means that you'll be selecting an air cleaner that is more energy efficient than standard models. ENERGY STAR Air Purifiers are capable of saving you almost 27% more energy (% varies on use) when compared to standard air cleaners.

Learn More

Honeywell InSight Air Purifiers: how the new series monitors and adjusts in delivering powerful filtration

Accessibility meets efficiency with the latest iteration in a series of revolutionary Honeywell Air Purifiers. Honeywell InSight HEPA Air Purifiers provide visual enhancement via a new display panel that will illuminate when active. Select between four cleaning settings (Microscopic Particles, General Clean, Pollen and Turbo). Once you've chosen a cleaning level, the InSight HEPA Air Cleaner will illuminate that setting so that you know exactly how your portable air purifier is performing. This new series of portable air cleaners also includes a VOC Sensor that actively monitors the surrounding air.

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网址: Honeywell Air Purifier https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview534923.html

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