中国美术学院——中国画系——刘仲凯——林良花鸟画笔法研究- 1 - 内容提要对于明代前期宫廷花鸟画, 已经有许多学者专家从各个角度给予了深入的研究。对其中比较特殊的一位宫廷花鸟画家———林良。也有了较多的关注。但多集中在生平及艺术面貌总体的描述上, 从其绘画实践自身笔法上做详细深入的研究还不多见,或不够深入详备。本文着重从笔法角度对其进行了比较详尽的深入研究,通过由主到次, 由浅到深, 由点到面的顺序, 综合运用图像分类, 排列对比, 文献考证等手段, 对林良花鸟画中鸟类、树石等笔法特点, 以及由此笔法所形成的特殊绘画面貌及成因特点做出初步分析。本文旨在较为全面认识前人, 梳理绘画自身发展规律, 并由此得到了对花鸟画发展创作的新启发和新认识。关键词林良花鸟画笔法表现模式中国美术学院——中国画系——刘仲凯——林良花鸟画笔法研究- 2 - ABSTRACT ABSTRACT ABSTRACT ABSTRACT The early Ming court flower-and-bird paintings is a subject that has been deeply researched by many scholars and experts from different angles. Lin Liang, a special Ming Court flower-and-bird painter, gains quite many attention. But most of the researches are focused on his life and overall description of his art. Few of these researches are about details of Lin ’ s artistic practice and style. S ynthetically using methods such as image classification, arrangement contrast and literature investigation, t his paper aims at doing a relatively detailed and thorough research from the angle of the art of brush about Lin, by the sequence of from most to least important, from shallow to deep and from the point to the whole, to make a preliminary analysis on characteristics of Lis ’ art of brush on birds, trees and stones, and the unique appearance formed by this technique of brush. The purpose of this paper is to study a previous master roundly, b the paintings ’ own law of development, e to a new inspiration and realization about the development and creation of flower-and-bird paintings. KEY KEY KEY KEY WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS Lin Lin Lin Lin liang liang liang liang Flower Flower Flower Flower and and and and bird bird bird bird painting painting painting painting art art art art of of of of brush brush brush brush Performance Performance Performance Performance Pattern Pattern Pattern Pattern 中国美术学院——中国画系——刘仲凯——林良花鸟画笔法研究- 3 - 目录导论………………………………………………………………………… 4 第一章林良画鸟禽一、鹰………………………………………………………………… 12 二、鸿雁……………………………………………………………… 19 三、慈乌……………………………………………………………… 22 四、群鸟………
林良花鸟画笔法与研究 (1) 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处.
花心起墨晕 春色散毫端——历代花鸟画的意趣浅析
“花心起墨晕 春色散毫端” 历代花鸟画的意趣浅析
网址: 林良花鸟画笔法与研究 (1)
上一篇: 写意花鸟:玉兰、桃花、杜鹃、牡丹 |
下一篇: 写意重笔法 画家晋葆良写意花鸟画 |