首页 > 分享 > 【中文】一种水稻智能化播种施肥控制系统及其控制方法 【EN】Intelligent rice sowing and fertilizing control system and control method thereof

【中文】一种水稻智能化播种施肥控制系统及其控制方法 【EN】Intelligent rice sowing and fertilizing control system and control method thereof

摘要【中文】本发明提供了农业控制技术领域内的一种水稻智能化播种施肥控制系统及其控制方法,包括中央处理模块、旋耕控制模块、播种控制模块、施肥控制模块、镇压控制模块、喷药控制模块;拖拉机的车轮轮毂上安装有速度传感器;播种控制模块包括若干与排种器一一对应的种箱单体控制单元,种箱单体控制单元将检测到的种箱质量发送给中央处理模块,中央处理模块计算出排种量并根据计算出的排种量控制排种电机的转速;施肥控制模块包括若干与排肥器一一对应的排肥单体控制单元,排肥单体控制单元将检测到的肥箱质量和排肥轴转速发送给中央处理模块,中央处理模块计算出排肥量并根据计算出的排肥量控制排肥电机的转速;本发明保证旋耕播种施肥喷药的均匀性。 【EN】The invention provides an intelligent rice sowing and fertilizing control system and a control method thereof in the technical field of agricultural control, and the intelligent rice sowing and fertilizing control system comprises a central processing module, a rotary tillage control module, a sowing control module, a fertilizing control module, a rolling control module and a pesticide spraying control module; a wheel hub of the tractor is provided with a speed sensor; the seeding control module comprises a plurality of seed box single body control units which are in one-to-one correspondence with the seed metering devices, the seed box single body control units send the detected seed box quality to the central processing module, and the central processing module calculates the seed metering amount and controls the rotating speed of the seed metering motor according to the calculated seed metering amount; the fertilizer application control module comprises a plurality of fertilizer discharging single body control units which are in one-to-one correspondence with the fertilizer feeders, the fertilizer discharging single body control units send the detected fertilizer box quality and the rotating speed of the fertilizer discharging shaft to the central processing module, and the central processing module calculates the fertilizer discharging amount and controls the rotating speed of the fertilizer discharging motor according to the calculated fertilizer discharging amount; the invention ensures the uniformity of rotary tillage, seeding, fertilization and pesticide spraying.


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网址: 【中文】一种水稻智能化播种施肥控制系统及其控制方法 【EN】Intelligent rice sowing and fertilizing control system and control method thereof https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview573750.html

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