首页 > 分享 > 豹子花属的花粉形态研究,兼论与百合属的界限问题



本文借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对豹子花属Nomocharis 6种植物和百合属Lilium 4

  种植物的花粉形态与外部特征作了较系统的比较研究,其结果如下:  1.豹子花属植物花粉的


  型,结合外部形态特征推断,可能存在由基柱网纹→网纹的进化趋势。 2.百合属植物花粉





关键词: 豹子花属, 百合属, 单沟, 2-3孔外壁结构, 基柱网纹, 网纹


In this work examined were pollen grains of 6 species of Nomocharis and

4 species of Lilium, all under LM and SEM, but Nomocharis saluenensis Balf. f. under

TEM.  The pollen grains are monocolpate (distal) in Nomocharis, monocolpate or 2-

3-porate in the species of Lilium examined. Two types of pollen grains in Nomocharis

are recognized based upon the exine stratification and sculpture.

      The pollen characters and gross morphology, and their evolutionary trends in both

Nomocharis and Lilium are discussed.  Our conclusions are as follows:

     1.  Lilium henrici Franch. 、L. souliei (Franch.) Sealy 、L. lophophorum (Bur.

et Franch.) Franch. and L. nanum Klotz. et Garcke differ from Nomocharis in the ape-

rture and sculpturing elements.  Their pollen morphology supports their being placed

in Lilium.

      2.  The pollen grains of both Lilium lophophorum (Bur. et Franch.) Franch. and

L. nanum aggregate are monocolpate or 2-3-porate, which shows an evolutionary trend

of aperture from monocolpate to porate, as suggested by Walker and others [Walker

et al., (1975), and Chanda (1979)].

     3.  In Balfour’s (1918) classification system of Nomocharis, N. pardanthina Franch.

and N. meleagrina Franch. belong to Sect. Nomocharis, while N. forrestii and N. biluo-

ensis are placed in Sect. Ecristata, but their pollen grains are all reticulate.  They refer

to type I (see Table 2).  Thus, it does not seem reasonable placing in a single section,

Sect. Ecristata, N. forrestii and N. biluoensis with the reticulate exine and N. saluenen-

sis and N. aperta with the two-row-ritipilate exine.

     4.  Nomocharis saluenensis Balf. f. differs from Lilium in the exine sculpture, which

seems to support placing it in Nomocharis.

     5.  Muri of N. forrestii Balf f. and N. biluoensis s.y. Liang show a tendency of

connecting each other by heads of pili, and these two species are intergraded with the

other species of the type I with respect to gross morphorlogical characters.  It is thus

considered that the reticulate pollen grains in Nomocharis is derived from ritipilate

ones.  This opinion is also held by Nair (1965).

     6.  Nomocharis differs from Lilium in the exine ornamentation, but some species

of Nomocharis are very similar to Lilium in the gross morphology.  It shows the close

affinity between Nomocharis and Lilium.

Key words: Nomocharis, Lilium, Monocolpate, 2-3-porate, Exine ornamentation, Ritipilate, Reticulate.



网址: 豹子花属的花粉形态研究,兼论与百合属的界限问题 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview580453.html

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