点击 Window > Lighting > Settings 会弹出Lighting窗口,这个就是设置全局光照的窗口。
2、Global maps:显示所有lightmap资产文件生成的GI照明过程。
3、Object maps:预览当前选中的GameObject的GI lightmap纹理(包括阴影遮罩)。
下方有一个Auto Generate,勾上它,unity就会自动更新Lightmap 数据,但更新的过程非常耗时,
因此不建议勾选 Auto Generate。可以手动点击Generate Lighting来烘焙。(注意,unity只会烘焙
勾选了Lightmap Static 的GameObject,so 烘焙之前,首先在Inspector 面板最上方的Static 选中Lightmap Static)
二、Scene tab
Scene 这一模块,包括以下六个部分:
Environment Realtime Lighting Mixed Lighting Lightmapping Settings Other Settings Debug Settings1、Environment
Property:Function: Skybox Material 天空盒材质 Sun Source 设置一个定向光(directional Light)作为场景里的太阳,如果设置为None,unity则将最亮的定向光作为太阳(太阳:不管你设置的多大远多,光都会照到场景里) Environment Lighting 环境光设置 Source 漫反射环境光(背景光),默认以天空盒作为环境光。 Color 以某种颜色作为环境光。 Gradient //梯度 sky, horizon and ground分别选择一种颜色,混合出一种环境光。 Skybox 天空盒作为环境光, Intensity Multiplier//光照强度 环境光的亮度,范围是0-8,默认为1。 Ambient Mode //微光模式 场景中GI的模式。 Realtime 实时更新。 Baked 烘焙(预先计算场景中的灯光)。 Environment Reflections 全局设置反射参数。 Source 反射源。 Skybox 天空盒作为反射源。 Custom 用一个cube map作为反射源。 Compression//压缩 反射贴图是否被压缩。 Auto 如果适合压缩,那就压缩。 Uncompressed 不压缩。 Compressed 压缩 Intensity Multiplier 反射光的强度。 Bounces//反弹 一束光的被反射的次数。2、Realtime Lighting
Property:Function: Realtime Global Illumination 是否开启实时全景光照。3、Mixed Lighting
Property:Function: Baked Global Illumination 是否采用烘焙的全局光照。 Lighting Mode 决定混合灯光和GameObject的阴影,修改了Light Mode需要重新烘焙。 Realtime Shadow Color 实时阴影的颜色。4、Lightmapping Settings
Property:Function: Lightmapper Use this to specify which internal lighting calculation software to use to calculate lightmaps in the Scene. The options are Enlighten and Progressive (experimental). The default value is Enlighten.5、Other Settings
Property:Function: Other Settings Settings for fog, Halos, Flares and Cookies. Fog Enables or disables fog in the Scene. Note that fog is not available with the Deferred rendering path. For deferred rendering, the Global Fog effect may suit your needs. Color Set the color Unity uses to draw fog in the Scene. Mode Define the way in which the fogging accumulates with distance from the camera. Linear Fog density increases linearly with distance. Start Set the distance from the Camera at which the fog starts. End Set the distance from the Camera at which the fog completely obscures Scene GameObjects. Exponential Fog density increases exponentially with distance. Density Use this to control the density of the fog. The Fog appears more dense as the Density increases. Exponential Squared Fog density increases even faster than exponentially with distance (exponentially and squared). Density Use this to control the density of the fog. The Fog appears more dense as the Density increases. Halo Texture Set the Texture you want to use for drawing a Halo around lights. Halo Strength Define the visibility of halos around lights, from a value between 0 and 1. Flare Fade Speed Define the time (in seconds) over which lens flares fade from view after initially appearing. This is set to 3 by default. Flare Strength Define the visibility of lens flares from lights, from a value between 0 and 1. Spot Cookie Set the Cookie texture you want to use for spot lights.6、Debug settings
Property:Function: Debug Settings Settings that help you debug your Scene. Update Statistics If ticked, the statistics window at the bottom of the Lighting settings window is updated as the Scene changes. This can have an impact on performance during Play mode. For better performance in Play mode, untick this box. Light Probe Visualization Use this to filter which Light Probes are visualized in the Scene view. The default value is Only Probes Used By Selection. Only Probes Used By Selection Only Light Probes that affect the current selection are visualized in the Scene view. All Probes No Cells All Light Probes are visualized in the Scene view. All Probes With Cells All Light Probes are visualized in the Scene view, and the tetrahedrons that are used for interpolation of Light Probe data are also displayed. None No Light Probes are visualized in the Scene view. Display Weights When ticked, Unity draws a line from the Light Probe used for the active selection to the positions on the tetrahedra used for interpolation. This is a way to debug probe interpolation and placement problems. Display Occlusion When ticked, Unity displays occlusion data for Light Probes if the Mixed lighting mode is Distance Shadowmask or Shadowmask.
三、Global maps tab
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Made with Unity
2021 LTS更新:高清渲染管线光照指南
Watson 主题:Sublime Text 编辑器的不二之选
网址: Unity 编辑器学习(二)之 全局光照(GI) https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview587205.html
上一篇: 5. 工厂光源(环境贴图和环境光 |
下一篇: 室外光照和场景设置 |