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1、分子生物学全册配套完整课件3,分子生物学,MOLECULAR BIOLOGY,1. 教材,Robert F. Weaver Molecular Biology (second edition, third edition). McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2001分子生物学(第二版) 科学出版社,2002原版第一版在1999年出版,科学出版社影印版第一版在2000年出版,2. 参考书,H. Lodish et al. Molecular Cell Biology, W. H. Freeman and Company, 2000P. C. Turner et al.

2、Instant Notes in Molecular Biology, Bios Scientific Publishers Limited, 1999 (科学出版社有影印版)B. Alberts et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell (4th edition). Garland Science, 2002,2. 参考书,B. Lewin. Genes VII. Oxford University Press, 2000G. Karp. Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments (3rd edi

3、tion). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002朱玉贤等,现代分子生物学,高等教育出版社(第二版),2002,部分参考书,3. 教学内容,教材的Part III Part VIII重点基因组及基因组学(Genome and Genomics)原核生物与真核生物基因表达及其调控(Gene Expression and Its Regulation in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes),4. 教学方式,讲授为主课堂提问及解答课堂讨论自学网络辅助教学(课件共享,网络课程),5. 考核方式,平时考核(课程作业) 就某一专题写小综述(须查阅资料)课

4、程考试 闭卷,学期末进行 双语,6. 课堂纪律、考勤,作为决定平时成绩的一个方面,分子生物学(绪论),Molecular Biology: Introduction,一、生物科学的基本问题,生命现象的描述分类学生命特征的研究(生长、发育、繁衍)生理学、遗传学等生命的起源与进化进化论、进化生物学,二、不同水平上对生命现象的研究,从宏观到微观整体水平细胞水平分子水平分子生物学微观生物学的前沿宏观生物学的基础现代生物学的带头学科,三、分子生物学对生命科学的影响,1953 DNA双螺旋的发现1960s 分子免疫学、酶学;基因表达 理论的突破1970s DNA序列的测定、单克隆抗体1980s PCR技术

5、、转基因技术(农杆菌 系统的建立)1990s 基因组计划、高等动物克隆技术; 生物信息学,The spectacular achievements in our understanding of the human genome are the outcome of an era of molecular biology that dates back to the 1930s. The seed was a 1935 collaboration in Germany between a theoretical physicist, a radiation physicist and a Dr

6、osophila geneticist Max Delbrck, Karl Zimmer and Nikolai Timofeff-Ressovsky, respectively. Their three-man paper, which sets out the interdisciplinary basis for studying the molecular nature of the gene, was revolutionary.,But this revolution burned with a slow fuse. The paper, On the nature of gene mutation and gene structure was published in an obscure journal at the University of Gttingen. The manuscript had little influence until physicist Erwin Schrdinger drew heavily on it for his popular lect


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