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[23] Distribution patterns of glandular trichomes in the flora of the Hengduan Mountains, southwestern China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2024, 通讯作者;

[22] Pollinators shift ensures reproductive success in a camouflaged alpine plant. Annals of Botany, 2024, 并列一作;

[21] Multifunctionality of angiosperm floral bracts: a review. Biological Reviews, 2024, 第一作者; 

[20] Effects of UV-B radiation on pollen germination and tube growth: a global meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 通讯作者;

[19] Patterns and drivers of plant sexual systems in  the dry-hot valley region of southwestern China. Plant Diversity, 2024,通讯作者;

[18] The genome of the glasshouse plant noble rhubarb (Rheum nobile) provdes a window into alpine adaptation. Communications Biology, 2023. 并列一作; 

[17] Does pollinator dependence decrease along elevational gradients? Plant Diversity, 2023, 通讯作者;

[16] Global analysis of floral longevity reveals latitudinal gradients and biotic and abiotic correlates. New Phytologist. 2022, 第一作者;

[15] Global warming pushes the distribution range of the two alpine ‘glasshouse’ Rheum species north- and upwards in the Eastern Himalayas and the Hengduan Mountains. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022, 通讯作者;

[14] Higher elevations tend to have higher proportion of plant species with glandular trichomes. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021, 通讯作者;

[13] Ultraviolet screening increases with elevation in translucent bracts of Rheum nobile (Polygonaceae), an alpine 'glasshouse' plant from the high Himalayas. Botanical Jorunal of the Linnean Society, 2020, 第一作者;

[12] Demography of the giant monocarpic herb Rheum nobile in the Himalayas and the effect of disturbances by grazing. Annals of Botany. 2020, 第一作者;

[11] 青藏高原冰缘植物多样性与适应机制研究进展. 科学通报. 2019, 第三作者;

[10] Corolla retention after pollination facilitates the development of fertilized ovules in Fritillaria delavayi (Liliaceae). Scientific Reports, 2019, 通讯作者;

[9] Reversible colour change in leaves enhances pollinator attraction and reproductive success in Saururus chinensis (Saururaceae). Annals of Botany, 2018, 第一作者;

[8] Host specificity of two pollinating seed-consuming fly species is not related to soil moisture of host plant in the high Himalayas. Ecology and Evolution, 2017, 第一作者;

[7] The bracts of the alpine 'glasshouse' plant Rheum alexandrae (Polygonaceae) enhance reproductive fitness of its pollinating seed-consuming mutualist. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 第一作者;

[6] Pollinator attraction in Cornus capitata (Cornaceae): the relative role of visual and olfactory cues. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015, 第一作者;

[5] Survival and reproduction of plant species in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2014. 第四作者;

[4] A new pollinating seed-consuming mutualism between Rheum nobile and a fly fungus gnat, Bradysia sp., involving pollinator attraction by a specific floral compound. New Phytologist, 2014, 第一作者;

[3] Seed and microsite limitation in Rheum nobile, a rare and endemic plant from the subnival zone of Sino-Himalaya. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2013, 第一作者;

[2] Multifunctional bracts enhance plant fitness during flowering and seed development in Rheum nobile (Polygonaceae), a giant herb endemic to the high Himalayas. Oecologia, 2013, 第一作者;

[1] Habitat-specific responses of seed germination and seedling establishment to soil water condition in two Rheum species in the high Sino-Himalayas. Ecological Research, 2013, 第一作者;




网址: 宋波 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview595933.html

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