摘要: 2022—2023年连续2 a设置不施肥(CK)、常规施肥(CF)、有机肥替代10%化肥(FM1)、有机肥替代30%化肥(FM2)和有机肥替代50%化肥(FM3),共5个处理,探究有机肥替代不同比例化肥对玉米产量和植株氮素吸收利用的影响。结果表明,与CF处理相比,FM1、FM2、FM3处理的2 a平均土壤容重分别降低1.43%、2.15%、4.67%,2 a平均土壤孔隙度分别增加2.07%、2.60%、5.51%,2 a平均硝态氮含量分别增加9.67%、14.86%、11.01%。与CF处理相比,FM1处理玉米植株2 a平均干物质累积量和产量分别增加3.41%、3.42%,FM3处理分别减少3.25%、6.73%。与CF处理相比,FM1处理2 a平均氮素累积量增加4.49%,2 a平均氮肥利用率和氮肥农学利用率分别增加13.62%、6.11%,2 a平均经济效益增加2.87%,2 a平均一氧化二氮(N2O)排放量减少16.41%,且FM1处理增加了茎秆、叶片的氮素累积量。当有机肥替代化肥比例在30%及以上时(FM2、FM3处理),产量和氮肥利用率明显降低,经济效益减少。综上,有机肥替代10%化肥可以显著提高氮肥利用率,减少N2O排放量,是实现氮肥减施和农业绿色高产的推荐有机肥替代化肥比例。
关键词: 夏玉米, 有机肥替代化肥, 产量, 氮肥利用率, N2O排放, 经济效益
Abstract: This study was set up to explore the effects of different organic fertilizer substitution ratios on maize yields and plant uptake and utilization of nitrogen fertilizers in 2022 and 2023 for two consecutive years,including five treatments:No fertilizer(CK),conventional fertilizer(CF),organic fertilizers substituting 10% nitrogen fertilizer(FM1),organic fertilizer substituting 30% nitrogen fertilizer(FM2)and organic fertilizer substituting 50% nitrogen fertilizer(FM3).The results showed that compared with CF treatment,the two‑year average soil bulk density of FM1,FM2,and FM3 treatments decreased by 1.43%,2.15%,and 4.67%,respectively.The two‑year average soil porosity increased by 2.07%,2.60%,and 5.51%,respectively.The two‑year average nitrate nitrogen content increased by 9.67%,14.86%,and 11.01%,respectively.Compared with CF treatment,FM1 treatment increased the two‑year average dry matter accumulation and yield of corn plants by 3.41% and 3.42% over the two years,while FM3 treatment decreased by 3.25% and 6.73%,respectively.Compared with CF treatment,FM1 treatment increased the two‑year average nitrogen accumulation by 4.49% over two years,and the two‑year average nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency and agronomic utilization efficiency increased by 13.62% and 6.11% respectively.The two‑year average economic benefit increased by 2.87% over two years,and the two‑year average nitrogen dioxide(N2O)emission decreased by 16.41% over two years.Moreover,FM1 treatment increased the nitrogen accumulation in stems and leaves.When the proportion of organic fertilizer substituting chemical fertilizer was 30% or more(FM2,FM3 treatments),the yield and nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency were significantly reduced,and the economic benefit was reduced.In summary,substituting 10% chemical fertilizer with organic fertilizer can significantly improve nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency and reduce N2O emission,making it a recommended proportion for achieving nitrogen fertilizer reduction and green and high‑yield agriculture.
Key words: Summer maize, Organic fertilizer substituting chemical fertilizer, Grain yield, Nitrogen use efficiency, N2O emission, Economic benefit
有机肥和化肥长期施用对土壤活性有机氮组分及酶活性的影响 Long
网址: 不同比例有机肥替代化肥对夏玉米氮肥利用率及N2O排放的影响 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview612339.html
上一篇: 稻作系统有机肥替代部分化肥的土壤 |
下一篇: 不同有机肥替代比例对橘园土壤及果 |