摘要: 采用有机肥替代部分化肥是实现化肥使用零增长和作物稳产增产的重要途径。基于近年来的研究进展,探讨了稻作系统有机肥替代部分化肥对水稻产量、氮素利用效率、土壤氮库组分和微生物固氮、氨化、硝化和反硝化等氮循环关键过程的影响。同时,就单施化肥与有机肥替代部分化肥的氮素循环特征进行了比较。有机肥替代部分化肥通过改变稻田土壤氮素循环多个环节(增强氨化过程、协调硝化和反硝化过程、降低氨挥发和减少氮素损失等),改善土壤氮素供给状态(提高小分子有机氮供给、协调无机氮组分与比例、提高土壤微生物量氮和总氮固持),进而促进水稻氮素吸收并协调植株氮素分配过程,最终实现水稻稳产增产。
Abstract: Partial substitution of mineral fertilizers with organic manure is a key strategy for stable and increase crop yield accompanying with zero growth of mineral fertilizers. Based on recent stu-dies, we reviewed the effects of partial substitution of mineral fertilizers with organic manure on rice yield, nitrogen utilization efficiency, soil nitrogen fractions, and microbial nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification in rice paddy ecosystems. We further compared the cha-racteristics of soil nitrogen cycle of mineral fertilizers alone and partial substitution of mineral fertili-zers with organic manure. The partial substitution altered key processes of nitrogen cycling, including enhancement of ammonification, mediation of nitrification and denitrification, reduction of ammonia volatilization and nitrogen loss, improved the status of nitrogen supplements (enriching the supplement of low-molecular-weight organic nitrogen, adjusting the distribution of inorganic nitrogen components, increasing the amount of microbial biomass nitrogen, and decreasing the loss of total nitrogen), improved soil nitrogen supply (increasing supply of small molecule organic nitrogen, coordinating inorganic nitrogen components and proportions, and increasing soil microbial biomass nitrogen and total nitrogen fixation), which promoted nitrogen uptake and regulated nitrogen allocation in rice plant to realize stability and enhancement of rice yield.
有机肥和化肥长期施用对土壤活性有机氮组分及酶活性的影响 Long
网址: 稻作系统有机肥替代部分化肥的土壤氮循环特征及增产机制 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview612340.html
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