SUNOWE Photovoltaic (Zhejiang Sunflower Light Energy Science & Technology LLC), established in 2005 and located in the historical city, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, now employs over 1,500 staff and possesses registration capital reaching 1.1198 billion Yuan. In August 2010, it was successfully launched onto Shenzhen GEM. Mainly engaging in R&D, production and sale of solar energy battery and components, our company is...
Coupling effect of water temperature and light energy on the algal growth in Lake Taihu
第二十届中国国际花卉园艺展览会 展商名录
展商名录、同期论坛最新议程公布 宣伟、阿克苏诺贝尔、三棵树、立邦、嘉宝莉、美瑞新材聚首2024中国国际涂料博览会 展示绿色未来
Design and application of intelligent supplemental light controller for pitaya based on PLC technology
Overview of Studies on Pavement Cooling Mechanism and Its Influencing Factors Based on Reflectance
Path of Digital Technology Promoting Realization of Carbon Neutrality Goal in China's Energy Industry
花卉技术(Flower Technology).doc
Research progress of intercropping, interplanting, and crop rotation models on remediation of cadmium contaminated soil by hyperaccumulators
网址: Zhejiang Sunflower Light Energy Science & Technology LLC
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