【目的】全球季节性高温、干旱已经成为影响作物生长发育和产量形成的主要限制性因素,本研究通过人工模拟阶段高温干旱气候特征,旨在探究夏玉米花期高温、干旱以及高温干旱复合胁迫对其雄穗发育、生理特征及产量形成的影响。【方法】连续2年利用人工智能温室,采用盆栽试验,以郑单958(ZD958)和华农138(HN138)为试验材料,设置对照(CK)、高温胁迫(T)、干旱胁迫(D)和高温干旱复合胁迫(TD)4个处理,研究了夏玉米雄穗形态、花药、花粉结构、花粉活力及雄穗抗氧化指标和产量对花期高温、干旱的响应特征。【结果】2年结果表明,高温、干旱及复合胁迫使玉米雄穗分枝数、主轴小花数和分枝小花密度显著减少,T处理3个参数分别平均比CK减少17.31%、15.70%、13.56%,D和TD处理分别比CK减少33.85%、24.87%、27.08%和45.59%、32.02%、26.00%,干旱及复合胁迫使玉米雄穗主轴比CK平均显著缩短23.64%和27.51%。花期高温、干旱胁迫均导致花药皱缩变形,绒毡层细胞结构松散,花粉粒表面凸起,复合胁迫加剧了花药皱缩变形,绒毡层细胞裂解,药隔维管束变细减少,花粉粒网纹状凸起更为明显,萌发孔内陷。高温、干旱及复合胁迫显著降低雄穗日散粉量,T、D和TD处理日散粉量分别比CK平均减少22.18%、54.75%和67.28%,且使最大散粉量日期提前;T、D和TD处理高活力花粉所占比例显著低于CK,且两两间差异达显著水平。T处理雄穗SOD、POD酶活性升高,较CK平均提高21.91%、32.50%,D和TD处理较CK平均增加24.95%(SOD)、53.37%(POD)和17.12%(SOD)、67.24%(POD),峰值均与CK有极显著差异;T、D和TD处理下雄穗MDA含量较CK平均增加44.18%、64.24%和79.12%,O2 •−" role="presentation">O2 •−含量较CK平均增加22.55%、51.65%和72.29%,处理间峰值差异达显著水平。高温、干旱及复合胁迫导致玉米产量和行粒数大幅度降低,T、D和TD产量比CK平均降低18.05%、34.58%、46.24%,行粒数比CK平均减少24.58%、41.80%和52.99%。胁迫处理下,2个品种以HN138雄穗分枝数、主轴小花数和分枝小花密度下降幅度大于ZD958,且HN138的高活力花粉占比和散粉量比ZD958分别减少27.00%和17.28%;HN138花药和花粉结构畸变程度超过ZD958,其抗氧化酶活性升高幅度小于ZD958,但MDA和O2 •−" role="presentation">O2 •−含量比ZD958高13.07%和20.29%,2个品种以HN138对高温、干旱及复合胁迫响应更为敏感。【结论】玉米花期高温、干旱及复合胁迫显著抑制雄穗生长发育,导致花药和花粉形态结构畸变,抗氧化酶活性降低,散粉量显著减少,导致穗粒数减少,最终导致产量下降;且高温干旱复合胁迫对玉米雄穗的影响大于干旱胁迫大于高温胁迫,不同类型品种对高温、干旱的响应程度不同。
关键词: 夏玉米, 高温干旱, 雄穗形态, 花粉结构与活力, 抗氧化酶活性, 产量
【Objective】 Global seasonal high temperature and drought have become the main limiting factors affecting crop growth and development as well as yield formation. Based on artificial simulation of the climate characteristics of periodic high temperature and drought stress, the effects of high temperature stress, drought stress and the combined stress of high temperature and drought during the flowering stage on morphological development and physiological characteristics of tassel and yield formation of summer maize were explored in this study. 【Method】 The experiment was conducted by pot-experiment in the greenhouse with intelligent control system for two years. Zhengdan 958 (ZD958) and Huanong 138 (HN138) were used as the experimental materials. The four treatments of control (CK), flowering high-temperature stress treatment (T), flowering drought stress treatment (D) and flowering high-temperature-drought combined stress treatment (TD) were set up to study the tassel morphology, anther and pollen structure, pollen viability, tassel antioxidant index and yield of summer maize in response to high temperature and drought during flowering stage. 【Result】 High temperature, drought and combined stress resulted in significant reduction in the tassel branch number, tassel central branch spikelet number and tassel branch spikelet density in maize, and these three parameters of T treatment were 17.31%, 15.70% and 13.56% lower than that under CK, respectively; D and TD treatments were 33.85%, 24.87%, 27.08% and 45.59%, 32.02%, 26.00% lower than CK, respectively. Drought and combined stress significantly shortened tassel central branch length by 23.64% and 27.51%, respectively, compared with CK. High temperature stress and drought stress at flowering stage led to anther shrinkage and deformation, loose arrangement of tapetum cells, and reticular protrusion on pollen grain surface. Combined stress aggravated anther shrinkage and deformation, broken of tapetum cells. And the septal vascular bundles became thinner, the number decreased, the reticular protrusion of pollen grains was more obvious, and the germination holes were invaginated under combined stress. High temperature, drought and combined stress significantly reduced the dispersed amount of pollen in tassel, and the dispersed amount of pollen under T, D and TD treatments was 22.18%, 54.75% and 67.28% less than CK, respectively. The date of maximum dispersed amount of pollen was earlier than that under CK. T, D and TD treatments significantly reduced the proportion of highly vigorous pollen compared with CK. T treatment increased the activities of SOD and POD enzymes in the tassel by 21.91% and 32.50%, respectively, compared with CK; While those under D and TD treatment increased by 24.95% (SOD), 53.37% (POD) and 17.12% (SOD), 67.24% (POD), respectively, compared with CK. The MDA content in the tassel under T, D and TD treatment increased by 44.18%, 64.24%, and 79.12%, respectively, compared with CK; The O2 •−" role="presentation">O2 •− content increased by 22.55%, 51.65%, 72.29%, respectively, compared with CK. High temperature, drought and combined stress reduced maize yield and grain number per row by 18.05%, 34.58%, 46.24% and 24.58%, 41.80%, 52.99%, respectively, compared with CK. Under stress treatment, the tassel branch number, the tassel central branch spikelet number and the tassel branch spikelet density of HN138 were decreased by 27.00% and 17.28%, respectively, compared with ZD958; The distortion degree of anther and pollen structure of HN138 was higher than that of ZD958, and the increase of antioxidant enzyme activity was less than that of ZD958, but MDA and O2 ·-content were 13.07% and 20.29% higher than that of ZD958. HN138 was more sensitive to high temperature, drought and combined stress between two cultivars. 【Conclusion】 The results showed that high temperature, drought and combined stress significantly inhibited the growth and development of tassel, led to the distorted morphological structure of anther and pollen, reduced the dispersed amount of pollen, decreased the activity of antioxidant enzymes, and inhibited the normally pollination and fructification, thus resulting in the decreased kernel number and grain yield. The effect of combined stress of high temperature and drought on tassel was greater than that of single stress, but the response of different varieties to high temperature and drought was different.
Key words: summer maize, high temperature and drought, tassel-related traits, pollen structure and vitality, antioxidant enzyme activity, yield
网址: 花期高温干旱对玉米雄穗发育、生理特性和产量影响 https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview699220.html
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