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摘要: 为了实现烤烟施肥的轻简化,采用框栽试验,测定和分析了不同施肥处理(空白,不施肥;CK,烟草专用复合肥;H1,有机无机肥料配比1:1;H2,有机无机肥料配比2:1)对烤烟干物质及养分积累,养分分配率和表观及经济利用率的影响。结果表明,与空白相比,施肥处理极显著提高了烤烟干物质及养分积累量。与CK相比,H1处理烟株钾的积累量和表观及经济利用率极显著提高,其表观和经济利用率分别增加了24.85和19.16个百分点;H2处理烟株根、茎、叶的干物质及氮、磷、钾积累量显著或极显著增加,其氮、磷、钾的表观利用率极显著提高,分别提高了21.15、6.10和24.59个百分点,经济利用率显著或极显著增加,分别增加了10.97、3.79和18.44个百分点;H1和H2处理均降低了烟叶氮分配率,提高了钾的分配率。综合来看,以H2处理的表现较好。

Abstract: In order to simplify the fertilization of flue-cured tobacco in mountainous regions, a pot experiment was carried out to determine and analyze the effects of different fertilization treatments (blank, no fertilization; CK, fusible tobacco special compound fertilizer; H1 treatment, organic fertilizer:inorganic fertilizer=1:1, H2 treatment, organic fertilizer:inorganic fertilizer=2:1) on dry matter and nutrient accumulation, nutrient distribution ratio, and nutrient utilization ratio of flue-cured tobacco root, stem and leaf. The results showed that compared with the blank, accumulation of dry matter and N, P, K of root, stem, leaf and whole plant was significantly (p ≤ 0.01) increased in the other treatments. Compared with the CK, the K accumulation amount, apparent utilization ratio and economic utilization ratio of H1 treatment were increased significantly (p ≤ 0.01), and that the apparent utilization ratio and economic utilization ratio of H1 treatment were increased 24.85 and 19.16 percentage points, respectively. The accumulation of dry matter and N, P, K of root, stem and leaf of H2 treatment were significantly (p ≤ 0.05 or p ≤ 0.01) increased and the apparent utilization ratios of N, P, K were significantly (p ≤ 0.01) increased, which was 21.15, 6.10 and 24.59 percent higher than the CK, respectively. Simultaneously, the economic utilization ratios of N, P, K of H2 treatment were significantly (p ≤ 0.05 or p ≤ 0.01) increased by 10.97, 3.79 and 18.44 percentage points compared to the CK, respectively. Compared with the CK, the N distribution ratio of leaves was reduced while that of K was increased in organic-inorganic compound fertilizer (H1 and H2). In summary, H2 treatment showed the best performance.


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