@荷兰驻华大使馆 @荷兰旅游局官方微博
As of March 14, an emergency regulation of the Dutch government is in force, with the aim to limit the spread of the corona virus. It states that meetings with more than 100 people are not allowed in the Netherlands. This also applies to outdoor meetings. The measures are valid until March 31.
This implies that Keukenhof Flower Exhibition cannot open on March 21.
Keukenhof is the international showcase for the Dutch floricultural sector that we create together with hundreds of floriculture companies. It is the icon of Holland that is visited yearly by more than a million people. We organize Keukenhof together with many partners. We also work closely with international tourism. The fact that Keukenhof cannot open is a huge disappointment with major financial consequences for all involved. The dismay among employees and partners who have worked on the preparation for a year is huge. The park is currently ready for opening, the flower bulbs are blooming and the flower shows are largely decorated.
We realize that these measures have major personal and business consequences for many people and companies involved with Keukenhof and international tourism in the spring season.
Keukenhof is an organization prepared for her dependence on nature and international developments. We are now rapidly acting on this new situation. Keukenhof’s long-term continuity is not jeopardized.
We carefully monitor the ongoing situation and will inform you as soon as possible about the period of time after March 31. We are ready to open on April 1, the day after the emergency regulation expires.
社区新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎 预防控制指导手册
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荆门市人民政府 政策通知 社区新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎预防控制指导手册 (试行版)
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网址: 新消息:由于受冠状病... https://m.huajiangbk.com/newsview787994.html
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