首页 > 分享 > 胶体金免疫层析产品快速检测农药残留的评价与分析


摘要: 本文建立一种快速检测试剂的质量评价方法。采用空白基质加标方式制备盲样,并验证盲样的均匀性;每个快检产品随意抽取3个不同批次,每批次产品均检测50份盲样,其中阴性样品、阳性样品至少20份。对市售的14个农药残留快速检测产品的特异性、准确性(假阳性率、假阴性率)等参数进行了评价,共完成了2100份盲样检测。结果表明,14个产品中,11个产品通过评价,通过率为78.6%,1个产品假阳性率较高,2个产品的假阴性率较高;全部产品的特异性均较好。本方法可对快速检测产品进行科学客观的质量评价,进而筛选出质量稳定可靠的快速检测产品,为基层监管部门在果蔬产品监管方面提供技术支持。

Abstract: In this work,a quality evaluation method for rapid detection kits was established. The blind samples were prepared by spiking blank matrices and the homogeneity and the stability of them were verified simultaneously. Three different batches of rapid detection kits were randomly selected from each product,and each one was used to detect 50 blind samples which contained at least 20 positive and 20 negative samples. The specificity and accuracy(false positive and false negative)and other parameters of 14 commercially available assay kits for the rapid screening of pesticide residue were evaluated with a total of 2100 blind samples. The results showed that,11 of 14 of rapid detection kits passed the evaluation with a pass rate of 78.6%. One product had a higher false positive rate and two had a higher false negative rate;all the products had good specificity.This method could scientifically and objectively evaluate the quality of rapid testing products,and then screen out the rapid testing products with stable and reliable quality,and would provide technical support for grassroots regulatory authorities in the supervision of fruit and vegetable products.

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